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Book Title
Elements of physiology
Publication Details
London, Taylor & Walton, 1838-1842
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

lines 6—2 score
bottom-margin annotation As if this whole function of life was first used in counteracting ordinary chemical laws —

lines 3—6 score
line 4 underline "of ... organic"
lines 4—5 annotation !

lines 12—17 score
lines 13—15 annotation remarkable

lines 3—8 score
lines 6—8 score
top-margin annotation How is this to my theory ( & parasitical insects)

lines 10—16 score
lines 10—16 annotation Like diseases proof of relation of man to other animals /

lines 26—28 score
lines 24—26 annotation great change
show subjects concepts

[continuation] 1—10 score
line 5 annotation poort01
whole-margin annotation NB. in the growth & round ‹way› of reformation of those simple animals in which any part cut of, will make new individual, the ordinary growth must be nearly same as true reproduction. & the thery may probaly be extended to all organisms
t01 - | underlined in brown ink

line 11 annotation in brown ink Yet a snail will reproduce its head!—
show subjects subjects

lines 21—26 annotation in brown ink / There must be some wide difference between ovum & bud.— /

bottom-margin annotation in brown ink There must be in the bisected parts, organs sufficient to keep them alive & then any part may be reproduced.—

line 7 crossing-out "an end"
line 7 at "adaptation" annotation (as the effect of ) ‹([varying])› circumstances

lines 3—5 double score in brown ink
lines 6—8 score in brown ink
line 7 underline in brown ink "by ... dream"
line 9 annotation in brown ink ⧟ bad comparison ??
bottom-margin annotation The inherited structure of brain must cause instincts; this structure might as well be bred , as any other adapted structure.—

lines 9—13 score

line 7 annotation x
show subjects concepts

lines 12—8 score

bottom-margin annotation in brown ink Combustion, I should think, was strongest analog to live.— instead of heat being produced by the action . life — ‹(instead electively›

lines 27—32 score
line 30 annotation X
line 30 underline "those of life"
bottom-margin annotation X. The vital principle. produces the organs.— as the latter vary, so must the vital Principle .

lines 18—16 score
from End Slip annotation 33. The more developed th parts, the more dependent on each other

lines 14—11 score
lines 14—11 annotation ?
lines 8—2 score
lines 8—5 annotation I suspect false

line 10 underline "transferred"
line 10 annotation

lines 23—25 score
line 23 underline "organic ... is"

lines 20—22 score

lines 13—4 double score
line 12 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation Plants going to sleep without the stimulus of darkness strongly analogous to a voluntary action from a diffused nervous system.

lines 20—12 score
from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencilvertically crossed How then can Geologists say, that animals were first created!!! a capital argumnt, showng that we must not generalize from absence of organic remains . — see p. 46t01
t01 - `see p. 46' in pencil

[continues overleaf] lines 11—3 score

lines 5—15 score
top-margin annotation in savages no cause apparent. Can ourang move ear?
from End Slip annotation 54 All organs require occasional use to keep perfect
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] lines 22—17 annotation (Q)
line 15 underline "torpedo"
line 15 annotation X
lines 8—7 underline "Three ... each"
line 6 underline "of ... distributed"
line 5 underline "gymnotus"
line 4 annotation X

[continuation] 6 underline "hundred ... nerves"
lines 9—10 underline "branches ... superficially"
line 11 underline "without"
line 18 underline "nervus vagus"
line 20 underline "intercostal nerves"

lines 26—27 score in pale pencil

lines 15—14 annotation X
top-marginline 6 annotation X it shows, I think, that ‹every› same external form may be arrived at from two very different course of generation
     / it is an extreme case of analogy /

lines 14—9 score in pale pencil
lines 14—6 annotation in pale pencil It is singular two system of respiration in echinoderm

lines 20—16 score in dark pencil
top-margin6 annotation in dark pencil But it does not follow that any cancerous particles are in blood to be attracted.
from End Slip annotation 290 on same part attracting same substances , as in Tumours (Pangenesis)

lines 8—2 score
lines 19—5 annotation Transmission of varieties is answer enough.
     / Rose-gall &c &c /
show subjects subjects

bottom-margin annotation It is less wondrous that each new structure should reproduce itself if cancer does

line 17 underline "tembrio"
line 17 annotation tenebrio?
show subjects concepts

show subjects concepts

lines 12—15 score in pale pencil
show subjects subjects

lines 23—27 score
lines 20—25 annotation what has pouting to do with respiration
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] 9—25 score
lines 20—23 annotation crying. imagination disgust
lines 18—7 score
from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencil Expression
     p lines 350—354
     p 730

[continuation] 1—4 score
from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencil Expression
     p lines 350—354
     p 730

lines 11—33 score
lines 21—25 annotation urine from fear!
from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencil Expression
     p lines 350—354
     p 730

lines 20—15 score
lines 18—17 underline "oblongata ... nasal"
lines 19—16 annotation established by habit
from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencil Expression
     p lines 350—354
     p 730

lines 13—10 score
lines 13—10 annotation analogous to tickling
from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencil Expression
     p lines 350—354
     p 730

lines 8—5 annotation not alae of nostril?
from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencil Expression
     p lines 350—354
     p 730

line 10 annotation X
line 10bottom-margin annotation in playing a tune are the fingers connected with brain? or cerebellum
from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencil Expression
     p lines 350—354
     p 730

line 1 at "movements" annotation why more difficult than any instinctive movement.
from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencil Expression
     p lines 350—354
     p 730

lines 22—21 score
lines 23—22 underline "Nutrition ... reproduction"
lines 19—10 score

top-margin crossing-out "4"
t annotation 9
show subjects concepts

lines 1—10 score
line 8 underline "but ... while"
from End Slip annotation 399 on similarity of embryos of higher animals

lines 11—24 score

lines 17—1 score

lines 6—11 score
lines 14—43 score erased
from End Slip annotation 403 on monstrosities in relation to division of germs — Double monsters Pang → [to `Pangenesis' above]

lines 14—11 score
line 14 underline "it ... transparent"
lines 10—9 underline "affinity ... surface"

lines 20—15 score
lines 19—17 annotation !

