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Book Title
Mécanisme de la physionomie humaine, ou analyse électro-physiologique de l'expression des passions
Publication Details
Paris, Jules Renouard, 1862
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

Copyright Status:
In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

line 17 underline "Il ... rare"
lines 18—19 score
line 18 underline "score'ait ... deux"

bottom-margin annotation vertically crossed Aftr speakng of th movemt of th limbs, he turn to tho of th face, & remarks,
lines 12—2 annotation “    ”
lines 11—3 score
lines 12—9 annotation vertically crossed (as in th ‹movg Limbs› movements of our limbs.)
lines 11—7 score
lines 10—9 underline "par ... seul"
lines 7—6 underline "caractéristiques ... homme"
lines 11—7 annotation vertically crossed !    good t show how Thery fails
line 5bottom-margin annotation Praise his book. well-knw for oth excellent Tretises, & add much undervalued ,in my opinion, by other writers — a vast step in advance
from End Slip annotation in brown ink p. 31.    showng absurdly how all «exprssn» created.

figure at "F" annotation Litle Z
figure at "I" annotation gr. zy.
from End Note annotation in pale pencil p 2    woodcut of fac[?]ial

lines 7—9 score
from End Slip annotation in brown ink 36 43 53 } antagonism of sourcilier & frontal

lines 8—11 score
lines 6—12 annotation Judgng by his experiments , the movement does seem entirely due to sourcilier
from End Slip annotation in brown ink 36 43 53 } antagonism of sourcilier & frontal

lines 18—21 score
lines 18—21 annotation which I suppose opposes sourcilier

lines 9—6 score

[continues overleaf] lines 4—3 score

lines 1—3 score
from End Slip annotation in brown ink 36 43 53 } antagonism of sourcilier & frontal

lines 15—16 score
line 15 underline "paupière inférieure"
lines 17—22 score
lines 17—22 annotation in pale pencil See Large Plates
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] 15 underline "lèvre inférieure"
line 16 underline "peu ... avant"
lines 2—1 score
from End Slip annotation in brown ink 75 triangular of lip

top-margin annotation 81
show subjects concepts

lines 4—1 score
lines 4—1 annotation in pale pencil The eyes bng open to see

lines 14—21 score
from End Slip annotation in brown inknot in Darwin's hand 180 on the pyramidal bringing down the «brows»

top-margin annotation Ch. Darwin
show subjects concepts

line 7 at "16" annotation 20

lines 13—14 score

annotation p 2    woodcut of fac[?]ial