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All titles related to this item Naturgeschichte der Saeugethiere von Paraguay
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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
No Marks
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

lines 5—14 score
lines 7—10 annotation resemble of womn to men
⇑lines 18—16 score
⇑lines 18—17 annotation Beard
⇑lines 12—11 underline "Die ... Farbe"
⇑lines 8—6 annotation complexion in passion

[continues overleaf] ⇑lines 7—1 score
bottom-margin annotation Jemmy Button sharper eyesight than sailors

line 12 underline "ums ... Zoll"
show subjects subjects

⇑lines 15—3 score
⇑line 12 underline in pale pencil "graulich-gelb"
⇑line 11 underline in brown ink "bräunlich-gelbe"
⇑lines 15—10 annotation sexual differnc in colour
⇑line 9 underline "jungen Carayas"
⇑line 8 underline "tragen ... Weibchen"
⇑line 4 underline "rötlich-braun"
⇑line 3 underline "dritten schwarz"
⇑line 1 underline "vierten ... Jahre"
show subjects subjects

⇑lines 11—10 underline "Das ... Stimmapparat"
⇑lines 6—1 score
⇑lines 4—2 underline "Beim ... Männchen"
show subjects subjects

lines 19—22 score
lines 19—22 annotation Polygamy
show subjects subjects

line 5 underline "Des Morgens"
line 6 underline "der warmen"
line 11 underline "Männchen ... gewöhnlich"
lines 14—15 underline "oft ... lang"
lines 17—24 score
lines 17—24 annotation these Monkeys make noise merely for pleasure .
show subjects subjects

lines 2—4 score
show subjects subjects

⇑lines 8—7 score
⇑lines 8—7 underline "Die ... Männchen"
show subjects subjects

lines 15—17 score

line 22 score [`bookmark']

line 21 underline "einige Töne"
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] ⇑lines 5—4 underline "mit ... lösen"
⇑lines 5—1 score
⇑lines 5—1 annotation Beat the oranges to losen rind

[continuation] 2—4 score
lines 2—4 annotation Yet oranges not aborigin

lines 19—22 score
lines 17—24 annotation / Monkeys drive flies from their young /

⇑lines 3—1 score
bottom-margin annotation in pale pencil afraid of cold Mothers

line 20 underline "häufig"
show subjects subjects

⇑line 2 underline "Käfich"
show subjects subjects

⇑lines 6—5 double score
⇑line 8 annotation Cebus
show subjects subjects

⇑line 5 underline "Gemüthsbewegungen"
⇑line 5 annotation emotions
⇑line 4 annotation (1)
⇑line 2 at "unbeschäftigt" annotation unoccupied
⇑line 1 at "Langeweile" annotation ennui

top-margin—line 8 annotation Ennui — desire for object — astonishment — passion — Fear & pain — Joyful recognition
     Desire astonishment (2) Passion (3) {Fright or Pain—(4) (5) (6)

line 3 at "Verlegenheit" annotation embarrassment
line 5 underline "tiefer"
line 7 underline "helles Gekreisch"
line 9 underline "kichernden"
line 9 annotation giggle

lines 13—16 score
lines 13—16 annotation same in all — instinctive

lines 19—27 score
lines 19—27 annotation the crys cause very strong associated emotions & act on them
show subjects subjects

⇑line 7 underline "von Lachen"
⇑lines 6—5 underline "im ... giebt"
⇑lines 9—6 score
⇑lines 9—6 annotation in pale pencil Crys & laughs
bottom-margin annotation in pale pencil Humboldt mentions crying monkey

⇑lines 5—1 score
⇑lines 4—2 annotation /Laughter
bottom-margin annotation ⧟ Expression
show subjects concepts

⇑line 1 at "Begierde" annotation (desire)

⇑line 9 score [`bookmark']

⇑line 13 underline "Zorne"
⇑lines 14—10 score
⇑lines 14—10 annotation Harm by passion by spirits

lines 1—2 )
show subjects subjects

lines 11—12 score in pale pencil
lines 11—15 annotation in pale pencil male monkey arrives later at puberty than female
show subjects subjects

lines 15—18 score
show subjects subjects

lines 5—19 score
lines 5—12 annotation directly acustom to confinemnt — vry affectionate & loose even wish of freedom.
show subjects subjects

⇑lines 12—9 score
⇑lines 12—10 annotation like Negros best —
show subjects concepts

