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Book Title
Das entdeckte Geheimnis der Natur im Bau und in der Befruchtung der Blumen
Publication Details
Berlin, F. Vieweg, 1793
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Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

lines 8—12 annotation see p. 5

lines 20—16 annotation hairs of pistil to keep pollen

lines 16—15 score in pale pencil
lines 16—15 annotation in pale pencil a
bottom-margin annotation a    Flys impregnate Orchis morio & latifolia & Aristolochia in former attracted by colour, as if there was nectar of wh. there is none
from End Slip 1 annotation 3 Flys impregnate orchis p. 21 do, 23

line 10 annotation B
bottom-margin annotation B. In Epilob. angustifol & Nigella pistil always impreg. by Bees from pollen of younger flowers — Reverse in Euphorbia
from End Slip 1 annotation 4. Epilobium impregnated frm younger flowrs — revrse in «Euphorbia»

bottom-margin annotation In this page upsets all other uses of Nectar

lines 5—10 annotation Most perhaps all Nectar plantst01 (z) require insects for impreg.t02
t01 - `Nectar plants' vertically crossed
t02 - `for impreg.' vertically crossed
show subjects subjects

lines 12—13 annotation (P)
bottom-margin annotation P. Bees carry pollen as well, wh. Nectar, as when pollen-hunting
show subjects subjects

line 17 underline "Märzveilchen"
line 17 annotation 1
bottom-margin annotation 1. Violets require Bees for impregnat
from End Slip 1 annotation — p. 8 Violets

line 16 annotation 2
bottom-margin annotation (2) Most hermaph. flowers require insects for their impregnat.
show subjects subjects

line 2 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation C.D. { The permanence of standard of Kidney-Beans, when lower petals are decayed, shows that the petals serve other protecting ends besides nectar
show subjects subjects

line 6 underline "haaricht"
lines 3—9 annotation X I do not think explains use of hairs on lower lip of foxglove
show subjects subjects

lines 16—18 score
lines 16—18 annotation stet. / V p 29.X
lines 18—21 annotation vertically crossed all nectar-flowers have corolla.—

lines 22—34 annotation He says p. 19 Euphorbia has nectar !!!
     Euphorbia has no tru corolla
     R. Brown

line 10 annotation XX
top-margin annotation XX Marks on corolla guide insects
from End Slip 1 annotation 16 marks on corolla t guide insects none on night flowers
show subjects subjects

line 10 underline "Nachtblumen"
lines 10—6
line 6 underline "ihnen ... Statt"
line 7 underline "Saftmaal"
show subjects subjects

lines 11—9 score
line 9 underline "kürzer ... Dichogamie"

top-marginline 33 annotation How poor ! → { Seems to think fact of insects being required at all, does not deserve any explanation, & how poor a one of Dichogamy for convenience of insects — !!
show subjects subjects

lines 14—16 score
line 14 underline "jeder ... gewählt"
lines 15—16 underline "nicht ... kann"
show subjects subjects

lines 22—23 underline "halbgetrennten ... ähnlich"

lines 25—33 score
line 30 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation (a) Has no notion of advantage of intermarriage
from End Slip 1 annotation 18    was not aware of use of crossing
        Bees boring holes disprove necessity of his marks.

line 37 underline "ganzen Familien"
line 37 at "Schirmblumen" annotation dichogam

line 4 underline "Euphorbia"
line 4
line 14
line 14 underline "Saftblume ist"

lines 20—22 score
lines 19—24 annotation How poor! as in p. 18 XX
bottom-margin annotation XX This kind of Dichogamy requires secretion of nectar for long time, as both old & young flowers must be visited; final cause?
show subjects subjects

lines 14—7 score
lines 14—3 annotation First & last flowers in the tru kind of Dichogam must remain unimpregnat

lines 3—5 score
line 4 annotation a
top-margin annotation (a) some plants, as Euphorbia & Umbelliferae visited by insects, of all kinds & visited irregularly in manner; not so other flowers

lines 13—22 underline "Nigella ... Sporn"
bottom-margin annotation Says Bees guided to Antirrhinum by the saft-maal; but has the Purple Linaria «at whi. Bees were [?]colecting [?]& [?]flys» t01 a saft-maal.— No — whole flower sligtly veined but not there more than elsewheret02
t01 - `« at whi ... [?]flys» ' in brown ink
t02 - `not there ... elsewhere' in brown ink

whole-margin unmarked
from End Note 3 annotation Speak of it as seed (achenium) It is calyx which differs
     Tussilago is superflua
     Picris aequalis —
show subjects subjects

line 9 underline in pale pencil "Fliegen"
line 10 underline in pale pencil "Asclepias"
line 14 underline "Kleine ... befruchten"

lines 8—5 score
line 6 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation X abortive florets of Gelder Rose & Centaury ‹have nectar or› act for this end
     V: Viburnum

