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All titles related to this item The fruits and fruit trees of America
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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
No Marks
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

show subjects concepts

⇑lines 8—6 unmarked
from End Slip 1, Side 1 annotation Catalogue of Books
     p. VIII

⇑lines 5—1 score
show subjects subjects

line 5 score [`bookmark']

lines 28—29 score [`bookmark']

bottom-margin apparently unintentional mark

lines 22—24 score
lines 22—24 annotation !

⇑lines 12—7 score
show subjects subjects

lines 16—23 score in dark pencil
line 22 underline in dark pencil "to ... of"
lines 19—29 score
lines 23—28 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation p 5 — On fruit-trees not being true, when grafted — Good
show subjects subjects

lines 4—8 score

lines 10—12 score
lines 11—12 underline "subdue ... luxuriance"

lines 16—17 underline "he ... shortens"
lines 18—20 score in pencil
line 19 underline "vigour ... trees"
lines 16—20 annotation This does not look like excess of food

lines 29—31 score in pencil

⇑lines 13—7 score
⇑lines 13—7 annotation why more in America thn in Europe
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] ⇑lines 13—11 score
⇑lines 8—6 score
⇑lines 11—7 annotation are these species V. table
⇑lines 5—1 score
⇑line 4—bottom-margin annotation any case of crossed species like this ?
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 9. Crossed apple with fruit different at 2 ends

lines 1—2 score
line 1 underline "single ... moths"

lines 6—9 score
lines 5—12 annotation Is this selection or adaptation. latter, I thn [ie `think'?]
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 60. Evry district has its fruit best adapted to it. (Mem: Chinese)
show subjects subjects

lines 4—5 score

⇑lines 10—9 double score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 116 Italian tender apple — Several hardy ones mentioned as Count of Wick «& p.124» — Several sub-vars mentioned «as (p.130) several Reinettes &c»

lines 14—15 score
lines 14—15 annotation sub-var

lines 23—24 double score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 116 Italian tender apple — Several hardy ones mentioned as Count of Wick «& p.124» — Several sub-vars mentioned «as (p.130) several Reinettes &c»

lines 21—22 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 116 Italian tender apple — Several hardy ones mentioned as Count of Wick «& p.124» — Several sub-vars mentioned «as (p.130) several Reinettes &c»

⇑line 8—bottom-margin annotation 4 Reinette
     several Pearmain
     several Russett
     several — Sweeting
     — Spitzenbergers p. 139

from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 116 Italian tender apple — Several hardy ones mentioned as Count of Wick «& p.124» — Several sub-vars mentioned «as (p.130) several Reinettes &c»

top-margin annotation 4
show subjects concepts

lines 11—13 score in dark pencil

lines 4—9 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 150 Difference in hardiness in Almonds p473 in Peaches t01 p488 do    Raspberries p.517 — Strawberrs p.533
t01 - underlined in reddish-brown crayon

lines 20—23 annotation Study all, I have only skimmed.
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

⇑lines 3—1 score

lines 2—4 score
line 3 underline "have little"
line 6 underline "Stone ... bitter"

⇑lines 11—7 score
⇑lines 7—5 score
⇑line 2 underline ""adhering somewhat"
⇑line 1 underline "Kernel sweet"

lines 12—16 score
lines 12—16 score in dark pencil

lines 1—3 annotation p 9. Heart & Bigarrieu have been crossed by Knight
show subjects concepts

lines 2—5 score
lines 3—6 score
line 6 underline "called"
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 176 American Cherry    p. 184

lines 6—11 double score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in dark brown ink «192 Sporting cherry»
show subjects subjects

lines 1—5 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 195. Cluster Cherry; a flower has several pistils & each produces a fruit — Flemish peculiar Cherry

⇑lines 10—8 score
⇑lines 8—6 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
bottom-margin → in reddish-brown crayon
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 195. Cluster Cherry; a flower has several pistils & each produces a fruit — Flemish peculiar Cherry

lines 16—17 score
lines 24—26 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in dark brown ink «198 a var. of Cherry liable to attack of insects more thn oth vars .»

lines 12—13 score
line 13 underline "perhaps ... hardiest"

lines 25—28 score
line 27 underline "enumerates ... considered"
line 28 score in reddish-brown crayon

⇑line 9 underline "spreading"
⇑line 7 underline "hairy"
⇑lines 7—6 underline "branches ... growth"
⇑line 4 underline "late ... very"
⇑line 4 underline in reddish-brown crayon "drooping"
⇑line 2 underline "oblong"

lines 25—36 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 248 The wild native vines differ in quality p.253, p 254, 259 | p.261. do. vars of wild Hiccory

lines 17—18 score
line 17 underline "habit ... vine"
line 18 underline "bear ... here"
show subjects subjects

⇑line 18—bottom-margin annotation Ascertain, whether this comes under th Fox (V. Labrusca) p. 253 grape , or under some other . (V. adlum or Prince), if so case of two species blended by crossing, thoug intentionally crossed.