⇑lines 6—2 score
⇑line 4 underline "Hunde"
⇑lines 7—1 annotation in pale pencil People say horses created for men, I might say dogs created for monkeys—

[continues overleaf] ⇑lines 4—1 score in pale pencil
bottom-margin annotation in pale pencil [With reflection a monkey with these feelings would be sorry having attacked his friend]

[continuation] 1—4 score in pale pencil
top-margin annotation in pale pencil how like to man's character !! do for comparison

lines 5—7 score
lines 8—16 score in pale pencil
lines 16—19 score
lines 4—17 annotation — [ Vengeance concerted ] /

⇑lines 9—7 score
⇑lines 4—1 score

lines 1—9 score+min pale pencil
lines 2—3 score
line 2 annotation Lenny did this
top-margin annotation Emma often perceived he had been on dining room on the table & found it so —
lines 3—5 annotation in pale pencil but Squib was not so

lines 12—13 underline in pale pencil "Habsucht"
lines 17—24 score in pale pencil

line 5 score
lines 6—8 score

lines 14—15 score
line 14 underline "selbstständigen Charakter"
show subjects subjects

lines 20—22 score
line 20 underline "andere ... unterwerfen"
lines 24—29 score
lines 25—33 annotation Rides dogs & makes them go where he likes.

bottom-margin annotation in pale pencil X    Man to horse, Molothrus to cows; dog to monkeys (& even some crustacea probably to Cetacea see Macleay in [?]Magazine [continues on page 55] on accidental selections : Man to Mule, ! better than alpaca in S. Americat01
t01 - `Man to Mule ... America' in brown ink

lines 1—3 score
top-margin—line 3 annotation was easily taught ‹lesson› to open shells of Palm with stones

lines 7—15 score
line 15 at "sachte" annotation softly
line 16 underline "zerbrochenen Theil"
lines 8—15 annotation generally learns to break eggs.
     Learns by exper
show subjects subjects

line 17 underline "nur einmal"
lines 17—18 score
lines 20—22 score
lines 17—21 annotation if once cut himself with tool very careful
show subjects subjects

⇑lines 13—9 score
⇑lines 12—8 annotation wasp    always listened to paper

⇑lines 3—1 double score
⇑line 3—bottom-margin annotation in pale pencil knows expression of Man

top-margin annotation A. This shows how arts wd be acquired,
lines 6—19 score
lines 6—19 annotation A
     once taught to break nuts, with stone, uses this art to break nut with stones with bad taste
     & boxes.t01
t01 - `once taught ... boxes.' in pale pencil

lines 20—27 score
lines 20—27 annotation N.B Monkey gave me nut out of herself & seem to expect it to be cracked )
show subjects concepts

line 2 at "Urtheilskraft" annotation strength of judgment

lines 6—10 score
line 8 at "gescheut" annotation sensible
lines 4—11 annotation senses oft01 monkey ‹intellect› are much impressed by circumstancest02
t01 - `senses of' in dark pencil
t02 - `by circumstances' in dark pencil
show subjects subjects

bottom-margin annotation in dark pencil X
show subjects concepts

line 10 annotation Nothng about Breeding

⇑lines 16—11 score
⇑lines 16—13 annotation p 38. Cays only on other side

lines 10—18 score cancelled
show subjects subjects

⇑lines 18—9 score
⇑line 18 underline "Farbenabänderungen"
⇑lines 9—1 score
⇑lines 4—2 score
⇑line 2 underline "Wurfe ... Junge"
show subjects subjects

lines 18—23 (
line 19 underline "Gefangenschaft"
lines 19—20 underline "Jahre lang"
line 21 underline "zeichen"

lines 1—3 score
lines 1—2 underline "der ... Behandlung"
show subjects subjects

line 12 underline "Der ... zahm"
show subjects subjects

lines 7—9 score in dark pencil

lines 5—9 score
lines 6—8 annotation X

lines 16—26 score
lines 18—19 underline "Allgemeinen ... eines"
lines 14—18 annotation This is a representative species

lines 5—7 score
line 7 underline "von Geschlechtstrieb"
show subjects subjects

lines 12—13 score
line 13 underline "sehr zahm"
line 14 underline "folgt ... wird"
show subjects subjects

lines 13—14 score
line 14 underline "grösseren ... zu"