lines 3—4 underline "kleine Fliege"
line 4 underline "Serapias longifolia"
line 5 underline "Staubkölbchen"
lines 4—5 annotation Serapias longifolia

lines 5—9 score
line 7 annotation z
bottom-margin annotation z Directions for finding nectary

lines 12—11 underline "aus ... Saft"
lines 8—5 double score in dark pencil

lines 7—15 score
lines 9—10 score
line 9 underline "Gewächs- oder Treibhause"
line 15 underline "Jasione montana"
lines 19—20 underline "Coronilla Emerus"

lines 16—15 score
line 16 underline "wenigstens ... Art"
line 16 annotation a
bottom-margin annotation (a) I saw one in Allen's garden at a Campanula

lines 13—10 score

lines 5—6 underline in dark pencil "von ... gilt"

lines 8—6 score
lines 7—5 annotation X a)
bottom-margin annotation (a) X Bees attracted «by their beauty» t01 to some flowers, without nectar, for pollen & so fructify them.
t01 - `« by their beauty» ' in dark pencil
show subjects subjects

lines 23—24 score
line 23 annotation L)
top-margin annotation L. then he disbelieves pistil bending down & touching anthers.

line 7 at "Sambucus" annotation Elder
lines 8—12 in dark pencil

lines 14—16 score
line 15 annotation X
lines 14—20 score
line 16 annotation P
lines 21—25 score
bottom-margin annotation P Hostile to my thery.— are many mono or dioecious plants saft-leer, if so less so — Carex?

lines 16—10 score
line 9 annotation These are Hermaph. flowers impregnated by wind
show subjects subjects

lines 3—8 annotation in dark pencil Quantity of pollen in Poplar & Pinus sylv.

lines 15—18 score
lines 15—18 annotation male catkins larger than females

lines 20—23 score
lines 20—23 annotation Horse willows impreg by insects

lines 23—24 underline "Crocus ... luteum"
line 27 underline "Anemone"
line 27 underline "Papaver dubium"
line 31 underline "den ... werden"
lines 27—34 annotation Hence flowers without nectar are imprg by insects [but thy have pollen]

lines 9—5 score
show subjects subjects

line 3 at "liegen" annotation this being so & being large or pollen plentiful, will allow of intermariage

lines 3—1 score
line 2 annotation XX
bottom-margin annotation XX Important to discover what hermaph. flowers ,are impregnat by wind

line 24 underline "dass ... Insekten"
line 24 at "Blumen" annotation [illegible word]

line 32 annotation secretion, but serving for no other end ??

lines 34—35 annotation Q
bottom-margin annotation Q . flowers before leaves not to prevent impreg. by wind. & before leaves of other trees

line 17 annotation /M
top-margin annotation M.| case of false final cause. | vry poor ||
show subjects subjects

lines 19—22 score
lines 19—22 annotation no, not in wheat
show subjects subjects

lines 11—13 score
lines 11—13 annotation P
top-margin annotation P.| Hidden flowers exhale much odour

lines 21—23 score in pale pencil
lines 21—23 annotation in pale pencil a
bottom-margin annotation (a)    How generally he seems to think pollen is mature first
from End Slip 1 annotation 42    pollen generally ready first
show subjects subjects

lines 26—28 score
lines 26—31 annotation Hairs on underside of Foxglove to keep off rain ! /
show subjects subjects

lines 31—32 underline "dass ... herabhangende"
line 34 underline "regulär ... müssen"

line 1 underline "Salvia officinalis"
line 6 underline "Linde"
line 7 underline "Iris germanica"
line 8 underline "Bienen nicht"
line 9 underline "Parnassia palustris"

lines 14—17 score

lines 17—20 score
lines 17—24 annotation no! I saw small ones at holes & reverse

line 27 underline "irgend"
line 24 annotation ⧟ P
lines 27—28 multiple score/ @lines 27—28 annotation “    ”
bottom-margin annotation P.) If this had been `always' instead of `ever' it would have been correct perhaps
from End Slip 1 annotation 43 quite as many dichogams, as dioicous & monoicous

lines 12—11 score

line 6 underline "Schirmblumen ... Euphorbien"
lines 3—2 score

lines 15—18 score
lines 16—17 annotation M
top-margin annotation (M) compares nectar & flesh of seeds
show subjects subjects

line 17 annotation P
bottom-margin annotation Hence relation of plants to mammals /
show subjects subjects

lines 13—10 score
line 12 annotation O
bottom-margin annotation O Seeds which are eaten are conspicuous like nectar-flowers /

lines 8—1 score
line 9bottom-margin annotation / considers the vast numbers of seeds necessary for some to be preserved /

top-margin annotation X means Read
show subjects concepts

line 4 annotation X
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 8 annotation requires insects

line 1 annotation X
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 1 annotation X
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 24—26 score
line 25 underline "Dichogamist"
line 26 underline "männlich weiblichen"
line 27 underline "Antheren"
from End Slip 4, Side 3 annotation 50    Veronica Not all

