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Book Title
Befruchtung der Blumen durch Insekten
Publication Details
Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1873
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

line 2 underline "Befruchtung"
line 10 underline "H"
line 10 underline "Müller"

lines 11—15 score
lines 11—15 [    ]
lines 13—15 underline "ohne ... müsse"
lines 5—23 annotation [damaged: cut] [illegible phrase] have been blamed but is
lines 18—21 score
lines 18—21 annotation in pale pencil ?
lines 22—25 score
line 23 underline "Sprengel ... Erkenntnis"

line 8 score [`bookmark']

line 17 score [`bookmark']

line 6 score
line 6 underline "cleistogami"

line 26 annotation Why not give your own paper
show subjects concepts

line 12 score [`bookmark']

lines 17—10 score
line 13 underline "Rhingia ... Rüssellänge"
lines 16—13 annotation Flies not stupid
from End Note annotation not in Darwin's handin brown ink p. [?]37 [?]Orchids
     p 75 all have description    Galaxias

lines 9—10 underline "die ... befähigt"

line 4 underline "Laburnum"
top-margin annotation p. 235 [corr. from 234]
show subjects concepts

line 4 at "Erythraea" annotation p 333 Erythr.
show subjects concepts

line 4 at "Carum" annotation 100
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 21 score
lines 24—21 annotation Hildebrand on late polln

line 20 score
show subjects concepts

line 16 score
lines 16—12 score in blue crayon
lines 18—16 annotation in blue crayon self-fer[damaged: cut] orch[damaged: cut]
from End Note annotation not in Darwin's handin brown ink p. [?]37 [?]Orchids
     p 75 all have description    Galaxias

lines 6—2 score
lines 6—3 annotation Self-Sterile

line 2 at "113" annotation P[illegible]
show subjects concepts

lines 24—29 score
line 11 underline "B. hortorum"
line 11 underline "Blüthen ... mascula"
line 11 annotation 2
line 6 underline "Bombus lapidarius"
line 6 annotation 3, 4

lines 18—19 underline "nur die ... Male"

line 3 underline in blue crayon "Sprengel"
lines 3—4 underline in blue crayon "Hildebrand"

lines 20—27 score
line 23 underline in blue crayon "Bombus lapidarius"
line 26 underline in blue crayon "Andrena albicans"
line 31 underline in blue crayon "dieselbe ... bewirken"
line 32 underline in blue crayon "kleine"
line 32 underline in blue crayon "Syritta pipiens"
line 34 underline in blue crayon "Selbstbestäubung ... tricolor"
lines 32—24 score

lines 10—13 score
lines 10—11 underline "werden ... aufgelockt"

lines 9—10 score
show subjects subjects

lines 11—8 double score in reddish-orange crayon
lines 11—10 underline in reddish-orange crayon "zu ... hindurch"
lines 3—1 double score in reddish-orange crayon
lines 3—1 underline in reddish-orange crayon "obgleich ... ist"

bottom-margin annotation in blue crayon Severl othr specis non-dimrphc
show subjects subjects

lines 6—7 annotation X
line 6 underline "langer"
table score
table col 5 mark resembling
lines 27—24 score
lines 27—24 annotation X X
line 20 annotation X
lines 29—16 annotation XX & differnt ‹shape› form & size .
lines 26—13 annotation Think whn cultivted plnts as we shall see variable

lines 26—22 unmarked
lines 29—22 annotation I cannt but think thy gain som advntage

lines 17—14 score
line 13 underline cancelledin pale pencil "einen ... Fahne"
lines 8—4 double score
bottom-margin annotation cancelledin pale pencil a juicy swelling near centre of Standard

lines 13—3 score in pale pencil
lines 20—5 annotation in pale pencil Saft-maal & no Honey yet he thnks may decev [ie `deceive'] Bees

line 19 underline in pale pencil "Honig ... Insekt"
lines 15—26 annotation in pale pencil Beautiful adaptation

lines 20—13 unmarked
lines 22—17 annotation must be strong
     Difficult flowers for endemic insect

lines 14—11 double score in pale pencil
lines 16—9 annotation Thinks nati[damaged: cut] insects wd be stronger so fertilise better

