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Book Title
Leçons de botanique
Publication Details
Paris, P.J. Loss, 1841
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation $ [botanical drawings]
show subjects concepts

lines 1—3 score
show subjects concepts

lines 4—5 ]
lines 6—7 score
lines 8—11 score
from End Slip 1 annotation 57 analogies, Tillandsia like Lichen (172)

lines 5—1 score
from End Slip 1 annotation 63 Rudim\!ents of m\!any organ\!s, as so called gland

lines 6—4 score
lines 6—5 underline "il ... cristata"

lines 16—14 score

lines 8—1 score
line 8bottom-margin annotation (Q) Case of doulbe organs No. not exactly. but of same in different states →
from End Slip 1 annotation 143. «(Q)» abnormal\! ‹state› organ in class, variable

lines 6—8 }
lines 6—8 annotation (Q)
lines 8—11 score
lines 8—11 score
lines 10—14 annotation How is this in Cauliflower
from End Slip 1 annotation 145 good case of Balancement: 199. —619 (Q)

[continues overleaf] 5 underline "folia pertusa"

[continuation] 1—3 score

lines 13—11 score

line 4 crossing-out "5"
line 4 annotation X 81
show subjects concepts

[continues overleaf] lines 4—1 )


lines 19—22 score

lines 1—3 score
lines 1—3 annotation (Q)
from End Slip 1 annotation 145 good case of Balancement: 199. —619 (Q)

lines 5—6 score
from End Slip 1 annotation 301. on passages being «(Q)» general., 508 stronger.— 541. do

lines 10—5 score
show subjects subjects

lines 4—8 score
lines 4—8 annotation is there not analogy or relation with moss-roses?
show subjects subjects

lines 17—18 score
show subjects subjects

lines 6—4 score cancelled
show subjects subjects

lines 9—13 score
show subjects subjects

lines 11—14 score
show subjects subjects

lines 1—2 score
lines 1—2 annotation Then not true nectary !
from End Slip 3 annotation 364. series in Pappus
     369— in Nectaries

lines 9—12 score
from End Slip 1 annotation 407. Rule of colours (same for vars. & species.)
show subjects subjects

lines 14—17 score

lines 11—3 score
lines 11—10 underline "le ... bleu"
lines 4—2 score
lines 4—3 underline "bleues ... jaunes"


lines 14—17 score
show subjects subjects

lines 7—10 score
lines 7—10 annotation Embryology
from End Slip 1 annotation 413 Embryology in plants irregular flowers at first regular

lines 16—23 score
lines 14—30 annotation Laws governing abortion

lines 6—8 score
lines 10—12 score in pale pencil
lines 15—18 score in pale pencil

lines 4—6 score
lines 4—20 annotation as many exceptions as facts
lines 9—7 score

lines 5—6 score
lines 5—6 annotation Law of variation

lines 8—10 score
lines 11—12 score
lines 15—17 score
from End Slip 1 annotation 442 rudimentary stamens— 475 of Pistils: 637

line 20 underline "doigt ... Gallinacés"
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] lines 8—6 score
lines 4—2 score
from End Slip 1 annotation 442 rudimentary stamens— 475 of Pistils: 637

lines 4—8 score
lines 9—15 score
line 10 underline "M. Mohla"
line 14 underline "la ... des"
line 14 at "grains" annotation in same genera ?
from End Slip 1 annotation horizontally crossed 446 var. in individual & differences in species ?

lines 15—19 score
lines 16—18 annotation X
show subjects subjects

lines 3—6 score
from End Slip 1 annotation 448 on anthers of Asclepias

lines 18—22 annotation in brown ink (Q)
lines 23—25 score in pale pencil

lines 18—20 score
line 18 underline "constante ... familles"
lines 11—28 score
lines 11—28 annotation number of non varying characters

bottom-margin apparently unintentional mark

lines 5—1 score
show subjects subjects

lines 10—16 score
lines 16—17 score
from End Slip 1 annotation 442 rudimentary stamens— 475 of Pistils: 637
show subjects subjects

lines 15—19 score
lines 14—21 annotation (Q)
from End Slip 1 annotation 301. on passages being «(Q)» general., 508 stronger.— 541. do

[continuation] 1 score
line 1 underline "axiles ... Puisque"
from End Slip 1 annotation 516. two kinds of placentation in same genus, charactersng two sections of genus passage by jumps possible.

lines 8—7 score

lines 10—7 score
lines 5—3 score
line 5 underline "sans exception"

lines 15—9 score
from End Slip 1 annotation 301. on passages being «(Q)» general., 508 stronger.— 541. do