lines 2—1 score
bottom-margin annotation insect impregnation
show subjects subjects

line 12 [
show subjects subjects

lines 7—9 score
line 7 underline "männlich weiblicher"
from End Slip 4, Side 3 annotation 63 Salvia
show subjects subjects

line 25 ]]
show subjects subjects

lines 12—13 underline in pale pencil "dass ... ist"
show subjects subjects

line 17 [
line 17 underline "Valeriana dioeca"
show subjects subjects

lines 4—6 score
line 5 underline "Bryonia alba"
lines 4—14 annotation male flowers larger than female ,in order that insects may visit male first —

line 25 underline "Cucubalus Otites"
line 26 underline in blue crayon "grösser sind"
lines 17—41 annotation in blue crayon So in Strawberries. Gardener Chrnicle Aug 1861 & so in Wild Thyme —

line 8 ]
show subjects subjects

line 2 [
show subjects subjects

line 3 underline "Die ... besucht"
line 6 at
line 6 underline "keinesweges ... mechanische"
line 6 annotation gives good reasons
lines 19—21 score

line 5 ]

line 3 [
show subjects subjects

lines 2—1 ]
show subjects subjects

lines 4—5 score
lines 4—5 annotation X
top-margin annotation X analogous to Hive Bees at Humble Apertures.

lines 24—30 annotation Iris imprgnted by pollen of distinct flower

lines 15—11 score in pale pencil
lines 14—13 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation X iris must be impregnated by Bee which has come from another flower

lines 6—5 score
lines 6—5 underline "nemlich ... solle"

line 11 [
line 311 at "cereale" annotation Rye
show subjects subjects

line 5 underline "Saftdrüse"
bottom-margin annotation ⧟ / In Introduction confesses he knows no use for nectar in grasses & this upsets his thery of its sole use.—    I kept wheat in glass & was astonished at one night how many long stamens were protruded — hence fruct effected by wind, as he remarks; but the Pistil in th wheat, though vry healthy seemed quite concealed. One day in (a)
whole-margin annotation (a) I observed in evey spike of a Rye-grass anthers hanging & pistils feathery, projecting on one (or both?) sides of [?]stalk, so as to be easily impreg — observed this in one other grass.

line 8 [

line 3 ]
show subjects subjects

line 14 annotation X
lines 20—22 score
lines 4—5 annotation X large marginal florets, that insects may see flower from side,— as well as from above —

lines 24—36 score
lines 29—31 annotation & Candy Tuft.

bottom-margin annotation The variation in marginal florets of Viburnum good instance of structure being acquired — CD—

lines 6—4 score
lines 6—5 underline "die ... von"
lines 5—4 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation (a) pollen first ready
from End Slip 4, Side 3 annotation 83 Scabiosa
show subjects subjects

line 20 ] in dark pencil

line 4 [
show subjects subjects

lines 1—3 score
line 1 underline "Ameisen"
lines 1—2 underline "in ... hineinsteckten"
line 8 ]

line 1 [
line 25 ]

[continues overleaf] lines 13—9 double score
line 11 annotation (a)
line 3 underline "ältere ... Antherenkegel"
bottom-margin annotation (a) ‹Like Lobelia›    Dichogam, males first ready
from End Slip 4, Side 3 annotation 97 Borago ― Echium } ‹ar th Solan›

[continuation] 1—6 score in pale pencil

lines 20—25 score
line 20 underline "zwischen"
show subjects subjects

line 32 ]

line 2 underline "Dichogamisten"
line 1 underline "männlich ... Art"
bottom-margin annotation X
show subjects subjects

line 7 ]

line 25 [
show subjects subjects

line 28 underline "Saft ... ich"
line 29 underline "Saftblume ist"
show subjects subjects

line 18 ]
show subjects subjects

line 20 [
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] lines 4—2 double score in dark pencil
line 2 underline in pale pencil "Dichogamist"
bottom-margin annotation Xt01    Manlich dichogamt02
t01 - `X' in dark pencil
t02 - `Manlich dichogam' in pale pencil

[continuation] 1—3 score
lines 4—7 score

line 12 score
line 12 underline "Schmetterlingen"
line 12 ]
from End Slip 1 annotation 106. Butterflies .Phlox — Dichog:

lines 8—10 score
lines 8—10 underline "können ... ist"
lines 22—24 score in pale pencil
from End Slip 1 annotation 111. On Campanula read

lines 10—9 score
lines 10—9 annotation (a)
lines 6—2 score
lines 6—2 annotation no real explanat.
bottom-margin annotation Perhaps it is so in Menyanthes, but impregnation does not necessarily follow
from End Slip 1 annotation 111. On Campanula read

lines 24—27 double score

line 11 ]