lines 2—1 score in pale pencil
line 2 underline "Viertelstunde"
bottom-margin annotation very few Bees visit them

line 22 apparently unintentional mark

lines 9—10 score
line 10 underline "Blumenkrone .. Sichselbstbestäubung"

line 12 underline in reddish-orange crayon "nigrum"
line 20 underline in reddish-orange crayon "Blüthen ... Honigtröpfchen"
lines 18—17 underline in reddish-orange crayon "orange ... und"
line 16 underline in reddish-orange crayon "violetten ... dar"
lines 14—13 underline in reddish-orange crayon "überwiegend ... möglich"

lines 4—1 score
line 3 underline "Saftmale"

lines 12—14 annotation various insects

line 20 underline "Thapsus"

lines 1—3 score
line 2 underline "13"
line 2 annotation p 113 /t01
t01 - `113 /' in dark pencil
show subjects concepts

line 20 underline "Bot ... 67"
line 20 annotation many cases given

lines 17—13 score
lines 28—13 annotation cancelled Gradation Wind & insects
bottom-margin annotation Begns by say tht D. dscrbe 3 frm whc [?]make [?]a [?]passag f[damaged: cut] anem, to entomoph plnts . It make [illegible word] [damaged: cut]

[continuation] 7—8 score in blue crayon
line 7 underline in blue crayon "Den ... der"

figure 130 annotation —between two & three as long
     → /

line 17 underline "0,011 ... mm"
line 14 underline "0,018 ... mm"

[continues overleaf] lines 4—1 multiple score
lines 5—1 score

[continuation] 1—3 double score

6—table score
lines 6—8 annotation chief[damaged: cut] Dipte[damaged: cut]

line 10 underline "103"

table cols 7—9 crossing-out "1323 ... 0,141"
table rows "C" crossing-out "langgrifflig ... 0,3"
table col 6 score "9 ... 0,3"
table col 6 score "5,2 ... 7,5"

line 7 underline in dark pencil "Blüthen ... gleichzeitig"
lines 21—23 underline in dark pencil "verkümmerte ... aufblühten"
lines 23—26 annotation in dark pencil Flowers of ♀ not smother[damaged: cut]
lines 25—27 score in dark pencil
lines 27—31 double score in dark pencil
line 29 underline in dark pencil "in ... wären"
lines 27—36 double score
from End Note annotation in brown ink p. 369.    Scabiosa case like Thymus — ♀ flowers smaller.

line 10 underline "Laufe ... einander"
lines 3—1 score
show subjects subjects

lines 15—9 score
lines 29—8 annotation Remarks that flwer little attractiv to insct might easily pass into anemophilous
     Quote my remark

line 9 at "Jacobaea" annotation rays
line 9 at "vulgaris" annotation no rays

lines 5—1 score
bottom-margin annotation Conspcus flowr vy important for frequency of variety of Insects

lines 9—10 annotation It is certain tht a vy conspicus & often visited flower can be well adapted for Self-fertln

lines 20—19 underline "Unter ... ist"
line 18-17 score
lines 15—13 underline "so ... ist"
line 12 underline "gesicherte ... Sichselbst"
lines 11—10 underline "deren ... ist"
top-margin6 annotation [illegible word] [damaged: cut] add this «[damaged: cut]» proved in a way which I never expected to see proved— Hence when self-fert imprtant flower has not been renderd conspicus    no because cross wd still do good
     (I shd think in thes cases crssng can do no good. All my trials were made on «rather» large flowers

line 16bottom-margin annotation add perhaps if I had tried vry small flowers [illegible word][damaged: cut] wd hav been [?]proved ‹no› mor generations had been tried → [continues on page 427] Mem. I have often suspected tht self-fert is in [illegible word][damaged: cut] respects most advantageous—
show subjects subjects

top-margin annotation N.B If a flower is not attractive to insects, I beleve it must be a self-fertiliser otherwise all extrmnted; but a flower may be attracti[damaged: cut] a\& yet self-ferti[damaged: cut] itself

