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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
No Marks
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

lines 7—3 score
from End Note annotation     Questions for Mr Low
     p. 36
show subjects subjects

line 8 annotation 18

lines 3—2 score
bottom-margin annotation This I think, must be a specific character & not direct effect of temperature
show subjects subjects

[continuation] 1—7 score
line 8 underline "characters ... supposed"

lines 9—16 score
lines 20—23 score
from End Slip annotation LXIII. Supposes the longer any quality in breed comes truer

lines 5—1 score
from End Slip annotation ― Believes in ill effect of interbreeding
show subjects subjects

lines 12—16 score
lines 13—14 annotation ?
lines 16—18 score
lines 16—17 annotation ?

[continues overleaf] lines 9—7 score
lines 6—3 double score
lines 2—1 score
from End Slip annotation LXIX States roundly that vars. of sheep & Dogs will keep distinct p 671

line 19 score
line 19 underline "13 ... 18"
show subjects subjects

lines 20—21 score
line 21 underline "one ... are"
show subjects subjects

lines 19—21 score
line 20 underline "were ... young"
line 8 underline "seven"
line 8 underline "eight"
show subjects subjects

line 11 unmarked
line 4 unmarked
from End Slip annotation p.5 & 8 Species of Ibex
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 7—4 score
lines 10—3 annotation There must be 100s of species caught, not probable for trouble
show subjects subjects

bottom-margin annotation We know how apt savage natives are stick on same plan, & therefore domestication wd probaly take place to gret extent — tamng wild animals & birds commn to them
show subjects subjects

lines 17—20 score in dark pencil
line 17 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation comparalbe t th trifling characters distinguishing geographical representatives

lines 17—18 score
from End Slip annotation 91    Black-faced sheep will not amalgamate by crossing with other Breeds

lines 6—7 score

lines 8—4 score

lines 4—1 score
lines 5—4 underline "The ... Sheep"
lines 4—3 underline "know ... are"
show subjects subjects

lines 2—5 score
from End Slip annotation 159    Rye-land sheep will not    do. — [ie `amalgamate by crossing with other Breeds']
show subjects subjects

lines 4—6 score
line 5 annotation X
top-margin annotation Crossing evidently produces rapid effects & has done much more than selection.—

lines 18—21 double score
from End Slip annotation 188    Remarks how soon a breed in any county changes with no record of it. St01
t01 - `S' in reddish-brown crayon
show subjects subjects

lines 6—1 score

lines 7—8 score

lines 9—5 score
line 7 annotation in pale pencil (a)
bottom-margin annotation (a)t01    No such gret change has been effected in reclaiming the common Ox of Europe
     V. further on.—
t01 - `(a)' in pale pencil

[continuation] 1—2 underline "existed ... immemorial"
from End Slip annotation 239    On various Park cattle of England with coloured vars    p. 241    p. 301

line 3 score

lines 13—17 score
lines 6—1 score
from End Slip annotation 239    On various Park cattle of England with coloured vars    p. 241    p. 301

lines 18—26 score
lines 18—19 annotation like Pigeons
from End Slip annotation 239    On various Park cattle of England with coloured vars    p. 241    p. 301

lines 3—7 score
lines 4—5 underline "but ... domesticated:"
lines 8—12 score
top-marginline 7 annotation instinct in young animal lost, & it must be lost by change in instincts in old animal. & by the old ones not depositing their young.
from End Slip annotation horizontally crossed 242
     242 Crouching instincts of young lost immediately — no doubt lost in Chickens, not in «Turkeys» through tameness of Parents
show subjects subjects

lines 3—5 score
show subjects subjects

lines 11—10 score
show subjects subjects

lines 22—20 score
lines 15—12 score
lines 9—6 score

lines 13—15 double score
from End Slip annotation 370 Long-horns with difficulty amalgamated    Colling & Bakewell & name Ellman for sheep

[continues overleaf] 2 underline "Cambden"
show subjects subjects

[continuation] 3 underline "goodly ... horns"
show subjects subjects

[continuation] 1—2 score
lines 1—8 annotation (a)
     because cannt see within.—
     Selection [?]can, regulate position of fat.—

lines 5—3 score

line 3 underline "properties ... fattening"
lines 6—10 score
lines 17—20 score
line 7 score
lines 3—1 score

[continues overleaf] 12 underline "crosses"
line 11 underline "Scotch Highland"
line 11 underline "Galloway"

line 13 at "£2669" annotation Cows 17 =
show subjects concepts

line 3 underline "19"
line 3 annotation !
show subjects concepts

lines 6—4 score
line 9bottom-margin annotation such selection cd never apply to wild animals, as evry parent must be adapted to same conditions.
show subjects subjects

lines 16—14 double score
show subjects subjects

lines 14—12 score
show subjects subjects

lines 2—1 score
line 1 underline "prevent ... great"
from End Slip annotation 402    Male Boar tends t destry yong t prevent too gret increse — so som Rams attack pregnant females |||
show subjects subjects

lines 4—6 score
lines 4—6 annotation ?
lines 10—11 score
from End Slip annotation 411.    Tame pigs 3 incisors in each jaw & number not constant
show subjects subjects

lines 8—10 score
lines 15—22 score
lines 2—1 score
bottom-margin annotation What is average age of Elephants ?
from End Slip annotation 415    Vauban calculation of increse of Pigs (.Ch 3)

lines 5—6 score
line 6 underline "piebald"
show subjects subjects

lines 9—11 score
show subjects subjects

lines 12—9 score deleted
line 11 at "Breeds" annotation “    ”
show subjects subjects

line 12 underline "King Herod"
lines 12—14 annotation Q
lines 15—16 score
lines 16—17 annotation X

lines 12—10 annotation Darley Arabian
line 7 underline "Eclispe"

lines 16—15 score
line 15 underline "got 334 winners"
lines 17—14 annotation X Q

lines 20—22 score
show subjects concepts

lines 1—2 score
lines 9—11 score
show subjects subjects

lines 7—10 score
lines 10—12 score
lines 10—12 annotation “    ”
lines 19—22 score
lines 19—22 annotation “    ”
lines 19—22 annotation Q

lines 7—5 score

lines 13—17 score

lines 3—5 score
lines 3—5 annotation !
lines 5—1 score
from End Slip annotation 650 Half-bred Dingos wd attack Poultry — Low kept them

lines 9—5 score
show subjects subjects

lines 18—16 score
line 16 underline "race"
lines 15—13 score
lines 9—8 double score
from End Slip annotation LXIX States roundly that vars. of sheep & Dogs will keep distinct p 671
show subjects subjects

lines 11—8 score
show subjects subjects

lines 7—1 score
from End Slip annotation 717 Some of Dholes of India like Greyhounds — Pointers Mute (Q)

[continues overleaf] lines 21—18 score
lines 16—13 score
lines 10—9 score
lines 7—1 score
lines 29—1 annotation Sulivan's case of other dogs doing so at Falkland
     — adaptation, striking case of

lines 12—4 score
show subjects subjects