lines 5—13 annotation dichogam manlich

line 21 underline "dieselben ... jüngeren"
lines 20—19 underline "das ... oder"
line 18 underline "Erfahrung ... überzeugen"

line 14 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation in room stigma got no pollen, in field covered with it
from End Slip 1 annotation 117 Phyteuma does not get dusted in room Xt01 (one of Campanulaceae) ‹V. if any› Solanaceae ‹tried› p. 126 &c
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

line 15 [

lines 5—6 underline "Sie ... besucht"

line 3 at "Chironia" annotation not Solenaceae
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 12 [
show subjects subjects

line 17 [

lines 17—19 double score
lines 17—18 underline "dass ... Art"
bottom-margin annotation X
from End Slip 4, Side 3 annotation 152 Gentiana

lines 21—23 score
lines 22—23 underline "für ... bestimmt"

line 1 underline "diese Blumen"
line 3 underline "zwar ... männlich"
lines 6—7 underline "Noch ... IV"
line 7 annotation X
top-margin annotation it is evident tht mny genera are dichogams

lines 19—20 [ in pale pencil
show subjects subjects

lines 23—24 score
line 23 underline "geschlechtslose"
line 8 underline "geschechtslosen"
line 5 underline "geschlechtslosen Randblumen"
line 4 underline "Centaurea"

lines 5—6 underline "Saft ... Blumenkäfer"

line 8 ]
show subjects subjects

lines 12—11 underline "Die ... Art"
bottom-margin annotation X
show subjects subjects

line 13 underline "3 bloss auf"
line 11 underline "noch sehr kurz"
lines 13—11 annotation ‹X›
bottom-margin annotation vertically crossed Next page
     pollen ready on ‹pis› stamens one after other «& then move» stigma not formed — so dichogamous

lines 4—7 score
lines 5—6 underline "mich ... geblieben"
line 8 underline "von ... Insekt"

lines 14—18 score in pale pencil
line 16 underline "ein"
line 16 underline "verlängern"
line 17 underline "das ... hinlegt"
from End Slip 1 annotation 167 Parnassia, stigma not ready durng th several days whilst anther moving up.— (Mention after Barberry) probably night flower

lines 12—10 score
lines 13—12 underline "fünf ... sieben"
line 11 underline "und ... verwelkt"
lines 4—1 score
lines 4—3 underline "das ... nach"
lines 2—1 underline "geschlossen ... alsdenn"
line 1 underline "staublosen"

lines 13—10 score
line 13 underline "drey verschiedenen"
line 11 underline "Ein Umstand"
line 9 underline "Kennzeichen ... Dichogamie"

lines 5—6 score
line 7 annotation (a)
top-margin annotation (a) How is Loasa in these respects)?

lines 11—7 score
lines 10—9 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation X On mechanical theory, successive rising of stamens useless

lines 23—26 score
lines 23—26 annotation this should be not is.

lines 11—7 score
lines 11—8 underline "dass ... geschehe"

line 22 underline "ein ... Dichogamist"
from End Slip 4, Side 3 annotation many Umbellifera
     185 Allium

lines 16—11 annotation a feather hyacinth
show subjects concepts

lines 15—14 underline "Von ... kommen"

top-margin annotation feather-Hyacinth
show subjects concepts

lines 11—9 score
line 12 underline "also wahrscheinlich"
line 11 underline "Insekten"
line 10 underline "staubvolle"

lines 4—5 [

lines 6—8 score
lines 6—7 underline "meisten ... Geschlechts"

bottom-margin annotation in brown ink 2 May 61
show subjects concepts

line 1 underline "Scheinfruchtknoten ... männlichen"

lines 22—23 underline "Wind ... Stigma"

line 7bottom-margin annotation { Dioecious plants are produced where self-impregnat. too easy ??? «(associated plants must be in same predicament»t01 Hence is it «that» t02 so many trees «which»t03 each having so many flowers «are» t04 dioecious ?? ||—See to this for my thery)
t01 - `(associated plants ... predicament' in pale pencil, cancelled
t02 - `« that» ' in pale pencil
t03 - `which' in pale pencil
t04 - `« are» ' in pale pencil
show subjects subjects

lines 25—32 score

[continues overleaf] lines 4—1 score
lines 2—1 underline "Tropaeolum"

