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Book Title
Histoire naturelle générale des règnes organiques
Publication Details
Paris, Victor Masson, 1854-1862
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

Copyright Status:
In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

line 3 double score
lines 2—1 score
show subjects concepts

lines 11—8 score
lines 10—9 underline "Tels ... soie"
lines 11—6 annotation Silkworms artificially fed & well domesticated

lines 4—3

lines 8—7 double score
show subjects subjects

lines 4—2 score
line 3 underline "quarante-cinq siècles"

lines 12—15 double score
line 13 annotation no selection
show subjects subjects

line 2 underline "dix-sept oiseaux"
show subjects subjects

lines 2—3 annotation Swan not varied

lines 7—9 score
line 8 underline "Zend-avesta"
lines 13—14 score
lines 13—14 score
lines 2—1 score
line 1 underline "aussi ... 395"

lines 13—11 score

lines 20—21 annotation Llamas

lines 6—8 score
lines 6—8 annotation Guinea Pig Origin unknown

lines 9—15
lines 9—15 annotation Ferrets probably Polecat
show subjects concepts

lines 1—3 score
lines 1—6 annotation Rabbit not in Greece or Italy
lines 13—14 annotation originlly Spanish }
lines 10—7 score
line 6 underline "îles Baléares"
lines 9—4 annotation rabbits in France & Spain before our era

lines 14—13 score

lines 9—12 score
lines 9—12 annotation (Q)
show subjects subjects

lines 12—16 score
lines 12—16 (

lines 10—13 double score
lines 15—23 score in pale pencil
bottom-margin annotation Why shd not name of conquerng races become modified & transferred

lines 4—1 score
line 2 underline "noms ... sanscrite"

lines 2—3 double score
show subjects concepts

lines 12—9 score
lines 12—11 annotation Blyth .

line 2 annotation Dog all Qt01
t01 - `all Q' in brown ink
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 12—8 score

lines 7—9 score
lines 7—9 annotation How about spots over eyes
show subjects subjects

lines 10—8 score

lines 3—1 score
lines 3—1 annotation in brown ink (Q)
show subjects subjects

lines 1—2 score

lines 9—6 )
lines 9—6 score in pale pencil
lines 9—6 annotation in pale pencil (Q)

lines 2—1 double score
lines 2—1 annotation too few rcnt [ie `recent']

line 15 score
line 15 underline "L'hybridité ... tétras"
lines 10—9 score
show subjects concepts

lines 6—8 score
lines 11—12 score

lines 12—13 score

lines 3—4 score
line 4 underline "surtout ... bouc"
lines 3—6 annotation ?? see ‹next› p p. 163
show subjects subjects

lines 14—12 )

lines 9—12 score
show subjects concepts

lines 4—5 score
show subjects concepts

line 1 underline "menstruation"

\lines 2—1 score
line 1 underline "baudet ... sans"

lines 18—19 double score
line 18 annotation in brown ink (Q)
lines 21—22 double score
from End Note annotation Cats hybrids    p. 177 (Used)t01
t01 - `(Used)' in dark pencil

lines 1—4 score
show subjects concepts

lines 6—10 annotation (Q)
lines 9—14 score
lines 10—12 ✔ in brown ink
lines 11—13 annotation Pigeon crosses
show subjects concepts

line 6 score in reddish-brown crayon
lines 2—1 score in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects concepts

lines 7—9 score

lines 6—15 annotation sam rules hold in individuals
     ‹Do› The rule holds with squirrel
show subjects subjects

lines 17—18 score
show subjects subjects

lines 2—8 score

[continues overleaf] 16—17 underline "Est-il ... père"
show subjects subjects

[continuation] 1 score
show subjects subjects

lines 13—14 double score
lines 11—10 double score
lines 5—4 double score

lines 1—2 score in pale pencil
line 4 underline in pale pencil "trois ... eux"
lines 5—8 double score in pale pencil
lines 15—13 score in pale pencil
lines 10—8 score
lines 6—2 score

lines 9—10 double score

lines 1—4 double score
show subjects concepts

lines 18—20 double score
lines 4—2 double score

lines 9—7 double score

lines 6—8 double score
show subjects concepts

lines 24—7 score
lines 24—20 annotation (Q)
line 21 underline "1784"
line 20 underline "sur ... jaune"
lines 19—15 annotation in dark pencil selection
lines 9—7 annotation 100/1000 : 35/1000


lines 1—3 score

lines 13—7 score in pale pencil

line 10 annotation X
line 3 score
show subjects concepts

lines 17—13 score
lines 14—11 score
from End Slip 2 annotation in dark brown ink ‹4› 402    changes in naturalised Helix — May bear on Madeira & P. Santo peculiar species —t01
t01 - `— May ... —' in pencil

lines 12—9 score
lines 12—9
lines 1—5 score
lines 1—5 annotation But how kn parent

lines 3—1 score

lines 7—2 score
lines 7—5 annotation in brown ink Q

lines 10—15 score in pale pencil
lines 11—17 score
lines 2—1 score

lines 1—2 apparently unintentional mark in brown ink

lines 4—9 score
lines 6—9 double score in dark pencil
lines 18—21 double score
lines 4—2 double score

bottom-margin → in brown ink

lines 2—1 score
line 1 underline "parmi ... Pigeon"

lines 8—3 score in dark pencil

lines 17—20 score

lines 7—3 score
lines 6—4 annotation in brown ink Q

lines 12—14 score
lines 12—14 annotation Cart-Horse & Race Horse

lines 12—15 score