[continuation] 1—5 score

⇑lines 12—6 score
⇑lines 12—6 annotation like Bizcacha useless instinct
show subjects concepts

lines 1—2 annotation (Q)
show subjects concepts

lines 12—19 score
lines 12—19 annotation Proofs from name of places that Dog is aboriginal

lines 21—22 score

⇑lines 6—2 score
bottom-margin annotation Thinks hairless dog probably aboriginal — is called Chinos — which is evidently wrong, as African species is nearest

⇑lines 20—16 double score
⇑lines 16—13 double score
⇑line 20 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation (Q)t01 The naked dogs «appear to» to cross less [corrected from `little'] with the common than the latter amongst themselves — where thy do cross young takes after mother — ‹seldom noticed any half› never knew a hairy dog produce hairless or half hairles how in vixen
t01 - `(Q)' in brown ink

⇑lines 12—10 double score
show subjects subjects

⇑lines 8—5 score in pale pencil
⇑lines 15—3 annotation not uncommonly some of the Hairless dogs, are dumb — only howl —
show subjects subjects

lines 7—9 score
lines 7—9 annotation / curl end of tail like cats. /

lines 18—21 score in pale pencil
lines 18—21 annotation in pale pencil do not break neck

line 25 underline "bewegen ... Schwanz"
lines 24—27 score
lines 24—27 annotation like cat—

lines 23—26 score
line 23 underline "verscharrt er"

lines 17—19 score
lines 14—23 annotation does not live probaly 20 years / produces 1, or 2 young /

⇑lines 13—10 score
⇑line 11 underline "schmiegten ... an"
⇑line 11 annotation & p. 190
⇑lines 9—6 score
⇑line 8 underline "Spinnen"

lines 5—8 score
lines 6—7 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation The variation of wild animals probaly is only at differnt point of wider range — very differnt frm domesticated animals

lines 3—6 score
lines 3—6 annotation even in Native country

line 7 score
line 7 underline "Niederkunft ... seine"
line 7 annotation odd perverse instinct
show subjects subjects

lines 4—7 score

⇑lines 4—2 score
⇑lines 4—2 annotation v. p. 300
show subjects subjects

top-margin—line 10 annotation / Most important instance of my thery . Marriage keeping form constant

lines 9—10 annotation (Q)
lines 11—14 score
lines 13—30 score
lines 15—19 score
line 16 underline "300 Jahre"
lines 20—22 score
line 22 underline "fortwährend"
line 26 underline "kürzere"
line 28 underline "Schwanze"
line 15—bottom-margin annotation The Cats of interior of Paraguay differ in quantity of hair ,& places of body where most scanty, & ‹proportion› form, frm Europaean, but not in Assumption, where Europaean Cats have perpetually been introduced

lines 3—4 underline in dark pencil "verschnittene Männchen"
lines 3—4 annotation in dark pencil castrated males larger

lines 11—12 score

[continues overleaf] ⇑lines 3—1 score
⇑lines 3—1 annotation no wild cats !

bottom-margin annotation in dark pencil wild dogs rare in Paraguay common in La Plata

⇑lines 10—8 score
⇑line 9 underline "stampften ... Kaninchen"

⇑lines 6—4 score
⇑line 4 underline "alle ... kamen"

⇑lines 8—1 score
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] ⇑lines 11—1 score
⇑line 3 underline "dritte"
⇑lines 8—7 annotation variation

lines 18—22 score
lines 19—20 annotation variation
show subjects subjects

⇑lines 15—13 score
⇑lines 17—10 annotation shows how necessary for ‹Hen› pheasant to avoid this path
show subjects subjects

⇑lines 8—5 score
⇑lines 7—6 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation has confessed it varies a little from Brazil species

⇑lines 2—1 score

[continues overleaf] ⇑lines 3—1 score
⇑line 2 underline "fünften"
bottom-margin annotation no variation

⇑lines 5—4 score
show subjects subjects

⇑lines 5—2 score
⇑line 4 underline "nicht ... vor"
⇑line 6—bottom-margin annotation yet very similar habits
show subjects concepts

lines 6—8 score

lines 5—6 score
line 5 underline "gemein"

⇑lines 11—9 score
⇑lines 12—2 annotation p. 304 — other species rarer than foregoing but habits rather diff.