bottom-margin apparently unintentional mark

bottom-margin apparently unintentional mark

bottom-margin apparently unintentional mark

bottom-margin apparently unintentional mark

lines 23—16 score
show subjects subjects

lines 4—7 score
from End Slip annotation in pale pencil 468 Urea in blood & separated by glands

line 18 crossing-out "best"
line 18 annotation least
show subjects concepts

line 3 underline "cornatula"
line 3 annotation comatula
show subjects concepts

lines 13—12 score

lines 4—6 score
line 5 underline "1.14 to"
top-margin annotation 1.15 [-] 0.25 [=] 0.90

line 18 annotation [=] .484

line 3 crossing-out "goat"
line 3 annotation horse
show subjects concepts

lines 8—12 score

lines 10—9 score

line 14 annotation X
line 6 annotation X

lines 22—24 score
from End Slip annotation 686 On the insulation of th Will to certain muscles in playing piano (N.Q)

lines 21—19 underline "radiation ... cord"
lines 20—13 score in pale pencil
lines 12—9 double score

lines 12—9 score in blue crayon
lines 15—10 score
lines 15—10 annotation Infant winkng see how old Willy was

bottom-margin annotation Pretend to poke a man in th stomach, he will ward off. quite involuntary. Mr Wickham.
     / Surely this must be custom

from End Slip annotation 713 Reflex actions, compared by me with Habit.— 716 Reflex adaptive — 721 (N.Q)

lines 4—9 score
lines 5—18 annotation but why does it not excite tetanum, instead of this misadapted movement
from End Slip annotation 713 Reflex actions, compared by me with Habit.— 716 Reflex adaptive — 721 (N.Q)

top-margin annotation the eye would not work

line 5 annotation X
lines 18—24 score
line 19 annotation x
bottom-margin annotation x it has been said that respiration, also, subject to the will — Habitual movements show that any may become reflective
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] lines 6—1 score
lines 5—3 underline "there ... action"
lines 5—3 annotation XX
bottom-margin annotation the connection here is hypothetical why not custom?
show subjects subjects

[continuation] 1—2 annotation in dark pencil X
show subjects subjects

lines 12—24 score
line 14 score in dark pencil
line 14 underline in dark pencil "some ... communication"
lines 14—16 annotation / surely custom /

line 9 underline in dark pencil "conveyed ... sensorium"
bottom-margin annotation I think Dr Holland has some remarks on th connection of ‹instinctive› «reflex» & habitual.—

lines 11—20 score
line 14 annotation in dark pencil XX
top-margin annotation XX May not a movemnt be said to be instinctive, when it is become reflex, without connection with true sensation, at least accompanied by consciosns
from End Note 2 annotation 721 Theory of reflex actions
from End Slip annotation 713 Reflex actions, compared by me with Habit.— 716 Reflex adaptive — 721 (N.Q)

lines 20—14 double score
lines 22—16 annotation horizontally crossed Hence there is some such conclusion
from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencil Expression
     p lines 350—354
     p 730

lines 15—8 score
from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencil Expression
     p lines 350—354
     p 730

bottom-margin annotation This makes my notion about effects of passion &c very hypothetical

from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencil Expression
     p lines 350—354
     p 730

lines 19—34 score
from End Note 2 annotation p. 739 & following pages for expression

lines 10—15 score
from End Note 2 annotation p. 739 & following pages for expression
from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencil Expression
     p lines 350—354
     p 730

lines 23—25 score
from End Note 2 annotation p. 739 & following pages for expression
from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencil Expression
     p lines 350—354
     p 730

[continues overleaf] lines 5—1 score
from End Note 2 annotation p. 739 & following pages for expression

[continuation] 1—39 score
from End Note 2 annotation p. 739 & following pages for expression
from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencil Expression
     p lines 350—354
     p 730

lines 17—15 score

[continues overleaf] lines 6—1 score
line 3 underline "tickling in the"
from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencil Expression
     p lines 350—354
     p 730

lines 7—4 score
lines 6—5 annotation Cockatoos
bottom-margin annotation expression of species of genus same?
from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencil Expression
     p lines 350—354
     p 730
show subjects subjects

lines 19—23 score

lines 11—3 score
line 11bottom-margin annotation I suspect all this is not so certain / from the obscurity of sensitive plants. /

lines 11—12 annotation X
lines 11—12 underline "it ... matter"
top-margin annotation ⧟ (? when habit becomes heredetary ??

lines 17—18 score
lines 17—18 annotation ?!
line 20 underline "dreams"
lines 20—21 annotation unconscious ∴ ? dreams

lines 21—3 score

lines 9—17 score
lines 11—12 annotation XX
bottom-margin annotation curious coincidence of thought with my notion of hinge of shell &c &c &c

lines 6—7 double score
show subjects concepts

bottom-margin annotation 440
     480 [×] 16 [=] 7680
show subjects concepts