[continuation] 1—7 score
line 2 underline "immer ... Dichogamie"

line 21 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation a    Horse-chesnuts probably ‹androgen› dichogam
from End Slip 1 annotation 212 [corrected from `211'] Horse chesnut , probably Dichogam.
show subjects concepts

line 25 underline "Ribes alpinum"
lines 27—28 underline "Trauben ... viel"
line 28 underline "Strauchs"
lines 31—32 score
lines 35—36 underline "eine ... Krone"

lines 3—6 score
line 4 underline "mehr ... Zwitterblumen"
line 5 annotation (a)
line 14 annotation (a) Veratum nigrum has many male flowers /

line 14 ]

line 23 underline "männlich-weiblicher"
bottom-margin annotation X
from End Slip 4, Side 3 annotation 216 Tropaeolum
show subjects subjects

lines 1—2 score

line 13 underline "die ... weibliche"
bottom-margin annotation X

line 10 ]
line 10 annotation From p. 1. to here    ‹March› «April» — 46

lines 6—5 double score
line 5 underline "mechanische ... geschehe"
line 4 underline "Symphytum"
line 4 underline "Galanthus"
line 3 underline "angezeigt"

line 25 [
show subjects subjects

line 2 ]
show subjects subjects

lines 13—15 score
line 14 underline "Befruchtung ... geschehen"

lines 5—7 double score in dark pencil
line 7 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation (a) This, as I thought, appears like case of self-impregnation .
from End Slip 1 annotation 240 Kalmia like Barberry, moves on beng touched

line 25 ]

lines 11—9 annotation Dichog.

line 16 underline "Fliege"
lines 16—17 underline "habe ... angesehen"
line 22 underline "jüngere"
line 23 underline "hineingekrochen"
line 26 underline "eine ... Blume"
bottom-margin annotation X
from End Slip 1 annotation 244 Saxifraga saw fly impregnate

lines 16—18 score
line 19 underline "Dichogamie"
bottom-margin annotation X

lines 15—16 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation I find this Dichogam. June 2d 1861

lines 21—20 underline "das ... Stigmate"
line 21 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation a    yet Editor of Annales des Sc. says impreg. before opening
line 13 underline "Dianthus caryophyllus"
from End Slip 2 annotation 249 Dianthus. dichogam, & yet stated to be impregnated in close flowers    ■ ■

lines 13—11 score
lines 13—12 underline "ihrer ... Einrichtung"

lines 3—2 [
show subjects subjects

lines 8—5 score
line 8 underline "als Nachtblumen"
line 3 underline "sondern ... Loch"
lines 4—1 annotation Humble Bees bite holes

lines 5—9 score
line 5 underline "weiblichen"
line 6 underline "weiter"
line 6 underline "männlichen"
line 7 underline "zwanzig"
line 7 underline "zehn"
show subjects subjects

lines 12—7 score
lines 10—6 annotation (Q)
bottom-margin annotation X X
from End Note 2 annotation ask Henslow or Babington, or Watson { p. 260    on th red Lychnis flowerng at different period from the white—

line 7 ]
show subjects subjects

lines 15—17 double score
lines 16—17 underline "Spergula ... Dichogamie"
from End Slip 4, Side 3 annotation 262 Cerastium

line 18 ]
show subjects subjects

line 6 [
show subjects subjects

lines 4—2 score
lines 4—3 underline "denn ... können"

lines 5—7 score
line 6 underline "Bienen befruchtet"
line 6 underline "wahrscheinlich"
line 9 underline "leicht wegblasen"

line 18 ]
show subjects subjects

lines 23—25 score
lines 22—23 underline "Blumen ... Antheren"

line 6 ]

lines 4—3 [
show subjects subjects

line 3 underline "Saftmaal ... nicht"

line 4 score
lines 6—9 score
bottom-margin annotation Bees biting holes

lines 21—22 score

line 17 ]
show subjects subjects

lines 15—14 [
show subjects subjects

line 15 underline "mechanischer Befruchtungsart"
top-marginline 19 annotation Repeatedly shows that impregnation is not by mechanical act ; such movements appear chiefly to favour insects —
show subjects subjects

line 26 underline "Ameise"
line 30 annotation ⧟ «saw» ants impregnate X
from End Slip 2 annotation 296 saw ants carry ■pollen
     (Nothing to show Dichogamy in this class)

line 7 underline "Auch ... Dichogamist"
show subjects subjects

line 6 ]
show subjects subjects

lines 21—20 [
show subjects subjects

lines 13—12 score
bottom-margin annotation Hole cut.

line 5 score
line 5 underline "häufig besucht"

line 12 ]
show subjects subjects

lines 16—15 [

line 13 ]
show subjects subjects

lines 1—2 double score
bottom-margin annotation X

line 12 [
show subjects subjects

lines 22—24 score
line 23 underline "sie ein"

line 3 ]
show subjects subjects

top-margin annotation Nothing in class to show Dichogamy
show subjects subjects

lines 24—28 annotation /Skimmed
show subjects concepts

line 5 ]
show subjects subjects

line 14 underline "Um ... vermuthlich"
show subjects concepts

line 23 ]
show subjects subjects

line 16 [

line 16 underline "scheint"
line 17 underline "Dichogamie"
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 6 ]

line 4 [

line 3 underline "Saftblume"

line 4 ]
show subjects subjects

line 6 at "tinctoria" annotation saw Humble at Shrewbry sucking flower

line 9 underline "keinen"
show subjects subjects

line 11 [
show subjects subjects

line 12 underline "keinen Saft"
line 16 underline "Folglich ... seyn"

