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Book Title
Histoire générale et particulière des anomalies de l'organisation chez l'homme et les animaux
Publication Details
Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1832-1837
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

lines 1—2 score
top-margin annotation Embryology

line 14 underline "l'âge embryonnaire"
line 15 underline "l'âge foetal"
lines 11—14 annotation What is difference?

lines 8—14 score
lines 12—6 score
lines 3—1 score
line 2 underline "Geoffroy"
line 1 underline "XI"
line 13bottom-margin annotation I do not see how this union could be effected even if doulbe monsters start frm the germ .

lines 8—11 double score

lines 6—7 score

lines 15—16 score
line 16 underline "Loi ... soi"

lines 1—3 score
lines 1—3 score in reddish-orange crayon

lines 12—17 score
line 13 underline "qui ... ses"

lines 18—19 score

lines 24—28 score
lines 24—28 underline "Je ... nerfs"
from End Slip 3, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil 39 admits that arrests of Developmt do not apply to variation.

lines 1—3 score

lines 3—1 score
lines 2—1 underline "un ... même"

lines 6—3 score
lines 6—5 underline "on ... rudimens"

lines 13—25 score
lines 17—20 double score
from End Slip 3, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil 104 Correlation of Monstrosities

lines 6—1 score

lines 14—11 score
lines 13—12 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation X I ought to apply it to varieties .

line 18 underline "l'habile anatomiste"
lines 20—22 score
lines 20—21 underline "les ... animaux"


lines 16—18 score
line 18 underline "un ... placés"
from End Slip 3, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil 115 disputes M. Vernière
from End Slip 3, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil 116 . Monst like other animals Xt01 285 Carp.
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon

lines 12—13 score
line 12 underline "extérieur ... congéniales"

lines 2—1 score cancelled
line 1 underline "sont ... congéniales"

lines 16—20 score
line 18 underline "une foule de"

lines 5—8 score
lines 10—12 score
line 11 underline "dessus ... moyenne"
line 12 underline "à ... nain"
lines 4—12 annotation other cases before

[continues overleaf] lines 9—7 score
lines 8—7 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation p. 164 Exception

lines 4—16 score

lines 11—9 score
line 11 underline "transmissible"
line 10 underline "Il ... point"

lines 3—1 score

line 1 score
bottom-margin annotation (New Edit?
     Never published

from End Note annotation p. 241 Book = Edwards Suites Races Humaines
show subjects concepts

bottom-margin annotation 583 [÷*] 14 [=] 41.9
show subjects concepts

lines 7—8 score
line 7 underline "frères ... pesait"

bottom-margin annotation 649 [÷*] 14 [=] 46.5
show subjects concepts

lines 6—8 score
lines 6—8 underline "et ... organes"
lines 8—14
lines 14—17 score

line 22 apparently unintentional mark

lines 4—3 score
lines 4—3 annotation in brown ink ( Q)t01
from End Slip 3, Side 1 annotation in reddish-orange crayon X 276 (Q) Compensation Ch. Kidny & super-vent capila[damaged: ripped]
t01 - `Q' in pencil

lines 1—3 double score

lines 8—7 score

lines 14—10 score
lines 14—10 annotation (Q)
from End Slip 3, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil 116 . Monst like other animals Xt01 285 Carp.
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon

lines 15—6 score

lines 18—19 score

lines 13—15 score
show subjects subjects

lines 3—4 score
lines 12—14 score

lines 1—3 score
lines 1—3 annotation ?
top-margin annotation Bay horses Goats Pigs Cows

lines 14—10 score
line 13 underline in pale pencil "les cils"
line 13 underline "les ... sourcils"

lines 16—13 score
lines 6—4 score
lines 6—1 annotation shows how common.

lines 21—24 score in pale pencil
line 21 underline in pale pencil "de l'irritation"

lines 7—3 score
line 4 underline "combien ... situation"

lines 11—14 score in pale pencil
lines 15—18 score in pale pencil
lines 21—23 score in pale pencil
lines 25—26 score

lines 8—9 score

line 13 underline "occuper"
lines 13—25 annotation This wd go to show that any part which has changed much will tend to change more. /
from End Slip 3, Side 1 annotation in pale pencilvertically crossed 418 organs most change in position which durng «normal» development change most

line 18 score
lines 16—18 score
lines 16—18 annotation (Q)

lines 17—14 score
lines 16—15 underline "le ... mâchoire"
lines 12—8 score
lines 9—8 underline "de ... surnuméraires"
lines 7—4 score

[continues overleaf] 1 underline "la transposition"

[continues overleaf] lines 6—3 score
lines 5—4 underline "a fréquemment"

lines 8—9 score
lines 13—15 double score

lines 16—18 score
lines 8—7 score

lines 5—7 score
lines 5—7 annotation X
top-marginline 4 annotation X there have been endless remarks, such as this; but thy appear vague, considerng what endless diversities th whole series of animals must present.
show subjects subjects

line 9 score [`bookmark']

lines 16—15 score
lines 12—11 score
lines 10—9 score in pale pencil

whole-margin annotation (Q)
     Avoiding term of "development excentrique" I ought to say that variation parts, as trunks & branches of arteries & nerves, depend in some degree, upon which are first developed in embryo, th first being most constant.

