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Book Title
Naturgeschichte der Stubenvögel
Publication Details
Halle, Hennemann, 1840
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Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

top-margin annotation C. Darwin Jan 1842

line 3 score

line 15 underline "Zaunkönige verständlich"
lines 10—17 annotation nott01 aboriginal! / [damaged: cut]urkey & [damaged: cut]en understand others [damaged: cut] of fear
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 2 Birds understand each others cries (N.Q)t02
t01 - `not' in pencil
t02 - `(N.Q)' in dark pencil

lines 5—6 annotation X
show subjects subjects

line 12 underline "Locktöne"
lines 12—10 annotation in pale pencil understood by many species

lines 13—15 unmarked
lines 10—17 annotation from happiness or love
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 4. Singing male attribute to charm females
show subjects subjects

lines 12—11 underline "Denn ... Weibchen"
lines 15—11 score
lines 15—11 annotation few ♀s sing in widowhood

lines 6—4 score
lines 6—4 underline "um ... den"
show subjects subjects

lines 15—10 score
bottom-margin annotation ⧟ different species learn with different facilities →t01
t01 - `→' in pencil

lines 13—12 underline "weil ... Männchen"
lines 13—10 annotation larynx not so strong in female

lines 5—3 underline "dass ... wird"
line 5 at "Anstrengung" annotation labour
lines 5—1 score
line 3 underline "Gesang ... wird"
bottom-margin annotation improved by practice
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 7 Voice of Birds improves by practice (Q)t01
t01 - `(Q)' in dark pencil
show subjects subjects

lines 8—3 double score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 20 Remarks on rarity of Cage Birds breeding, except such as Canary used to confinmt

top-margin annotation in dark pencil V. Blaines Encyclop of Sport.(Athe) ,whether Falcons were bread [ie `bred'] or continually fresh caught, — good case of difficulty of breeding, after thousands of attempts on Europaean bird.

lines 3—22 annotation { Elephants occasionally breeding may be compared to the mule occas. doing so }
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 6

line 11
show subjects subjects

line 15
show subjects subjects

lines 5—3 score
lines 5—4 underline "Bei ... unbefruchtet"
line 10 annotation Psittacus macao
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 83 Psittacus large eggs but unfertilised    105 exception
show subjects subjects

line 1

lines 2—4 double score
line 4 underline "aufgezogene"
line 5 underline "nur ... zähmen"
show subjects subjects

line 11 underline "pfeifen"
line 11 annotation X

lines 16—17 score
lines 16—17 underline "ist ... haben"
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 83 Psittacus large eggs but unfertilised    105 exception

lines 17—20 score
lines 18—19 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation it is known how very long pigeons live in confinement — ∴ not diseased.
show subjects subjects

lines 2—1 score
from End Note 2 annotation 107. Memory .
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation «xx» ‹106 Pi›

lines 15—20 score
from End Note 2 annotation 108. var
     112 do

lines 1—4 score in dark pencil
from End Note 2 annotation 108. var
     112 do

lines 13—3 score
from End Note 2 annotation 108. var
     112 do

lines 11—20 score

line 14 at "Grillen" annotation [?]cricket

line 13 score
line 13 underline "wie ... Vögeln"

lines 9—8 score
line 8 underline "Einem ... gesehen"

lines 4—3 score
lines 4—3 underline "bringen ... auf"
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 139 Bullfinch occasionally breedng
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 139 Canary ♂ Bullfinch ♀ (Canay ♀ Greenfinch ♂ p.145)

lines 10—5 score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 142 «(Qt01 Different facilities t02 in learning in Bullfinches
t01 - `(Q)' in dark pencil
t02 - underlined in dark pencil
show subjects subjects

lines 2—6 score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 139 Canary ♂ Bullfinch ♀ (Canay ♀ Greenfinch ♂ p.145)

lines 13—18 score
show subjects subjects

lines 4—5 score

lines 3—1 score
lines 3—1 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation X I think I have overlooked some analogous facts
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 185 Male losing sexual character in confinement — 215 Linnet do.    219. do.
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] 2 score
line 2 underline "Spielarten"
from End Note 2 annotation 192 .var

[continuation] 1—2 score

lines 10—12 score
show subjects concepts

lines 10—12 score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 205 «Habit» t01 Chaffinch has «(Qt02 different song in different places —
t01 - `« Habit' in dark pencil
t02 - `(Q)' in dark pencil

lines 9—8 underline "ein ... gerathen"
lines 9—8 annotation Tree Sparr
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 210 Can cross House & Tree Sparrow, but not reciprocal (224 on canaries do) «(Qt01
t01 - `(Q)' in dark pencil
show subjects concepts

line 3 underline "Fringilla montana"

lines 9—11 score
lines 8—12 annotation still rarer in England
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 212    on comparative rarity of House & Tree Sparrow

lines 9—11 score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 185 Male losing sexual character in confinement — 215 Linnet do.    219. do.
show subjects subjects

lines 18—21 score
show subjects concepts

lines 17—18 score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 185 Male losing sexual character in confinement — 215 Linnet do.    219. do.