line 21 ]
show subjects subjects

line 23 [

lines 7—8 score

line 8 ]

lines 12—5 [    ]
from End Slip 2 annotation 354 does not understand impregnation of Pea.
show subjects subjects

lines 6—5 underline "so ... könne"

line 13 [
show subjects subjects

lines 29—31 score
line 29 underline "oberen"
line 30 underline "Loch"
bottom-margin annotation Holes

lines 5—6 underline "dass ... waren"
lines 6—10 score
lines 8—12 score
lines 6—9 annotation X X
from End Slip 2 annotation 358 on depression of wings in Bean-flowers & othr Legum. causng exsertion of Pistil & anthers so Bees impregnate — whole structure of flower with rectangular pistils fitted for this end — Keel spring up slowly to old position .

lines 13—20 score
line 13 underline "Vicia Cracca"
lines 17—15 double score
lines 16—15 annotation X X
from End Slip 2 annotation 358 on depression of wings in Bean-flowers & othr Legum. causng exsertion of Pistil & anthers so Bees impregnate — whole structure of flower with rectangular pistils fitted for this end — Keel spring up slowly to old position .

lines 20—2 score
lines 18—4 annotation (a) Kidney Bean X X
bottom-margin annotation a    Does not mention Bees always going on one side .
from End Slip 2 annotation 359 Phaseolus, does not know about one side— hairs of pistil brush out pollen; thinks a dichogamist.

lines 3—6 score
lines 8—9 underline "Ich ... ist"

line 18 score
line 18 underline "beisst"
line 17 annotation K
bottom-margin annotation K Bites holes.

line 17 ]
show subjects subjects

line 15 [
show subjects subjects

line 3 ]
show subjects subjects

lines 2—3 [
show subjects subjects

line 14 ]
show subjects subjects

lines 14—28 [    ]
line 15 underline "Saftblumen"
show subjects subjects

line 3 [
show subjects subjects

line 9 ]
show subjects subjects

line 7 [
line 7 annotation = Helminthia
show subjects subjects

lines 17—27 score
line 17 underline "des ... Scheibe"
lines 21—23 underline "letzteren ... grade"
line 21 at "letzteren" annotation middle
lines 24—25 underline "Seite ... besetzt"
lines 21—25 annotation seedst01 (Q)
from End Note 2 annotation p. 367 Difference in shape «← (Good case of mechanical action comparable to action of pollen on head — for no use in seeds bng diffrnt)» of seed in Disc & centre of Composit.
from End Note 2 annotation cancelled    p. 367. «& 374» } Seeds diff shape from Disc & margin of Picris. Composite flower —
t01 - `seeds' in dark pencil

line 27 ]
show subjects subjects

line 15 [
show subjects subjects

line 24 underline "den ... besucht"

line 14 ]
show subjects subjects

line 19 underline "Bienen ungemein"

line 5 [

lines 26—31 score
line 28 underline "wenn ... Befruchtung"
lines 30—31 underline "sondern ... sind"

line 36 ]

line 4 [
show subjects subjects

line 7 ]
show subjects subjects

line 10 [
show subjects subjects

line 17 score
lines 17—16 annotation (Q)
line 14 score
lines 3—1 score
from End Note 2 annotation 374 do — (This must be a correlation of structure, & perhaps owg t insects.—)t01 . Figures of 3 Heads frm sam flower—
from End Note 2 annotation cancelled    p. 367. «& 374» } Seeds diff shape from Disc & margin of Picris. Composite flower —
t01 - `(This must ... insects.—)' horizontally crossed

line 3 ]
show subjects subjects

lines 5—37 [    ]
show subjects subjects

line 18 underline "von ... Insekt"

lines 12—10 double score
line 3 underline "Diese ... Insekten"
line 2 underline "nützlich"
line 1 underline "schädlich"

line 13 [
show subjects subjects

lines 12—16 score
lines 12—13 underline "Sie ... Zwitterblumen"

[continues overleaf] lines 14—10 double score
lines 14—13 annotation (a)
lines 7—5 score
bottom-margin annotation (a) A most curious case of abortive organ being made useful, like marsupial bone in some male marsupial animals.
from End Note 2 annotation 383 — do — otherwise rudimentay — vry curious case
     Xt01 Xt02   
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon
t02 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

[continuation] 1 underline "Blume hineinschieben"

line 11 underline "Salvia pratensis"

line 19 ]
show subjects subjects

line 17 [
show subjects subjects

line 3 underline "männlich-weiblicher"

line 4 ]
show subjects subjects

line 6 [
show subjects subjects

line 12 underline "vollkommen trocken"
line 12 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation (a) like that of Kalmia — I have no doubt this is case with Allen Wedg plant wh does not seed

lines 11—20 score
from End Slip 2 annotation 390 violet — cavity full of pollen stopped by pistil frm beng shaken out ; curved point of stigma moved by Bees .
show subjects subjects

lines 6—8 underline "wir ... jener"
from End Slip 2 annotation 397. does not know much about Heartease.
show subjects subjects

lines 16—17 ]
from End Slip 2 annotation 397. does not know much about Heartease.