lines 22—10 score in blue crayon
lines 21—20 underline in blue crayon "solchen ... können"
line 16 underline in blue crayon "Honigbiene ... Pseuacorus"
lines 14—12 underline in blue crayon "Bombus ... gelangen"
lines 16—9 score
lines 7—5 double score in dark pencil
lines 9—4 annotation in dark pencil Instin[damaged: cut] of insects

top-margin annotation pollen of anemophilous plant first devoured
lines 4—5 underline "denn ... Phanerogamen"
lines 5—7 underline "dass ... haben"
lines 3—6 annotation must quote
line 1 score
show subjects subjects

lines 18—24 score
lines 17—18 underline "Orchideae ... absondern"
lines 15—21 annotation [damaged: cut]ectar [damaged: cut]oney first exserted
from End Note annotation not in Darwin's handin brown ink 430 [wrongly copied as `433'] «for» Orchids

lines 28—34 score
lines 28—32 annotation [damaged: cut]oney truly attractive

lines 14—9 score
lines 14—11 annotation for Orchids
from End Note annotation not in Darwin's handin brown ink 430 [wrongly copied as `433'] «for» Orchids

lines 17—14 score in pale pencil
lines 16—15 underline "pollenkörner ... und"
lines 20—14 annotation [illegible]lionaceae

lines 16—22 score
lines 17—19 annotation (a)
top-margin annotation a . Contrivances which prevnt self-fert; only advantageous, when inscts sevrally visit th flower & then hugely advntageous
lines 22—23 underline in black ink "eintretendem ... behalten"
lines 22—23 annotation which so [?]adapts
lines 29—31 double score
lines 24—30
show subjects subjects

lines 9—6 score
lines 8—7 annotation B
line 11bottom-margin annotation B yet it wd not injure th less conspicus flwer if thy were more visited — It seems that thy have not [damaged: cut][illegible phrase] attractive unless [illegible]dered. there is some good in self-fertilsation

[continues overleaf] t—18 annotation in pale pencil I think I ought to allude to this — & say I did not see change till reading [illegible phrase] [?]cleary [?]take [?]note H. Mullers excellent work
from End Note annotation not in Darwin's handin brown ink [ 444 / Mullers Laws of Variation ]

lines 11—13 underline medium6d "Fremdbestäubung ... gänzliches"
lines 19—20 underline medium6d "Sicherung ... Insektenbesuches"

line 22 score in pale pencil `[bookmark']

line 25 underline in dark pencil "noch ... ausgebildetem"
lines 27—29 score
lines 28—29 underline in pale pencil "Geschlechter ... gewinnen"

line 32 score `[bookmark']

lines 6—1 score

[continuation] t—bottom-margin annotation I can introduce this by saying [?]sexual [?]organs vry diffrnt & frquncy of cross-fertilisation vry diffrnt
     It is vry unfortunate tht I do not knw how far th 2 Classes [illegible word] & refer H Mullers excelent work had been publishes earlier I cd hav [?]continued

lines 17—14 underline in pale pencil "denen ... haben"
lines 19—14 double score
lines 19—14 score in blue crayon
lines 22—20 annotation in blue crayon important
line 17 annotation quote
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] lines 13—7 score in dark pencil
lines 12—8 annotation in dark pencil I differ slightly

line 23 score [`bookmark']

line 9 underline "Thalictrum"
line 9 annotation windflwr
show subjects subjects

whole-margin annotation in blue crayon Most important of all facts
     Where insects do not visit or choose to visit all sorts of contrivances are developed for self-fert & [?]consitent [illegible word] of their structure; (but also for sprdng of pollen)
     But in these flower an experiment exposed [illegible words] pollen «liable to be injured» (in contrast with cleistogams) are no doubt occasionally crossed — That a plant cd become adapted for by lng continued self-fert we may conclude frm h[illegible] & var of [?]Misselto
     Th vy facility with which structrs are gained for self-fert shows that whole flower wd be closed & little pollen produced unless this contained some [damaged: cut][illegible words] [?]advantage, & advantage has been often and in vy mny distinct flwr
show subjects subjects

lines 4—10 double score
lines 3—7 annotation Law of N. Selection
top-margin annotation Qualities go on [?]incresing of any one [?]intermediate with tendny to vary in one direction be prevnted frm crossing — Nat selection