[continuation] 1—2 score
line 2 annotation
from End Slip 1 annotation 756 On great difference «(549) do» in cotyledon in 3 allied plants, showing no charcater is constant.
show subjects subjects

lines 19—21 score

bottom-margin apparently unintentional mark

lines 14—18 score
lines 14—18 annotation curious

[continues overleaf] lines 4—1 double score
line 4 underline "une foule"
line 4bottom-margin annotation !!⸮ (Q)
from End Slip 1 annotation 572 a multitude of flowers are impregnated in bud. strong case of — in Goodenia

lines 4—5 score
lines 4—8 annotation not so in animals Owen
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] 1 score
line 2bottom-margin annotation How made out value of Series

top-margin annotation but have no nervous system, no more at head

[continuation] 1—2 score

lines 5—4 score
bottom-margin annotation If most complicated & altered form is to be highest — no for worms for fish — origin might then be highest.—
from End Slip 1 annotation 617 seems to think multiplication sign of highness
show subjects subjects

lines 14—12 (
lines 11—9 score
lines 5—3 double score
lines 7—4 annotation (Q)
from End Slip 1 annotation 145 good case of Balancement: 199. —619 (Q)

lines 2—5 score
top-marginline 2 annotation V. p .643 How know ever existed?
from End Slip 1 annotation 442 rudimentary stamens— 475 of Pistils: 637

lines 4—8 double score

[continuation] 4—12 score in pale pencil
lines 15—16 double score
lines 15—16 underline "un commencement de développement"
lines 20—21 underline "supposition ... théorique"

lines 5—7 score

lines 15—11 )
lines 12—11 double score
from End Slip 1 annotation 711. Genus not natural when founded on one character

lines 7—9 score
line 8 annotation X
lines 9—12 underline "mais ... faible"
lines 8—17 annotation /good similarity X
show subjects subjects

lines 17—3 score
lines 14—13 annotation X
lines 16—12 underline "Une ... baies"
line 10 underline "n'en ... pas"
line 9 underline "secs"
lines 7—6 underline "contraire ... génériques"

lines 16—17 )

lines 1—3 score
lines 12—15 (
lines 3—2 double score
from End Slip 1 annotation 754 on classificatory value of different parts of seeds; it is in fact embryology.

line 1 at "sa" annotation the embryo
line 1 underline "sa position"
lines 1—3 double score
lines 1—3 annotation like embryonic animals
lines 5—6 score
lines 7—10 score
lines 10—12 score
lines 13—14 score

[continues overleaf] lines 13—12 )
lines 11—8 score
line 7 underline "n'est ... caractère"
lines 6—1 score

line 9 underline "corniche ... haute"
lines 8—12 annotation What kind of seeds. Gilliflower & Sedum

lines 4—5 underline "cinq ... fruits"
line 6 underline "trois mille"
from End Slip 2 annotation 761 Ash    500,000\! seeds \!
show subjects subjects

lines 13—12 score
lines 11—10 score
show subjects subjects

lines 10—11 score
line 10 underline "cent ans"
lines 14—15 score
line 15 underline "laissées ... vingt"
lines 9—8 score
lines 9—8 underline "vingt ... ans"
line 1 underline "à moins ... siècle"

lines 17—20 score

lines 7—4 )

lines 9—4 score
lines 3—1 score
line 3 underline "s'il ... possible"
bottom-margin annotation in pale pencil We know from experience that any one character is general, it will go with others — all organization is corelative
from End Slip 2 annotation 782 «784» } on value of character, according as it allies itself with others, which is inferred simply from being constant

lines 8—10 score
lines 13—16 score

lines 19—20 score
lines 21—23 score
lines 23—24 score
from End Slip 2 annotation 782 «784» } on value of character, according as it allies itself with others, which is inferred simply from being constant

lines 4—5 score
line 4 underline "caractère ... peu"
lines 12—16 score
line 17 score
lines 24—25 score

lines 6—7 score
lines 7—8 underline "importance ... divers"
lines 8—10 score
from End Slip 2 annotation 786 on value of characters good — embryo most important , yet it is a whole

lines 13—15 score
line 15 underline "d'ailleurs ... moins"
lines 15—18 score
from End Slip 2 annotation 786 on value of characters good — embryo most important , yet it is a whole

lines 8—6 score
line 7 underline "de ... caractères"
lines 2—1 score
lines 3—1 annotation !

lines 4—6 )
lines 4—7 score
lines 6—8 score
lines 7—8 underline "ne ... isolé"

lines 12—15 score
line 13 at "caractères" annotation in pale pencil of embryo
lines 14—15 score
lines 14—15 underline "leur ... constance"
lines 16—17 score
lines 12—9 score
line 4 underline "de ... différente"
lines 6—3 double score
lines 6—3 annotation !
bottom-margin annotation in pale pencil How well worth getting good Botanist to examine variation of do
from End Slip 2 annotation 787 direction of embryo in Helianthemum, vy different
show subjects subjects

line 6 underline in pale pencil "différences ... constance"
lines 8—9 underline "fruit ... pétales"
from End Slip 2 annotation 788 good showing that physiological importance no rule, because imprtance of all characters variable.

