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Book Title
über das Winden der Pflanzen
Publication Details
Tübingen, C. Richter, 1827
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

lines 19—21 score
line 19 underline "Calcana"
from End Note 3 annotation in dark brown ink p 2    Movemt of Plants
show subjects subjects

lines 7—2 score
lines 7—6 underline "die ... führen"
show subjects subjects

lines 3—7 score
line 4 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

line 17 underline "Blumenstiele"
line 15 underline "Ampelideen"
lines 14—11 score
lines 3—1 double score in pale pencil
line 2 underline "Blattstiel"

[continuation] 2 ✔
line 2 annotation 686
line 6
line 6 annotation 511
line 8
line 8 annotation 524
line 12
line 12 annotation 538
line 16
line 16 annotation 281
line 20
line 20 annotation 205    218    ‹[illegible word] ?›
line 21
line 21 annotation 205    216
line 23
line 23 annotation 158
line 25
line 25 annotation horizontally crossed 713 ?

[continues overleaf] lines 7—6 score
lines 5—4 annotation all world [?]vol Lindley

[continues overleaf] 10—19 double score
from End Note 3 annotation in dark brown ink p. 26 «XX»t01 Convolvulus sucking plant like Cuscuta.— origins of new habit — Anagous var. «p 45»t02 see p. 45. perhaps describes grwth of papillae of Cuscuta
t01 - `XX' in pale pencil
t02 - `p 45' in pale pencil

[continues overleaf] lines 9—6 score
line 8 underline "Arten ... Gattung"
line 4 underline "wahrscheinlich"
line 3 underline "Gattungen ... natürlichen"
lines 4—3 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

[continuation] 14 underline "Passiflora"
line 14 underline "Mormodica"
from End Note 1 annotation p. 29 { Momordica winds to left
     p 52t01
t01 - `p 52' in pale pencil

lines 5—2 score
line 4 underline "Stengels ... sich"
lines 4—2 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

lines 3—4 score in dark pencil
lines 6—8 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 13—17 score in reddish-brown crayon
from End Note 2 annotation in dark pencil p. 34 Hops
show subjects subjects

lines 5—3 annotation X

lines 3—4 score
lines 3—4 underline "Die ... kletternde"
lines 3—4 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
from End Note 3 annotation in dark brown ink p 41 — on certain plants becoming ‹clim› Twiners — good analogous variation.—
     see my Paper on Climber also

[continues overleaf] lines 20—15 double score
lines 13—9 score
line 11 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 9—7 underline "Asclepias ... windet"
lines 7—5 double score
lines 10—5 annotation wild plant

line 10 underline in reddish-brown crayon "Periplora"
lines 14—16 underline "denn ... Aesten"
lines 14—15 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

line 9 annotation not read
from End Note 3 annotation in dark brown ink p. 26 «XX»t01 Convolvulus sucking plant like Cuscuta.— origins of new habit — Anagous var. «p 45»t02 see p. 45. perhaps describes grwth of papillae of Cuscuta
from End Note 3 annotation in pale pencil p 45. On growth of Cuscuta
t01 - `XX' in pale pencil
t02 - `p 45' in pale pencil

lines 11—15 score
from End Note 1 annotation p. 29 { Momordica winds to left
     p 52t01
t01 - `p 52' in pale pencil
show subjects subjects

lines 8—6 score
lines 9—7 annotation !

lines 3—6 score
line 4 underline "für ... Blumenstile"
line 4 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

lines 10—8 score
lines 10—9 underline "sind ... Blumenstile"
lines 7—6 underline "tragen ... Blüthen"
lines 6—5 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
line 5 underline "tragenden ... Windungen"
lines 4—3 underline "und ... untersten"
show subjects subjects

lines 12—14 double score
lines 12—14 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 5—12 annotation do not curl up
show subjects subjects

lines 5—7 score
line 5 underline "Faba sativa"
line 5 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
show subjects subjects

lines 6—1 score
line 1 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 13—1 annotation Cirri move like Ivy Plnt
show subjects subjects

line 10 underline "Antirrhinum cirrosum"
lines 10—11 annotation Linaria [illegible word]
line 14 underline "die ... selbst"
lines 13—14 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
show subjects subjects

lines 4—7 double score
line 6 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

line 1 annotation X
line 5 score
lines 7—8 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
line 9 underline "Die ... Spiralform"
top-margin annotation This shows his thery

lines 3—1 double score
line 2 underline "mit ... Breite"
lines 3—2 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

lines 3—7 score
line 5 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

lines 4—1 score
lines 4—3 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

[continues overleaf] 1 underline "die ... selbst"

[continuation] 1 underline "aber ... variire"

lines 10—11 underline "indem ... Pflanzen"
show subjects subjects

lines 15—16 underline "durch ... werden"
lines 15—16 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

lines 10—9 underline "Wachsthum ... unabhängig"
lines 9—8 score
lines 9—8 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

line 21 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 21—22 underline "ihre ... Längen"
lines 1—25 annotation There is no relation of [?]quickng in mvemnt of cirri to revolution

lines 4—2 score
line 4 underline "paralell ... Wachsthum"
line 4 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

bottom-margin annotation I cannot make out whether he knew revolvg movemts of tendrils