lines 6—4 score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 221 vars of Goldfinch ,222

lines 18—14 score

lines 11—8 score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 221 vars of Goldfinch ,222

line 3 underline "kohlschwarz"
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 221 vars of Goldfinch ,222

lines 9—5 score
line 6 underline "wenn ... mit"
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 210 Can cross House & Tree Sparrow, but not reciprocal (224 on canaries do) «(Qt01
t01 - `(Q)' in dark pencil
show subjects concepts

lines 14—16 score
line 15 underline "Deutschland ... gemein"

lines 14—19 score
line 15 underline "die ... gleichen"
line 18 underline "sogenannten grünen"
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 230 Easier to pair Siskin with Canary of same colour

lines 19—18 score
lines 19—18 underline "und ... Lebensart"

line 8 underline "ohne ... vermehrten"

lines 4—3 score
line 3 underline "erzogen. Anfänglich"

line 1 underline "Citronenfinken"
line 1 underline "Girlitzen"
bottom-margin annotation Fringilla citrinella    ― serinus    ― cannibin. & linota

lines 1—4 score
line 2 underline "Grau ... Schwärzlich"

lines 6—10 score
line 8 underline "gewöhnlichsten"

lines 11—8 double score
bottom-margin annotation in pale pencil ⧟ origin
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 237.    Origin of Canaries & Hybrids of (p 247) «(Q)» Hybrids)

line 11 at "Grünling"
bottom-margin annotation Loxia chloris

line 11 at "Zeisig"
bottom-margin annotation Fringilla spinus

lines 3—1 score

lines 11—12 underline "Ich ... Stieglitzbastard"
line 12 at "Stieglitz" annotation Goldfinch

lines 14—15 score
line 15 underline "oft ausserordentlich"

lines 8—5 score
line 5 underline "sehr einfaches"
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 238 Thinks want of exercise gret cause of variation.—

lines 1—2 score
line 2 underline "Farbe ... Gestalt"
lines 1—2 annotation in brown ink Q
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 239    Hybrid of Canary & F. species alwys takes after latter in colour & shape (Q)t01
t01 - `(Q)' in pale brown ink

lines 6—20 score
line 20 underline "oder ... spät"
lines 9—11 annotation in brown ink Q
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 242    good Breeders rare amongst Canaries
show subjects subjects

bottom-margin apparently unintentional mark

lines 1—2 double score
show subjects subjects

lines 6—8 score
line 8 underline "alle ... möchten"

top-margin annotation X F. linaria

lines 5—8 score
lines 6—7 underline "und ... Bastarde"
show subjects concepts

lines 9—18 score in pale pencil
line 15 underline in pale pencil "Männchen ... bei"
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 247    In Birds reared frm nest, either sex will do to match with Canaries (Q)t01
t01 - `(Q)' in dark pencil

line 23 at "Finken, Goldammern" annotation Chaffinch    Yellow-hammer
lines 21—17 score
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 247 ∗ Has himself crossed Bull-finch & Canaries (N.Q)t01
t01 - `(N.Q)' in dark pencil

line 16 underline "Gimpel"
line 16 annotation Bullfinch
lines 15—14 underline "Erfahrung ... die"
show subjects subjects

line 11 score
line 11 at "Böhmen" annotation Bohemia
show subjects subjects

lines 5—4 score

lines 1—2 annotation in pale pencil (Q)
line 3 score
top-margin annotation F. spinus or Siskin
show subjects subjects

lines 2—4 double score
line 2 at "Stieglitz"
top-margin annotation Goldfinch

line 3 underline "wieder unter"
line 3 at "Zeisig"
top-margin annotation F. spinus or Siskin

lines 5—7 score
lines 5—7 annotation (Q)
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 248    Certain that Hybrid Canaries & «(Q)» Goldfinches & Siskins will breed inter se [but first «(Qt01 yong are weak]
t01 - `(Q)' in dark pencil

line 21 underline "Das ... Stube"
show subjects subjects

line 16 double score
line 16 underline "Verschiedenheit ... Temperamente"
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation «p» 251 «(Qt01 Different characters in Canaries «(as in man)»t02
t01 - `(Q)' in dark pencil
t02 - `(as in man)' in pencil

line 5 score

lines 2—3 at "Baumlerche" annotation Alauda arborea
show subjects subjects

line 8 underline "Adern ... zersprengen"
line 9 underline "herabfallen ... sind"
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation    252 Canaries sing till they kill themselves.
show subjects subjects

lines 20—21 score
lines 20—21 underline "der ... fortpflanzt"
lines 15—21 annotation related song
show subjects subjects

