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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals

top-margin annotation woodcuts 3 inches high
show subjects subjects

whole-margin annotation Holland Powters, vry different in shape frm th Dutch. — Not so large, lighter built . Wings do not reach t end of tail , & lie one over th other on th tail. Beak longer than in other breed — Crop more swollen upwards. Feet & Legs vry tall & feathered vry upright — when not vry like Mausser. Pl. 3 !!! Various colours, but not black with white wings

bird at bottom right annotation — This is what I have ‹bought› «got» as German

line 1 annotation in reddish-orange crayon Pouters
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

show legend key
deleted pinholes visible line connects passages
« » inserted count up from last line ÷* long division
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

top-margin annotation A working man enquired all himself

top-margin annotation Laugher
     Finnikin Spanish runt } not mentionedt01
     Frill-back )
t01 - `Finnikin Spanish ... mentioned' in brown ink
show subjects concepts

lines 2—1 score in pale pencil
show subjects subjects

top-margin annotation 17
show subjects concepts

line 5 underline "Augensterne"
line 5 annotation pupil
line 10 underline "Steiss"
line 10 annotation rump

line 13 underline "Gesellschaft ... zahmen"
lines 12—14 annotation Dovecots do not like fancy pigeons
from End Slip annotation 17 Dovecots do not like Fancy Pigeons

lines 8—9 underline "Es ... Tauben"
lines 6—9 annotation House Pigeons crossed with Fancy very fruitful
from End Slip annotation 18 Crosses very fruitful

line 13 underline "schwarz"

line 18 underline "gewöhnlich"
line 19 [
lines 19—20 underline "der ... schön"
lines 11—22 annotation correspondence in age
     in young the white bars are rust-red & perfect character remains only till 3d or 4th year old —

from End Slip annotation 21 In young white bars nearly red & true (Q) character remains only till 3 or 4 years 24 Nearly parallel case
show subjects subjects

line 12 at "Pfaffen" annotation Priest
line 13 at "Muschelhauben" annotation X
line 13 annotation shell-shaped cap X

lines 14—23 annotation ‹white› cross at back of Head
     top of head white
     upper & lower Mandible different colours.
show subjects subjects

lines 11—12 annotation ‹Evidently [illegible word]›    This seems rather different
line 12 underline "etwas grösser"
line 13 underline "Brust ... Oberrücken"
lines 14—15 annotation Head smooth «white» tail flight feathers, & feathers on feet white

line 17 underline "Latz"
line 17 annotation Stomacher
lines 19—24 annotation These have strongest shell-shaped caps of all Breeds— runs down half neck

lines 3—5 score
lines 4—6 annotation In young the white feathers are first edged with colour
from End Slip annotation 21 In young white bars nearly red & true (Q) character remains only till 3 or 4 years 24 Nearly parallel case

line 11 annotation Spot
show subjects subjects

line 1 underline "wegen ... kurzen"
line 5 underline "Schnabel ... als"
line 5 annotation I see this is mine
show subjects subjects

lines 7—11 annotation I have now written descriptions on plates
show subjects subjects

line 10 double score
line 10 annotation —Blue

line 3 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation a    Called by Riedel Polish Pigeon

line 4 double score
line 4 underline "blaue"
show subjects subjects

line 2 at "latschige, russische" annotation in pale pencil [illegible word], Russian
lines 2—9 annotation Mr Gilbert will back one of his to travel for 1/4 of hour
show subjects concepts

line 7 underline "einen ... Schnippe"
lines 16—18 score
lines 16—18 underline "doch ... gut"
lines 16—18 annotation in brown ink (Q)
line 19 underline in pale pencil "Altenburgische"
from End Slip annotation 29 odd heredetariness in Trumpeter