lines 11—9 score
line 10 annotation (a)
lines 6—4 score
bottom-margin annotation (a) as I have seen

line 1 score
bottom-margin annotation (no)

line 3 ]
show subjects subjects

line 4 [

lines 5—8 double score
line 7 annotation a
bottom-margin annotation (a) From Henslows account is common to genus.
     But I believe at different periods

line 13 ]

lines 10—11 score
line 11 underline "es ... wollen"
from End Slip 4, Side 1 annotation 403. Orchis. latifolia. — thinks flies impregnate — never saw Bees.— has never seen nectar in. calls them sham-nectar producers — Nectary within hairy — look at night—

lines 19—21 score
lines 19—21 annotation X
lines 23—25 score
lines 23—25 annotation X
line 23 underline "niemals"
line 24 underline "Saft ... angetroffen"

lines 8—7 score
lines 8—7 underline "inwendig ... ist"
line 7 annotation in blue crayon X
bottom-margin annotation in blue crayon ⧟ I am nearly sure nectary of Butterfly coverd with growths

lines 2—1 score
line 2 underline "Scheinsaftblume"
show subjects subjects

lines 1—6 score in blue crayon
top-margin annotation in blue crayon Cannt be deceptive for insct has at once to fly to othr flower—
bottom-margin annotation in blue crayon Little flies often on stigma can stigm secrete sweet mattr.
show subjects subjects

line 14 underline in blue crayon "Osterluzey"
lines 7—21 annotation in blue crayon p. 418 Aristolochia clematitis
show subjects concepts

line 14 at "Morio" annotation (Green winged)
show subjects subjects

lines 11—10 score
line 11 underline "Scheinsaftblumen"
show subjects subjects

line 5 underline in blue crayon "beweist ... militaris"
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] lines 2—1 score
line 1 underline in pale pencil "nur ... Samenkapsel"

[continuation] 1—8 score
line 1 underline "26"
line 2 underline "42"
lines 2—5 uline across page

line 9 at "Orchis" annotation Habenaria, Butterfly orchis certainly
line 9 underline "Wohlriechendes"
from End Slip 4, Side 1 annotation 405. Butterfly orchis has nectar — smells at night — probably a moth impregnation .

line 26 underline "der Saft"
line 27 annotation nectar
show subjects subjects

line 10 underline "des ... vortrefflich"
line 9 underline "Nachtblume"
show subjects subjects

lines 5—7 score
line 6 underline "mit ... versehenen"

lines 12—14 score in pale pencil
line 14 underline "und ... verdeckt"

line 14 ]
show subjects subjects

line 16 [
line 16 at "Ophrys" annotation Listera
from End Slip 4, Side 1 annotation 406 Listera ovata has nectar & visited by Ichneumon (p 407) with 2 pairs on head.
     409. Next year other cases & Beetles. Saw the act of impregnation effected.

line 24 underline "trockner"
line 24 annotation X
show subjects subjects

lines 28—30 score
show subjects subjects

lines 4—3 annotation X
show subjects subjects

lines 8—11 score
lines 10—11 underline "denselben ... vergebens"
lines 10—11 annotation X
lines 12—14 score
line 12 underline "ähnliches ... Insekt"
line 13 underline "zwey Staubkölbchenpaare"
lines 12—13 annotation XX
line 18 underline "ähnliches"
line 18 annotation X 3d.
lines 19—22 score
line 20 underline "ablecken konnte"

line 29 underline "jeder ... Zeit"
show subjects subjects

lines 10—8 score
line 9 underline "abzulecken"
lines 7—6 score
lines 7—6 annotation X
lines 3—1 underline "und ... glückte"
lines 3—1 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation X Would succeed only by stickiness of stigmat01
t01 - `Would succeed ... stigma' cancelled

line 20 underline "oder ... ankleben"
show subjects subjects

lines 27—28 underline "Ich ... angetroffen"

lines 8—6 underline "Absicht ... abzusetzen"
line 6 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation X otherwise he would have caught a third hair
show subjects subjects

line 24 ]
show subjects subjects

line 25 annotation One of the Ophrydiae)    Lind. (Epipactis)
show subjects concepts

line 26 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation = Ep. palustris — I think this — certainy this. No
     or    Cephalanthus ensifolia — this latter ,I now believe
show subjects concepts

lines 15—12 score
line 8 underline in pale pencil "in der Höhe"
bottom-margin annotation He does not really understand this flower

line 4 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation he forgot to look whether any sticky contrivnc to anther. He overlooked the spherical rostelm
     he probably examined only flower which had gone off.
show subjects subjects

lines 10—11 underline "Dass ... Schnacken"
lines 10—11 annotation with Inscts
lines 12—21 score
lines 14—15 underline "weil ... habe"
lines 18—19 underline "die ... Fliegen"
from End Slip 4, Side 1 annotation 414 often see Flies in Epipactis, cd not be impregnated without insects .