lines 11—12 score
lines 11—12 underline "Sie ... bei"

line 6 score
line 6 underline "das ... geniessen"
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 262 Several cases of Birds in dark places losing brilliancy of colour (Ch 7) p. 308 do

lines 12—13 score
lines 12—13 underline "ohne ... legen"
show subjects subjects

lines 8—4 score
lines 8—7 underline "denn ... Menschen"
lines 6—5 underline "einige ... aus"
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 265 Larks «(Qt01 sing differently individually
t01 - `(Q)' in dark pencil

lines 3—1 score
lines 3—2 underline "verschiedene ... Menschen"
bottom-margin annotation corporeal virtue & vice
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 267 (Q)t01 in Larks «taken wild» t02
t01 - `(Q)' in dark pencil
t02 - `« taken wild' in dark pencil
show subjects subjects

lines 3—5 score
show subjects subjects

lines 3—1 score
show subjects subjects

line 13 score
line 13 underline "zwölf"
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 289 Garrulus lived 12 years

lines 19—22 score

lines 12—9 score

lines 8—6 score
lines 8—6 underline "weissgelbe ... fremde"
lines 8—6 annotation (Q)
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 293 Migratory «(Q for instinctt01 & Home Thrushes can be distinguished — probaly do not cross (see [corrected from illegible word] Brehm)
t01 - `(Q for instinct)' in dark pencil

lines 11—29 annotation The thrush
     Nothing said about breeding in domest.

lines 13—10 score
show subjects subjects

lines 2—4 score
show subjects subjects

lines 20—21 score
lines 20—21 underline "sind ... Farbe"
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 262 Several cases of Birds in dark places losing brilliancy of colour (Ch 7) p. 308 do

bottom-margin apparently unintentional mark

line 8 score
line 8 underline "bis ... Schweden"

lines 3—1 score

lines 6—5 score
lines 6—5 underline "wenn ... leidet"

top-margin annotation The numbers of Nightingales in Europe in summer have no relation to amount of food for them.

line 5 at "ausgerottet" annotation [?]eradicated

lines 7—11 score
top-marginline 18 annotation This helps to show at what period the Sylviadae are destroyed.—
     { think with respect to Malthus.

lines 13—14 unmarked
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 312    Nightingales once exterminated do not reappear (shows less abroad)
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 16—10 score
lines 16—10 annotation instincts dormant for one year

lines 2—5 score
lines 3—4 underline "sie ... reisen"

lines 17—13 score
line 13 underline "zuweilen bewerkstelligte"
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 318 Nightingale sometimes breed in cage surrounded by green boughs

line 2 underline "fünfzehn"
line 3 underline "bemerkt ... Orte"
lines 6—7 score
lines 6—7 underline "fünf ... ist"
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 319 live to 15 years old — even 25 years

lines 15—20 score
line 16 underline "zwar ... Schweden"
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 322 Nightingale different «(Qt01 prowess of singers, some are night singers, inherited
t01 - `(Q)' in dark pencil

lines 17—20 score
line 17 underline "Es ... Nachtigallen"

lines 21—13 double score
line 20 underline "weiss aus"

lines 12—11 score

lines 4—8 score

lines 6—4 score

line 7 score
show subjects subjects

lines 7—5 score
line 6 underline "einige ... November"
line 5 underline "Winter ... uns"

lines 12—10 score
line 10 underline "viel matter"

line 14 score
line 14 underline "Dieser ... Jahr"

lines 4—6 score
show subjects subjects

lines 16—21 score
line 17 underline "Varietät"
show subjects subjects

lines 9—5 score
lines 9—5 annotation appears not uncomm
show subjects subjects

lines 9—18 score
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 403 «(N.Qt01 I think mistake C. oenas & livia (No)    But says nothing on fertility of Hybrids
t01 - `(N.Q)' in dark pencil

lines 8—9 score
line 8 underline "tritt ... Ringeltauber"
line 9 underline "keine Jungen"
show subjects subjects

lines 11—9 score
line 10 underline "Lachtauben"
line 9 annotation Columba risoria
show subjects subjects

lines 8—9 underline "die ... Junge"
show subjects subjects

line 11 underline in dark pencil "Fliesseier ... keine"
lines 11—13 score
show subjects subjects

lines 16—20 score in dark pencil

lines 14—11 score
line 13 underline "stets"
line 12 underline "grösser werden"
lines 11—9 score

lines 2—3 score
line 3 underline "acht Jahre"
show subjects subjects

lines 13—15 score

line 7 underline "unsere ... schön"

lines 1—3 score

lines 12—15 score in dark pencil
line 15 underline "Jene ... aus"
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 418    Case of Quail Breeding

lines 15—14 score
line 14 underline "die ... Jahre"

lines 13—12 score
show subjects subjects