[continuation] 1—2 score
line 1 underline in pale pencil "Schwungfender ... doppelte"
line 2 double score in pale pencil
from End Slip annotation 31 Hinkel flight-feathers doubts Q

line 4 underline "Halbmondstaube"
line 4 annotation Half-moon

birds numbered "4" ⧟

birds numbered "5" annotation [one circled bottom left] ⧟ chequered.    These seem all pretty like th Dovecot Pigeon.—

bird at toright annotation ( Baldpate ?)
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

between central and bottom figures annotation chequered

line 1 annotation Priest.    BaldPates?
show subjects concepts

bottom right corner annotation [ Nuns have head, tip of wings & tail of different colour frm rest of body Dixon p. 100]

birds at bottom left annotation [circled]

bird at bottom right annotation —chequerd

line 1 at "Mäusser-Taube" annotation Priest Pfaffer or White-tailed
     Thinks a cross with next
show subjects concepts

line 1 at "Mönch-Taube" annotation vertically crossed —(Nuns ‹?› I think certainy)
     (Bald-Pates ? )
show subjects concepts

line 9 annotation lines 20—24 years
show subjects subjects

line 12 underline "Holländerkropftaube"
lines 13—15 annotation These fancy races lines 6—8 years age.—

birds numbered "1" annotation ←⧟→ — ←⧟→ These strongest shell-shaped cap of all breeds

birds numbered "2" annotation

birds numbered "3" annotation [connected in error to a bird numbered 2]

birds numbered "4" annotation Spot
line 1 at "Bläss-T." annotation Spot
     — Spott01
t01 - `— Spot' in reddish-orange crayon
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

birds numbered "5" annotation ←⧟→

birds numbered "1" annotation [one circled]    No Bars, I saw this at Mr Wickerys

line 1 at "Schwalben" annotation Swallow
     short feet
     Swallow P.t01
t01 - `Swallow P.' in reddish-orange crayon
show subjects subjects

line 1 at "Schild" annotation Shield or Bucker.
     Shield P.t01
t01 - `Shield P.' in reddish-orange crayon
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

bottom right corner annotation ( Dixon «p. 120» considers these all sub-vars of Bald-Pates.)
     Colours do not blend as in archangel

bird at 'mid-right' annotation Edged with Black —

bird at bottom right annotation — Reddish bars

all figures annotation vry smallest, vy like Tumblers — great eyes small beak — Beak-skin ‹think› «thin», forehead high — vry neat — Beak broad slightly tufted, with frill in front —

bottom-margin annotation Black-tailed not here    Turbitt01    Turbit or owl ? (I think certainly)
t01 - `Turbit' in reddish-orange crayon

bird at toright annotation in dark pencil — ‹Magie› «Magpie coloured» acordng to Mr. Brent.

all figures annotation Size of commn Pigon — feet short Beak short Head angular like Moven, or last

line 1 annotation Bald-headed tumbler , nor almonds not mntiond    Common Tumblerst01
t01 - `Common Tumblers' in reddish-orange crayon

top-margin annotation ( It is clear that Barbs, Tumblers & Owls all allied ) & Capuchins all allied.— All naked feet

all figures annotation Large as commn Pigeon but not so light a birds—
     Head like Möven, to which most allied. smooth , seldom capped — Eyes large — Rings rond eyes vry broad & flesh coloured.— Beak short & thick— nose-covrng seems swollen, scruffy, as if powdered.— not fruitful

line 1 annotation Barbst01    Barbs ‹?› Yes
t01 - `Barbs' in reddish-orange crayon
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

upper figures annotation Larger than common Dovecot P. but not so light — Head like Moven, beak stragt — Eyes great ring rond eyes fleshy — Shell-cap to Head — & runng down neck —

central figures annotation || Wings very long reachng t «end of» tail Tail-feathers long.— Whole bird elongated /

bottom figures annotation p. 28. Larger than common Pigeon .— Soemtims with “spitz Kuppen Kopf” — Breast sticks out & broad — Neck goe back — 32 tail feathers, stick up, middle ones doubled. Never seen yellow or red. Some coloured like Shield Pigeon The coloured ones not so long tail feathers as white—
from End Slip annotation Pl 9 Never seen yellow or red Fantail

line 1 at "1" annotation in reddish-orange crayon Jacobins
line 1 at "2" annotation in reddish-orange crayon Fantail
show subjects concepts

line 1 at "Zopf" annotation Capuchin ‹?› (Certainly)t01    Mr Wickery blue Hen with 33 [tail-feathers]
t01 - `(Certainly)' in pale pencil

top-margin annotation I shd think in some degree allied to the Tumbler class
show subjects subjects

birds numbered "1" annotation
line 1 at "1. Trommel" annotation Drum
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

whole-margin annotation Rather larger than common Make peculiar noise when angry. go «on» for 5 minutes— thick head. a thick short Beak— a shell-tuft to beack of Head, Tuft of feathers at base of beak. Skin round eye white — Breast wide neck thick— Feet much feather Longest feet feather 5 1/2 inches long not good fliers — Mongrels seldom drum .