⇑line 16 at "Bland" annotation a native Grape
⇑line 15 underline "Miller's Burgundy"
⇑line 16 annotation «p 240 Old World Grape—»
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 256 A cross between old world & new world Grape

⇑lines 2—1 score
⇑line 1 underline "appears ... varieties"

lines 1—12 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 248 The wild native vines differ in quality p.253, p 254, 259 | p.261. do. vars of wild Hiccory

lines 3—6 score
line 4 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation X it cannot be extra food which makes so many new vars. of apples, Peachs & plums in N. America — V. further on — climate or soil very favoural

lines 20—41 annotation The number of American plums really surprising
show subjects subjects

lines 9—13 score
lines 7—21 annotation colour & constitution — is there not something about peaches & nectarines?
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 270 Purple Plums much most attacked by certain diseases, never yellow vars.

⇑lines 7—3 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 270 Purple Plums much most attacked by certain diseases, never yellow vars.

lines 29—30 annotation (1)
show subjects concepts

lines 22—23 annotation 2
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 30—31 annotation 3
show subjects concepts

⇑line 1 annotation 4
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 11—12 annotation 5
show subjects concepts

line 7 annotation 6
show subjects concepts

line 17 annotation 7
show subjects concepts

lines 27—28 annotation 8
show subjects concepts

⇑lines 2—1 annotation 9
show subjects concepts

line 21 annotation 10
show subjects concepts

lines 24—26 score in dark pencil

⇑line 7 annotation 11
show subjects concepts

⇑lines 16—14 annotation 12
show subjects concepts

⇑lines 12—10 score in dark pencil
⇑lines 14—12 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

⇑lines 4—1 score in dark pencil

lines 3—4 underline in dark pencil "has ... shoots"
lines 3—4 annotation in dark pencil X

line 12 underline in dark pencil "The ... ends"
line 12 annotation in dark pencil X

⇑lines 12—11 annotation 13
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

⇑lines 16—15 annotation 14
show subjects concepts

⇑lines 13—6 score /⇑lines 13—6 score in dark pencil

lines 4—5 annotation 15
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

⇑lines 10—9 annotation 16
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 15—19 score in dark pencil
line 17 annotation 17
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 284— Siamese Plum — attached together on one stalk

⇑lines 14—13 annotation 18
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

⇑lines 10—6 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

⇑lines 5—4 annotation 19
show subjects concepts

lines 13—19 score in dark pencil
line 13 annotation 20
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation    Many ‹p› vars . of Plums raised in America p 289, 292 & Peaches t01 p.469
t01 - underlined in reddish-brown crayon

⇑line 1 annotation 21
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation    Many ‹p› vars . of Plums raised in America p 289, 292 & Peaches t01 p.469
t01 - underlined in reddish-brown crayon

lines 19—20 annotation 23
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation    Many ‹p› vars . of Plums raised in America p 289, 292 & Peaches t01 p.469
t01 - underlined in reddish-brown crayon

lines 22—33 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation    Many ‹p› vars . of Plums raised in America p 289, 292 & Peaches t01 p.469
t01 - underlined in reddish-brown crayon

line 5 annotation 24
show subjects concepts

line 18 annotation 25
show subjects concepts

line 24 annotation 26
show subjects concepts

⇑lines 7—6 annotation 27
show subjects concepts

lines 8—9 annotation 28
show subjects concepts

lines 29—30 annotation 29
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 7 annotation X
show subjects subjects

line 10 annotation 30
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 8—9 annotation 31
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 5—6 annotation 32
show subjects concepts

line 12 annotation 33
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

⇑lines 9—8 annotation 34
show subjects concepts

lines 6—38 score
lines 6—38 annotation There have been several cases of fruits, thus classed, where reproduction is known or inferred,
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 304 Grups of Orleans Plums, wher known to have descended — many plum hereditary
show subjects subjects

lines 1—3 score
top-margin annotation I have noticed that most of th varieties differ in all respects as well as in fruits

lines 3—4 annotation 36
show subjects concepts

line 13 annotation 37
show subjects concepts

⇑line 6 annotation 38
show subjects concepts

lines 12—13 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

⇑lines 5—1 score in dark pencil

⇑lines 7—4 score

lines 7—8 annotation X
show subjects concepts

lines 16—17 annotation 40
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 19—25 score
show subjects subjects

lines 3—6 score
lines 3—6 annotation numerous cases such as this

⇑lines 6—1 score

lines 13—15 score
lines 13—16 score
line 19 underline "distinct ... native"
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 422 Washington , a vry distinct pear discovered in Hedge

lines 17—19 score
lines 21—22 score
line 21 underline "twnety years"
line 25 underline "Aegeria exitiosa"

⇑lines 5—1 score
⇑lines 2—1 →

lines 17—22 {

lines 23—24 score

⇑line 13 underline "established ... question"