lines 14—16 score
lines 14—16 score in pale pencil
lines 16—17 underline "que ... faible"
lines 18—19 underline "c'est ... exposés"

lines 14—9 double score in dark pencil
line 13 underline "nous ... serions"
lines 9—8 underline "la ... Malphigia"
lines 8—3 score

lines 1—4 score

lines 5—11 underline "M. ... genres"
lines 7—10 annotation in pale pencil where has Mirbel done this??
lines 13—14 underline "il ... dans"
line 15 underline "très-grande constance"
lines 16—18 underline "les ... paillettes
lines 18—24 score in pale pencil
from End Slip 2 annotation 789 Remarks on Mirbels views on classification .

bottom-margin annotation Descent is the key, least varialbe will then be best guide, whatever th part may be.—

top-margin annotation Whatever parent form we can ‹see› «trace» modification. ‹& so agres with my thery›
show subjects subjects

lines 14—10 score
lines 9—7 score
lines 9—7 annotation !!
lines 6—2 score
line 9bottom-margin annotation There is no highest, there is most modified, «[mid-margin] (but when much rudimentary, what we must call useless, ∴ not highest)» & by man's standard high & low. The impossibility of saying what is highest is conformable to my thery — which is highest var of cabbage or dog ?— most changed will not do — put man on one side, hardy any index — except most unlike a primary simple form.
from End Slip 2 annotation 791 on High & Low plants good M.S. remark «793. 814»

line 1 score
line 31 underline "Renonculacées"
whole-margin annotation in dark pencil Schleiden Compositae — Hooker some parasite. So in parasite Lerneidae & cirrhipedes, especially males of,

lines 1—3 score
show subjects subjects

lines 13—15 score
lines 18—20 score
lines 23—25 score

[continues overleaf] lines 7—4 score
lines 7—6 underline in dark pencil "moins ... Composés"
lines 9—6 annotation in dark pencil !
from End Slip 2 annotation 791 on High & Low plants good M.S. remark «793. 814»
from End Slip 2 annotation 793 .on series not being lineal

[continuation] 1—3 score
lines 5—9 score

lines 4—1 score
lines 3—2 underline "nous ... rapports"
show subjects subjects

lines 7—15 score
lines 12—13 underline "les ... complètes"
lines 17—20 score
lines 20—24 score
lines 24—26 score in pencil
from End Slip 2 annotation 791 on High & Low plants good M.S. remark «793. 814»

lines 2—4 score
lines 8—10 score in pencil
lines 11—13 score
lines 15—16 score
lines 1—17 annotation What case of impossibility of arrangement
from End Slip 2 annotation 815 good case of impossibility of arrangement

lines 10—15 score
lines 16—17 score
lines 20—22 score
lines 24—27 score in pencil
from End Slip 2 annotation 818 Xt01 Monstrosities are only anomalities of the species (Q)
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

lines 7—11 score

lines 19—20 score
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 7—13 score

lines 14—5 score
whole-margin annotation It does not appear that embryo of Dicot ,is like at any stage embyo of Monocot or Crptogamic plants . Even Dicot & Monocot. are quite unlike in earliest age. as shown by name)—
     N.B Reflect on plants not passing through any larva-embryonic state [ ⸮ because thy come at once to play their part in nature ? ] good selection. —

from End Slip 2 annotation 826 no resemblance of embryo in plants as in animals

lines 8—11 score
show subjects concepts

lines 16—18 score
lines 18—21 score
line 18 score in dark pencil
line 19 underline in dark pencil "sur ... différents"
lines 21—24 score
show subjects subjects

lines 14—15 score
lines 18—21 score
show subjects concepts

lines 7—5

lines 9—12 score
line 11 annotation X
top-marginline 20 annotation N.B X May use account for diversities «in» important characters in families, to their having varied in th lower or parent stocks.
from End Slip 2 annotation 834 .Important organs may vary in early stocks: hypothesis. —836
show subjects subjects

lines 11—16 score
lines 13—14 annotation X
show subjects subjects

lines 9—8 score
lines 9—8 annotation X
lines 5—3 score
lines 5—4 X
show subjects subjects

line 14 underline "fleurs"
lines 11—7 score
line 11 underline "grandes différences"
line 6 underline "bornerai"
line 5 underline "fleur ... Hépatiques"
lines 5—1 annotation V. Lindley on the rest
from End Slip 2 annotation 834 .Important organs may vary in early stocks: hypothesis. —836

line 11 underline "monoïques et dioïques"

line 6 underline "mucilagineuses"
line 5 underline "morphologiques"
line 4 underline "car ... ces"
lines 6—2 annotation I think there has lately in Linn Trans

line 1 score
line 1 underline "mÊme ... et"
show subjects subjects