lines 21—27 double score
line 24 underline "Rücken"
line 25 underline "Fig. 21"
lines 22—29 annotation Saw Fly with pollen mass on Back
from End Slip 4, Side 1 annotation p 415 saw fly remove the pollen-masses & has figured it sticking on back. —

line 30 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation ⧟ Remarks about Spiders makng nets on plants which afford nectar
from End Note 1 annotation p. 415    on Spiders hauntng plants with nectar: mem Willys remark on Listera

line 7 [
show subjects subjects

lines 17—18 underline "Alsdenn ... seiner"
line 20 underline "Alsdenn ... Antheren"
line 21 underline cancelled "welche ... Figuren"
line 21 underline "sich geöffnet"
from End Slip 4, Side 1 annotation 419 Aristolochia frm structure cannt be impreg. without insects — 421 fd. many flies in with pollen on. 423 thinks flies cannt escape owng t smoothness of bottom of tube —& frm number, but Mem. Arum may be here introduced to show how these little insects can carry pollen. —

lines 28—29 score

lines 4—1 score

lines 12—16 score in dark pencil
bottom-margin annotation X

line 13 underline "zuweilen ... zehn"
line 13 annotation X
line 8 underline "von ... kleinsten"
lines 2—1 underline "dass ... ansetzen"
from End Slip 4, Side 1 annotation 419 Aristolochia frm structure cannt be impreg. without insects — 421 fd. many flies in with pollen on. 423 thinks flies cannt escape owng t smoothness of bottom of tube —& frm number, but Mem. Arum may be here introduced to show how these little insects can carry pollen. —

line 18 underline "Muthmassung"
lines 12—11 underline "dergleichen ... habe"
lines 11—10 underline "dass ... bestimmt"
lines 12—6 annotation so let flys escape & go to other flowers ?

whole-margin annotation All this passage a priori reasoning. V. inlfra [ie `infra'?]

lines 4—1 score
line 5 underline "schliesse ... theils"
line 1 underline "vielleicht ... glatt"
bottom-margin annotation If the flies were really imprisoned —this would be strongest case «except perhaps Zostera» of self impregnat. remember Figs.
from End Slip 4, Side 1 annotation 419 Aristolochia frm structure cannt be impreg. without insects — 421 fd. many flies in with pollen on. 423 thinks flies cannt escape owng t smoothness of bottom of tube —& frm number, but Mem. Arum may be here introduced to show how these little insects can carry pollen. —

lines 3—4 annotation X
top-margin annotation ⧟ Nothing, for he could not find nectar in Beans
show subjects subjects

line 13 annotation ‹(a)›

lines 23—24 underline "dass ... ansetzen"

line 17 score
line 17 underline "jedesmal"
line 17 annotation X
top-margin annotation vertically crossed |||| X Why do so few flowers, then, produce seed which he has insisted on as explained ?

lines 8—6 score
line 6 underline "sondern ... Art"

lines 5—8 score
lines 8—10 score

lines 8—7 ]
from End Slip 4, Side 2 annotation 426. No, flies cannot escape on accont of hair in passage — 428 Fabricius has made sam remark —(Does not say he fd. mny dead flies )

top-margin annotation cancelled (According to my notions all associated plants, ought to be essentially dioecious —) (as «single» trees are)

lines 4—6 score

lines 15—16 underline "so ... finden"
lines 24—26 underline "Die ... an"

line 28 ]

lines 13—5 [    ]
show subjects subjects

line 7 underline "Ich ... gefunden"

line 3 [
show subjects subjects

bottom-margin annotation The Missetoe is propagated like insect-plants Most plants — seeds are propagated like wind — dioecious plants
show subjects subjects

line 1 underline "keinen Saft"
show subjects subjects

line 12 underline "Stigmate ... gross"
show subjects subjects

line 14 ]
show subjects subjects

line 16 [
show subjects subjects

lines 27—28 underline "unansehnlich ... Krone"
show subjects subjects

line 2 [
show subjects subjects

line 4 underline "männlichen"
line 5 underline "weiblichen"
show subjects subjects

lines 10—26 [    ]

line 12 underline "weiblichen"

line 28 [

lines 24—25 underline "welche ... angetroffen"
line 27 underline "längeren ... sitzen"

line 13 underline "aber ... vorhanden"
lines 8—7 underline "einmal ... hervorgebracht"

line 44 ]

line 3 [
show subjects subjects

line 11 ]
show subjects subjects

figures 18, 24—33, 42 ⧟ in blue crayon