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Book Title
A history of British fossil mammals and birds
Publication Details
London, John Van Voorst, 1846
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

bottom-margin annotation in dark brown ink 1846

lines 14—10 score

lines 17—20 score in pale pencil
show subjects subjects

lines 12—16 annotation cancelled about Tiger swimming a few miles

lines 19—20 score
lines 19—24 annotation See Description to understand fully
bottom-margin annotation Altogethr 2. Bos Primigenius & longifrns 2. Bisons priscus & minor

line 1 multiple score

lines 1—2 score in pale pencil
line 5 annotation in pale pencil Hippopotam
lines 7—11 score in pale pencil
lines 14—19 score in pale pencil
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation XXXVII — On relation of fossil to recent mammals of same districts to XLIII no fossil Mammal in N. Zealand — XLIV except seal. — Huxley.—t01
t01 - `except seal ... Huxley.—' in brown ink

lines 7—3 score

lines 9—11 score
lines 9—11 score in pale pencil
lines 13—17 score
lines 18—19 score

bottom-margin annotation 1.
show subjects concepts

lines 11—13 score
show subjects concepts

lines 5—6 score

line 1 score

lines 9—12 score

lines 5—1 score

lines 3—6 score

lines 3—4 score
line 4 underline in pale pencil "very ... exceptions"

lines 8—6 score
lines 7—6 underline "from ... character"

lines 10—9 underline "in ... obliterated"

lines 18—20 score
lines 21—22 score
lines 21—22 annotation ∴ direction variable ?
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 87.    variability in rudimentary premolar in Ursus ‹sl› spelaeus

lines 6—1 score

lines 1—3 annotation (Q)
show subjects concepts

lines 18—19 score
lines 18—19 underline "the ... Weasel"

lines 6—7 score
line 6 underline "two ... notably"
lines 11—13 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 133 ; 2 varieties of Dog ‹in› doubtful case.— (Q)

lines 7—6 score
lines 7—6 annotation !
line 6 underline "recent"
line 5 underline "Human remains"

bottom-margin apparently unintentional mark

lines 7—6 score
lines 7—6 underline "osseus ... Corsica"
lines 7—4 annotation See to this as change of surface
from End Note annotation vertically crossed p 212—    Refernc to Corsica cavern
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 212    Rabbit Bones in Corsica
     214 Lagomys do & in Britain

lines 10—8 score
lines 4—1 score

lines 3—1 score

line 1 annotation X
show subjects concepts

bottom-margin apparently unintentional mark

lines 15—17 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 261    Southern range of Mammoth in America. p 359 of «woolly Rhinoceros in Tuscany»

lines 1—12 score
lines 9—13 score in pale pencil
lines 9—13 annotation in pale pencil affinity frm abortive organs
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 334 342 } affinity shown by rudimentary organ

lines 16—10 score
lines 3—1 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 334 342 } affinity shown by rudimentary organ

line 2 underline "Caldy Island"
lines 1—2 annotation X

lines 11—7 score
line 8 underline "Rhinoceros tichorhinus"
lines 9—7 annotation This is the cold animal
line 2 score
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 261    Southern range of Mammoth in America. p 359 of «woolly Rhinoceros in Tuscany»

lines 12—9 score
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 413. fossil genera between Sus & Hippopotamus
show subjects subjects

lines 2—1 score

lines 10—9 score
lines 10—9 annotation Eocene

lines 9—7 score
from End Note annotation p 441 & 432 { How «far are» ‹were› Anoplotherium & Palaeotherium «‹or rather the t›» distinct ; are thy are as distinct as «are at» present «the» unequal & equal-toed Pach-Rum:---- or rather were th two Eocene groups of equal and unequal toed animals as distinct, as present 2 groups —
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 432 Anophotherium, remarks on rudimentry teeth in Ruminants ; young of latter approach anoplotherium.—

lines 6—4 score in pale pencil
lines 6—4 annotation in pale pencil !
lines 5—4 underline in pale pencil "or rudimental"
lines 2—1 score in pale pencil
lines 15—4 annotation Reference to Lamarcks views

bottom-margin annotation Owen says young of present Ruminants in not having horns & rudimental teeth approach Anoplotherium }

lines 1—3 score
lines 4—5 score
lines 9—10 score
line 10 underline "for ... Ruminant"
lines 15—18 score
line 18 underline "for ... Ruminant"
top-marginline 18 annotation Did ruminants then exist in some other quarter —
from End Note annotation p 441 & 432 { How «far are» ‹were› Anoplotherium & Palaeotherium «‹or rather the t›» distinct ; are thy are as distinct as «are at» present «the» unequal & equal-toed Pach-Rum:---- or rather were th two Eocene groups of equal and unequal toed animals as distinct, as present 2 groups —

lines 4—5 score in pale pencil
lines 13—14 score
lines 18—19 score
lines 6—5 score in pale pencil
line 6 underline in pale pencil "intermediate ... both"

lines 7—5 score
line 6 underline "and ... Elk"

line 2 X
bottom-margin annotation This seems whole evidence of Bison minor

lines 14—12 score
lines 14—12 annotation now extinct ?

top-margin annotation Nillson (V. Annals 1849 p.350) makes another doubtful species B. frontosus. —
show subjects concepts

[continuation] 1—2 score
lines 2—5 score
lines 3—4 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X
lines 7—10 score

lines 15—12 score
line 13 underline "primitive ... Bos"
line 13 annotation in reddish-brown crayon X

[continues overleaf] lines 2—1 score
line 1 underline "species"

lines 7—6 score

[continues overleaf] lines 9—1 score
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 540    on Rudimentry teeth in Whales ,& embryonic character in Ruminants

lines 6—1 score
line 3 underline "still ... my"
lines 5—3 annotation !