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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
No Marks
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

bottom-margin annotation 1848

lines 12—16 score
top-marginline 13 annotation Look at th oxen of evry different country of Europe — look at dogs of do.— look at men — If their variations are denied — my work may be closed.
     Mr. Dixons opinion & Van Mons show permanence of varieties, it has sam effect on them ,which wild species has on naturalists, I know th feeling myself.—

lines 13—18 score
lines 9—20 annotation tell him abut Bull-dogs
show subjects subjects

line 3 score [`bookmark']
show subjects subjects

line 5 score [`bookmark']
show subjects subjects

lines 11—13 score
from End Slip 2 annotation 8. Peahen makes first advances to Cock

lines 14—17 score
line 15 underline "frequently ... other"
lines 17—19 score
from End Slip 2 annotation p 8 Pea fowls fighting & preeng their feathers

lines 22—23 score
show subjects subjects

lines 4—1 double score
from End Slip 2 annotation 34 — The chicks of Norfolk & Cambridge Turkey different

lines 20—22 score
from End Slip 2 annotation 48 Old Canada Geese wd not breed with Audubons, wheras th yong of sam spec «wd»

lines 18—20 score
show subjects subjects

lines 12—10 score

lines 6—4 score
lines 6—5 annotation X
show subjects subjects

lines 7—9 score
from End Slip 2 annotation 79 Guinea Fowl rolling strong eggs into Nest
show subjects subjects

lines 9—10 annotation X
lines 10—11 underline "tubercle ... neck"

line 15 annotation X
line 15 underline "harsh voice"
line 15 underline "ceremonious"

lines 5—1 score

lines 14—11 score

lines 4—11 score

lines 2—3 score
show subjects subjects

lines 18—21 score
from End Slip 2 annotation 101 & 103 Contrast in Teal & Wigeon breeding in confinement

lines 8—10 score
lines 8—10 annotation contrast with Widgeon
from End Slip 2 annotation 101 & 103 Contrast in Teal & Wigeon breeding in confinement
show subjects subjects

lines 1—7 unmarked
lines 3—16 annotation Thinks original species now dead.—

lines 22—24 score

lines 11—16 score

lines 15—24 score
lines 27—32 score
lines 27—30 annotation in blue crayon Q
from End Slip 2 annotation 118 Duck could fly in Columella's time (Q)t01
     «Mem    ☞ Read all abot Ducks.»
t01 - `(Q)' in blue crayon

lines 5—7 double score

lines 17—19 score
lines 11—9 double score in pale pencil
lines 11—9 annotation in brown ink Q

[continuation] 1—4 score
line 3 annotation
line 3 annotation in brown ink (Q)
show subjects subjects

lines 18—22 score
lines 23—27 score
from End Slip 2 annotation 137 Goose origin of — Apt to «(Qt01 pair quite as readily with other species as own
t01 - `(Q)' in brown ink

lines 5—7 score
from End Slip 2 annotation 139 Gander always White — —
show subjects subjects

lines 13—15 score
from End Slip 2 annotation ― Prolificacy increased by high feeding

lines 3—9 score
from End Slip 2 annotation 146 Bernicle Goose is increasng in power of breeding in confinement
show subjects subjects

lines 11—4 score
from End Slip 2 annotation 183 Cocks not created in Aristotles time

lines 16—12 score

lines 3—2 score

lines 15—21 score
lines 20—23 score
lines 22—26 score
line 22 underline "grew"
from End Note 2 annotation p. 188 good case of Hereditary accident with growth

lines 10—5 score
show subjects subjects

lines 11—23 score
show subjects subjects

line 3 apparently unintentional mark

lines 8—6 score
show subjects subjects

lines 1—5 score

lines 9—6 double score in brown ink
lines 9—6 annotation in brown ink (Q)
from End Slip 2 annotation p. 314 «p. 200}»t01 Cross-bred Fowls sittingt02
t01 - `p. 200}' in brown ink
t02 - `sitting' in brown ink
show subjects subjects

lines 4—1 score
bottom-margin annotation He does not appear to have any facts.—

lines 14—17 double score

lines 17—21 score
lines 17—21 annotation (N.Q )
from End Slip 2 annotation 202 Hybrids between Guinea-Fowls & Fowls (NQ)