from End Slip 3, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil 484 (X)t01 Parts (Q)t02 earliest developed vary least because later formd affected by earlier
t01 - `(X)' in reddish-orange crayon
t02 - `(Q)' in brown ink

lines 13—16 score

lines 12—9 score

line 4 underline in pale pencil "divers ... splanchniques"
lines 11—12 score in pale pencil
lines 16—17 score in pale pencil
line 1bottom-margin annotation in pale pencil No case of hereditariness in any of these varieties, but then hard to discover , how seldom father & son dissected.

lines 7—5 score

lines 8—3 score
line 1 double score

line 2 underline in reddish-orange crayon "affinité ... soi"
bottom-margin → in reddish-orange crayon

lines 10—8 score
lines 10—8 annotation (Q)
bottom-margin annotation ⧟ This perhaps may bear on some organ single in som animal & double in another.— V. Cuvier Anat: Comp:
     see next Page

lines 3—7 score
line 5 underline "médiane"
line 9 score
top-marginline 10 annotation Some other cases of monstrosities have been given in Man & Mammifers
show subjects subjects

lines 11—8 score

lines 3—6 score
line 5 underline "bien ... poissons"
show subjects subjects

lines 10—7 score
lines 10—7 annotation deleted This is hereditary, Dict. Med. Sci.
show subjects subjects

bottom-margin annotation This tendeny to monstrosities by arrest of development, is perhaps allied to "avitism". — No, sporting back of hybrids, where germ affected shows no connection with arrest of embryo

lines 1—2 score
lines 4—6 score

lines 14—17 score
lines 16—17 underline "Cette ... entier"

lines 1—2 score
line 1 underline "n'existent ... rudimentaires"

lines 13—27 double score
line 21 underline "cuisse ... pied"
lines 18—20 annotation (Q)
lines 2—1 double score
from End Slip 3, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil 635 Muscles of arms when monstrous «Xt01 (Qt02 take after legs — Homologous parts
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon
t02 - `(Q)' in dark pencil

lines 12—14 score in pale pencil
lines 16—17 score in pale pencil
line 14 at "générale" annotation in pale pencil
lines 6—11 annotation of homologous organs varying

lines 2—1 score

lines 10—13 score

lines 4—5 score in reddish-orange crayon

lines 16—19 score
lines 19—20 annotation Correltn
lines 21—23 score
lines 22—23 annotation in reddish-orange crayon X
lines 24—27 score

lines 11—10 score
lines 9—8 score

lines 7—8 score
line 8 underline "et le rudiment"
lines 10—13 score
line 10 underline "orteils ... arrondi"
lines 13—14 underline "que ... développement"

line 18 score
line 18 underline "que ... fille"
lines 3—1 score in pencil
from End Note annotation /(⸮ p. 677. Book worth getting ⸮    most cases seem given in text ) ??

lines 3—6 score
line 4 underline "leurs ... incomplètement"
lines 10—11 score
line 10 underline "étaient rudimentaires"
lines 11—13 score
line 11 underline "Le père"
top-marginline 13 annotation inheritnce of diminishd fingers
line 16 underline "de moignon"
lines 15—17 annotation rudiment (in th father)
line 22 underline "réduits"
lines 21—22 annotation / in granddaughter

lines 9—5 score
line 8 underline "par diminution"
line 6 underline "par augmentation"

line 17 [
line 17 annotation to 702
show subjects concepts

lines 3—7 score
lines 4—5 annotation in reddish-orange crayon X

lines 11—14 score
lines 11—13 annotation in reddish-orange crayon X
show subjects subjects

lines 3—10 score in reddish-orange crayon

lines 12—13 score
lines 12—13 annotation in reddish-orange crayon X
line 13 underline "chien"

lines 17—18 double score
lines 17—18 annotation X
top-margin annotation Xt01 quite regular so not be counted
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon

[continuation] 1—2 score in pale pencil
lines 1—2 annotation in reddish-orange crayon X

lines 8—10 score in pale pencil
lines 8—10 annotation in reddish-orange crayon X
line 10 underline in reddish-orange crayon "trois doigts"

lines 18—19 annotation in reddish-orange crayon X
line 19 underline in reddish-orange crayon "cinq"
lines 20—22 score in pale pencil
lines 3—1 score in pale pencil
lines 3—2 annotation in reddish-orange crayon X
lines 2—1 underline "Cochon ... sc"

line 6 underline in reddish-orange crayon "deux"
line 7 underline in reddish-orange crayon "doigts"
line 7 underline in reddish-orange crayon "cheval"
line 7 annotation in reddish-orange crayon X
show subjects subjects

lines 13—16 score
show subjects subjects

lines 17—22 score in pale pencil
lines 18—22 score in reddish-orange crayon
show subjects subjects

lines 10—11 score
show subjects subjects

lines 15—12 score
lines 14—13 annotation in reddish-orange crayon X
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] lines 4—3 underline "presque ... terre"
lines 9—2 score
lines 9—2 annotation rudimentay organ variable
from End Slip 3, Side 1 annotation in pale pencil 692 Rudimtry orgns varialb & mor developed.

lines 6—8 double score
show subjects subjects

lines 15—16 annotation in reddish-orange crayon X

line 14 underline "des oiseaux"
line 11 underline "oiseaux"
lines 13—11 annotation !?
show subjects subjects

lines 3—1 score

lines 7—10 score
line 9 underline "rudimentaire"

lines 3—4 score
lines 13—16 score
show subjects subjects