line 1 annotation in reddish-orange crayon Trumpeter
bottom-margin annotation Trumpeter ?
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

whole-margin annotation Common Dutch Powters
     Largest Pigeons. very like Capuchins in high head, short Beak (but not so short) Tail-feathers vry long Feet smooth — Tips of wing reach beyond tail-feathers — Body elongated. Head with nest of feathers ,or smooth.— Vry rare, hardy any in his neighborhood. 22 inches long. — with outspread wings 3 feet + 6 inches

bottom-margin annotation in reddish-orange crayon Pouters
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

top-margin annotation woodcuts 3 inches high
show subjects subjects

whole-margin annotation Holland Powters, vry different in shape frm th Dutch. — Not so large, lighter built . Wings do not reach t end of tail , & lie one over th other on th tail. Beak longer than in other breed — Crop more swollen upwards. Feet & Legs vry tall & feathered vry upright — when not vry like Mausser. Pl. 3 !!! Various colours, but not black with white wings

bird at bottom right annotation — This is what I have ‹bought› «got» as German

line 1 annotation in reddish-orange crayon Pouters
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

birds numbered "3" annotation ⧟ Archangel ?t01 — Archangel Mr Brent says
t01 - `Archangel ?' in reddish-orange crayon
show subjects concepts

line 1 at "1" annotation in reddish-orange crayon — One Runt
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 1 at "1" annotation —Hinkel
     Runts? yes I think certainly? Short neck ,large as Bantam ,thick body high legs, very short tail, lifting tail Middle flight-feather doubled /
     Leghorn Runt (probably)
     Mr Brent says Yes .

line 1 at "2" annotation or half moon Pigeon like common pigeon in shape, Feet feathered.

line 1 at "3" annotation chaffinch
     Head— pointed — very tame & delicate, but like dovecot in shape.
     This is like archanged Pigeon in [?]skin

line 1 at "4" annotation Bristler
     Feathers curled like lock of Hair specially on wing-coverts
t01 - `Frill-Back' in reddish-orange crayon
show subjects subjects

whole-margin annotation Very large either smooth or top-Knot — Beak vry thick, but not long.— Skin at base of nose, swollen, wrinkled, powdered — C wide warty red, — when old become powdered & keep on growing bigger & bigger — Always one colour though various.
show subjects subjects

line 1 annotation (I see here it is not said done after nature ) I suspect accidentally omitted.—
show subjects subjects

line 1 annotation or Arabian; for come from there. —
     Runts?t01 — Carriers ‹?› ‹or Runts?›
     This is clearly carriert02
t01 - `Runts?' cancelled
t02 - `This is ... carrier' in dark pencil

bottom-margin annotation in reddish-orange crayon Carriers
show subjects subjects
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bottom-margin annotation in dark pencil From Webers Book p. 14, allied to carrier p 15 is carrier.
show subjects concepts

top-margin annotation very like Bakers Scanderoon Carrier — n[damaged: ripped] [illegible words][damaged: ripped] swan .— tail short, vry [illegible word] & not [?]as spread out
     except bill here mor curved .—    Secondaries look short / Mr Wickery says certainly
     ‹eye› orbits red, but Weber & Riedel says is white

top-margin annotation in dark brown ink Scanderoons
show subjects subjects
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whole-margin annotation As large as Hinkel ‹or Runts› — Beak vry long — hooked, bowed, — Covrng of Beak & ‹[illegible word]› «orbits»,t01 like Turkich Pigeon, but not so large — neck thin — Breast round, like half circle — feet strong & naked — Wings & tail sharp. —
     Breed badly, seldom brng up more than one. —
     (I shd. think allied to last )
t01 - `orbits,' in dark pencil

line 1 underline in reddish-orange crayon "Bagadotten"
line 1 annotation Bagatins turkish name for Carrier    Hocker-taube of Weber
show subjects concepts

bottom-margin annotation Carrier, ‹?› Yes certainy    Runts accordng to Mr Brent
     no. now think carriers.
show subjects concepts

bottom-margin annotation ( I see Dixon states th Beak vry straight, & vry long )

annotation 4, 6
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