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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
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‹ › deleted ■ pinholes visible ⧟ line connects passages
« » inserted ⇑ count up from last line ÷* long division
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

⇑line 8 underline "structure"
bottom-margin annotation There is a resemblanc «an analogy» of animals of tropics like that of animal inhabiting Water or air — This is different from [continues on page 5] forms of isld near continents
show subjects subjects

lines 16—22 double score
lines 17—20 annotation Royle

⇑lines 8—1 score
⇑lines 8—1 score
⇑lines 8—1 annotation deleted ?

lines 7—11 score
lines 7—11 annotation authority ⸮

top-margin annotation The first origin of migration must be before countries had divided /
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] ⇑lines 5—1 score

lines 10—14 score
line 11 underline "three ... belonging"
line 12 annotation &----
bottom-margin annotation & subgroups.— Madagascar &c

[continuation] 3—5 score
lines 1—2 annotation Falklands
show subjects subjects

⇑line 11 annotation was taken by Cook to N. Zealand

top-margin annotation Crocodile near the Navigators
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 1—5 double score
show subjects subjects

lines 15—20 score
line 17 underline "remote"
lines 17—20 annotation ? 10 miles
show subjects subjects

top-margin annotation Elephant Borneo &c &c !
show subjects subjects

⇑lines 9—5 score in pale pencil
⇑lines 9—8 annotation in pale pencilhorizontally crossed Ascension

bottom-margin annotation in pale pencilcancelled in pencil Frogs not on Volcanic Isld.
     Snakes    Lizards first
show subjects subjects

⇑lines 12—5 score
⇑lines 11—9 annotation no
bottom-margin annotation Mention Bourbon Norfolk Isld Pitcairn? Mauritius Galapagos

⇑lines 10—6 score
from Front Note 1 annotation p 93 AD1794 .unparalleled for drought.

bottom-margin annotation [ Most Philosophical Chapter]

line 5 underline "lizards"
line 5 annotation ?
show subjects subjects

line 3 annotation St of Magellan

line 21 at "man" annotation intellectual
show subjects subjects

line 22 underline "mangrove"
line 22 annotation ??

bottom-margin apparently unintentional mark

top-margin annotation Were separate sexes introduced in those orders most subject to [continues on page 135] variation ?

top-margin annotation Beside difficulty of transportal in two directions ,surely time required for such change of climate ,would produce fresh species.

lines 1—5 score
top-margin annotation Alpine forms ought to be varied; to be sure mountains generally near each other

⇑lines 13—2 score
⇑lines 7—6 annotation X
⇑lines 22—12 annotation X Yes but he accounts for the insects on top of montain

bottom-margin annotation Intermediate ‹steps› species, propagation on isld.—

lines 4—10 score
lines 18—22 score
bottom-margin annotation & where whole continents have become colder than montains centre

⇑lines 12—9 score
⇑lines 13—11 annotation What reasons ?
bottom-margin annotation Sudden appearanc of animals. quite done away by my theory / — State what opposite theorist [continues on page 147] have been driven to.

top-margin annotation [drawing]
show subjects concepts

bottom-margin annotation (Nothing beyond this with reference to Transmutation of Species)

top-margin—line 4 annotation [drawing]

lines 8—15 score
top-margin—line 7 annotation May this not be viewed merely that the peat plants cannot grow whilst under trees but conqur when blwn down

top-margin score [`bookmark']

lines 10—19 score
lines 19—31 score
lines 22—26 annotation action of bog on red sand

bottom-margin annotation [drawing]
show subjects concepts

line 4 underline "subsidence ... earthquakes"
top-margin annotation earthquake caused by subsidence

⇑lines 9—1 score
bottom-margin annotation [?]Concretions on Stones / Yet pebbles moved

lines 1—3 double score
lines 1—3 annotation ⸮

top-margin annotation [drawing]

⇑lines 9—3 score
whole-margin annotation in one case dependent on the species, in other on non decomposition

lines 3—6 score
lines 3—6 annotation only in some zoophytes
show subjects subjects

lines 1—4 score
top-margin annotation [drawing]
show subjects subjects

top-margin annotation [drawing]
show subjects concepts

lines 3—8 score
⇑lines 14—9 score
bottom-margin annotation Only can be jugdged after Subsidence
     Artificial channels in Cocos soon filled up.—

top-margin annotation deleted [drawing]
show subjects concepts

lines 14—20 annotation Meandrin s [illegible phrase, occluded by blotch of mid-grey ink]
show subjects subjects

⇑line 10 underline "we admit"
⇑lines 10—8 annotation / No
show subjects subjects

top-margin annotation [drawing]

lines 10—21 score
line 16 underline "Otaheite"
lines 12—19 annotation parallel lines

⇑lines 12—7 double score
⇑line 10 underline "corals"

lines 1—3 double score
top-margin annotation I suspect reefs of diff structur in diff parts
show subjects subjects

lines 8—11 multiple score in dark pencil
lines 12—15 double score

bottom-margin annotation where is the reef 600 miles long?

bottom-margin annotation Why lime not all fastened near Equator
show subjects concepts

top-margin annotation [drawing]
show subjects concepts

lines 14—28 score
lines 16—23 annotation Galapagos

bottom-margin annotation [drawing]
show subjects concepts

top-margin annotation [drawing]
show subjects concepts

lines 1—19 score
top-margin—line 15 annotation ought not this to have come sooner or never

[continues overleaf] 1—figure score
line 6 underline "of ... periods"
lines 3—10 annotation follow it out

[continuation] 3—5 double score
line 4 underline "at ... elevations"

⇑lines 11—1 score
bottom-margin annotation This would be the result, if the periods of repose followed each other in a more acceleratg

top-margin—figure annotation at first stage, little more repose would destroy bit z, but how much longer to destroy z....
show subjects concepts

lines 7—13 score
lines 5—13 annotation X / surely all valleys
bottom-margin annotation Origin of St. Cruz Valley / Mouth of St. of Magellan

⇑lines 8—2 score
⇑lines 5—3 annotation ?

bottom-margin annotation Terraces «on sides of valleys»; cliffs; / Inclination of valleys )
show subjects concepts