[continues overleaf] lines 3—1 score

top-margin annotation seem vy upright — Apt t jerk their heads —
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

[continues overleaf] lines 2—1 score
show subjects subjects

lines 6—5 score
bottom-margin annotation I saw Aug 55 an Andalusian Fowl all slate colour.—

lines 18—22 score
from End Slip 2 annotation horizontally crossed 253 Chickens of Spanish Fowls 264 of Dorkings 273 Cochin 277 Malays 285 «324 325 chicks of Polands.

lines 7—9 score

lines 14—18 score
from End Slip 2 annotation horizontally crossed 253 Chickens of Spanish Fowls 264 of Dorkings 273 Cochin 277 Malays 285 «324 325 chicks of Polands.

lines 24—26 score
from End Slip 2 annotation 273 Cockrels of Cochin do not show rudiment of tail feathers till oldish (Q)t01
t01 - `(Q)' in blue crayon

lines 6—4 score
from End Slip 2 annotation horizontally crossed 253 Chickens of Spanish Fowls 264 of Dorkings 273 Cochin 277 Malays 285 «324 325 chicks of Polands.

lines 3—1 score
from End Slip 2 annotation horizontally crossed 253 Chickens of Spanish Fowls 264 of Dorkings 273 Cochin 277 Malays 285 «324 325 chicks of Polands.

lines 8—7 score
from End Slip 2 annotation horizontally crossed 253 Chickens of Spanish Fowls 264 of Dorkings 273 Cochin 277 Malays 285 «324 325 chicks of Polands.

lines 10—7 score

lines 18—14 score

lines 8—6 double score
line 5 double score
from End Slip 2 annotation horizontally crossed 253 Chickens of Spanish Fowls 264 of Dorkings 273 Cochin 277 Malays 285 «324 325 chicks of Polands.

lines 7—9 score
show subjects subjects

lines 26—28 score
show subjects subjects

lines 10—12 score
from End Slip 2 annotation horizontally crossed 253 Chickens of Spanish Fowls 264 of Dorkings 273 Cochin 277 Malays 285 «324 325 chicks of Polands.

lines 16—20 score
line 18 underline "Aldovrandi"

line 26 underline in pale pencil "Coral ... Greys"

lines 9—12 score

lines 3—1 multiple score in dark pencil
from End Slip 2 annotation horizontally crossed 253 Chickens of Spanish Fowls 264 of Dorkings 273 Cochin 277 Malays 285 «324 325 chicks of Polands.

line 21 at "minoribus" annotation 1
show subjects subjects

lines 18—19 score
lines 18—19 annotation
show subjects subjects

lines 13—10 score in dark pencil
lines 8—5 score in dark pencil
show subjects subjects

lines 14—11 double score
lines 10—6 score
from End Slip 2 annotation p. 314 «p. 200}»t01 Cross-bred Fowls sittingt02
t01 - `p. 200}' in brown ink
t02 - `sitting' in brown ink

line 16 apparently unintentional mark in pale pencil

lines 10—6 score

lines 5—2 score in pale pencil

line 1 score

lines 18—20 score
line 18 underline "white breasts"
from End Slip 2 annotation horizontally crossed 253 Chickens of Spanish Fowls 264 of Dorkings 273 Cochin 277 Malays 285 «324 325 chicks of Polands.

lines 20—23 double score
lines 20—23 annotation in brown ink Q
from End Slip 2 annotation 325 Golden Polands partly webbed Ot01    Qt02
t01 - `O' in reddish-brown crayon
t02 - `Q' in blue crayon

lines 26—28 score
from End Slip 2 annotation horizontally crossed 253 Chickens of Spanish Fowls 264 of Dorkings 273 Cochin 277 Malays 285 «324 325 chicks of Polands.

lines 10—1 score in pale pencil