⇑lines 10—8 score in dark pencil
⇑lines 6—5 score in pale pencil
⇑lines 10—5 annotation in pale pencil New disease originated in America
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in reddish-brown crayon |— 462 The Yellow disease originating with American Peaches .466 Yellow Peaches much «most affected»

lines 7—9 score
lines 18—19 score
lines 31—33 score
line 32 underline "many ... peach"

lines 15—17 score
lines 20—22 score
lines 23—25 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation in reddish-brown crayon |— 462 The Yellow disease originating with American Peaches .466 Yellow Peaches much «most affected»

lines 10—15 score in reddish-brown crayon
lines 11—13 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation    Many ‹p› vars . of Plums raised in America p 289, 292 & Peaches t01 p.469
t01 - underlined in reddish-brown crayon

lines 17—22 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation    Many ‹p› vars . of Plums raised in America p 289, 292 & Peaches t01 p.469
t01 - underlined in reddish-brown crayon

lines 26—28 score in dark pencil
lines 21—30 annotation though probaly «almost certainly» derived frm Eng. seeds
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation    Many ‹p› vars . of Plums raised in America p 289, 292 & Peaches t01 p.469
t01 - underlined in reddish-brown crayon

[continues overleaf] ⇑lines 8—1 score in reddish-brown crayon
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation    Many ‹p› vars . of Plums raised in America p 289, 292 & Peaches t01 p.469
t01 - underlined in reddish-brown crayon

[continuation] 1—4 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 470 Classification of Peaches by glands on leaves & serration & size of Flower —

lines 13—16 score in dark pencil

bottom-margin annotation I rather doubt, how far genealogical wd be best «it wd be the most scientific» classification of varieties even putting crosses on one side | for ♀' 475 not hereditary

lines 20—22 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 150 Difference in hardiness in Almonds p473 in Peaches t01 p488 do    Raspberries p.517 — Strawberrs p.533
t01 - underlined in reddish-brown crayon

lines 20—21 score

⇑lines 8—3 score
⇑lines 8—3 score in reddish-brown crayon
⇑line 4 underline in reddish-brown crayon "absence of glands"
⇑lines 8—7 annotation in dark brown ink H.

lines 14—18 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 476 Most Peaches either free or clingstones ,but one is on same tree alwys ‹either›t01 «both»t02 cling or free XX «(scores of instances cd be «given of this»)»
t01 - deleted in dark brown ink
t02 - `both' in dark brown ink

⇑lines 14—12 annotation many American kinds

lines 11—12 score
line 11 underline "succeeding ... all"

line 32 annotation H

⇑lines 13—9 score
⇑line 12 underline "garden ... New"
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 150 Difference in hardiness in Almonds p473 in Peaches t01 p488 do    Raspberries p.517 — Strawberrs p.533
t01 - underlined in reddish-brown crayon

lines 12—16 score in dark pencil
lines 13—14 annotation in dark brown ink H
lines 11—19 annotation others constant p489 p 494 x
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 492 Some Peaches vry variable by seed, others constant & so it was with Plums
show subjects subjects

lines 1—5 score in reddish-brown crayon
lines 2—5 score in dark pencil
lines 4—5 annotation in dark brown ink H
lines 7—9 score in reddish-brown crayon
line 7 underline in reddish-brown crayon "reniform"

line 15 underline in reddish-brown crayon "without glands"

lines 25—27 score
show subjects subjects

⇑lines 2—1 score
⇑line 1 underline "frequently ... without"
⇑line 1 annotation X Ht01
t01 - `H' in dark brown ink

lines 21—22 annotation H

lines 12—14 score
line 15 underline in brown ink "smaller"

⇑lines 14—9 score in reddish-brown crayon
⇑lines 13—10 score

⇑lines 7—5 multiple score
⇑line 6 underline "all ... soils"
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation ☞ over

⇑line 1 underline in dark brown ink "Vol. ... 53"

⇑lines 19—17 score in reddish-brown crayon
⇑lines 19—17 score
⇑line 19 underline "was ... a"
⇑lines 7—5 score in reddish-brown crayon
⇑lines 7—5 score
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 502. Nectarine frm Peach & now true by seed

line 19 annotation X
show subjects concepts

⇑line 6 annotation X
⇑lines 5—4 annotation X

lines 17—18 score
lines 17—18 annotation V. p514
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 150 Difference in hardiness in Almonds p473 in Peaches t01 p488 do    Raspberries p.517 — Strawberrs p.533
t01 - underlined in reddish-brown crayon

lines 17—18 score
line 18 underline in reddish-brown crayon "Virginia Scarlet"
lines 15—17 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
line 19 underline in reddish-brown crayon "Pine ... Surinam"
line 21 underline in reddish-brown crayon "Wood Strawberry"
line 22 underline in reddish-brown crayon "Hautbois"
line 23 underline in reddish-brown crayon "Chili Strawberries"

⇑lines 15—1 score
⇑lines 11—7 annotation Selection producing
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 525 on selection turnng Hautbois hermaphrdite

line 1 annotation N American
show subjects subjects

line 25 annotation Surinam
show subjects subjects

lines 7—8 score
lines 7—8 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

lines 20—21 score

⇑lines 12—10 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 150 Difference in hardiness in Almonds p473 in Peaches t01 p488 do    Raspberries p.517 — Strawberrs p.533
t01 - underlined in reddish-brown crayon

⇑lines 7—6 score

⇑lines 13—7 score
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 553 .Northern Apples will not do in Southern States