lines 11—15 score
lines 11—15 annotation yet so tame almost domesticated

top-margin—line 25 annotation Horses new in 1545. have run wild for 300 yrs
show subjects subjects

top-margin—line 29 annotation & in 1580 ,(ie 43 years afterwads) Sarmiento saw horses with th Indian in th Str of Magellan .
show subjects concepts

[continues overleaf] ⇑lines 12—10 double score in pale pencil
⇑lines 4—1 score in pale pencil
⇑lines 4—1 annotation in pale pencil so increased without man's care
bottom-margin annotation in pale pencil Pampas did not exist

line 13 underline "bei ... von"
line 13 annotation like Capons
show subjects subjects

[continuation] ⇑lines 19—12 score in pale pencil
⇑lines 18—15 annotation (Q)t01 Compare Azarat02
⇑lines 7—5 score in pale pencil
⇑lines 6—5 underline in pale pencil "brauner ... Farbe"
t01 - `(Q)' in dark pencil
t02 - `Compare Azara' in pale pencil

⇑lines 16—9 score
⇑lines 16—9 annotation rickety horses short in legs —

⇑lines 7—5 score
⇑line 7 underline "gourme"
line 7 annotation Glanders
⇑line 7 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation Glanders — gourme , shows that contagious diseases peculiar to constitution & break out without contagion.

⇑lines 7—5 score
bottom-margin annotation ass remained unchanged in colour — more degenerated than horse —

[continuation] 6 underline "Mittellinie ... Brust"
lines 10—14 score
lines 12—13 underline "Der ... und"
lines 10—11 annotation Deer

lines 19—22 score
show subjects subjects

⇑lines 10—8 score

lines 6—9 score
lines 6—9 annotation therfore different habits

lines 14—22 score

line 6 underline "1546"

⇑lines 8—5 score
⇑lines 7—6 annotation oranges

lines 6—12 score
lines 6—12 annotation Paraguay no wild cattle — from flies

lines 1—7 double score
lines 8—19 score

top-margin—line 22 annotation apparently some constitutional peculiarities go with genera C.D.
show subjects subjects

lines 2—10 score
lines 5—6 annotation ⸮
show subjects subjects

⇑line 11 [?]score
show subjects concepts

lines 2—7 score

lines 13—15 score

lines 18—22 annotation Distrib. of Carnivora indirectly follows plants

⇑line 11 annotation [see p. 390]

⇑lines 6—1 score
⇑line 10—bottom-margin annotation Distribution bears relation to process of locomotion of species
     even rivers separate Monkeys /
     in some genera chiefly depends on the form of the tail !!

bottom-margin annotation NB    Mem Sir F. Chantreys story of tame monkey readily taking to water

lines 4—10 annotation (a) examples of distrib in proportion to tail /
lines 13—18 score
line 16 annotation a
bottom-margin annotation (a) Surely the doctrine of range being determined by locomotion powers & kind of foods (such as can be perceived) is false ; for think of case of two ostriches: they living together shows «[?]series»

line 21 underline "zum Laufe"
lines 20—27 score
lines 20—27 annotation surely this does not apply to antelopes of Africa
show subjects subjects

⇑lines 7—6 underline "einige ... ausgenommen"
⇑lines 7—1 annotation one exception shows range not determined by powers of locomotion but by adaptation

top-margin—line 10 annotation This is all absurd,— powers of locomotion will «perhaps greatly» limit «(in many cases most wonderfully overuled Coypus) Biscatcha & Agouti» extension, but adaptation is great feature
     N.B Are not these remarks applied to genera if so perhaps true /

⇑lines 10—6 score
bottom-margin annotation ie ‹wher› «as far as» food & climate (& enemies «preoccupation by othr species» ) ie conditions allow species & genera to range, so will they range in proportion to their power of progression & the form of the land

lines 4—8 score
lines 6—7 annotation S Africa

lines 15—22 score
lines 17—24 annotation Monkeys partial migration Q— & other animals

line 1 underline "Auch ... Einfluss"
lines 2—12 score erased

⇑lines 14—9 score
⇑lines 16—5 annotation vertically crossed Beasts of prey destroyed others increase immensely, & drive others from habitation

lines 1—3 score
show subjects subjects

⇑lines 12—10 score
⇑line 11 underline "fünften ... Säugethiere"
⇑lines 14—11 annotation probaly inaccurate

bottom-margin annotation    Waterhouse
     Mice generally or sectionally very large range, but mny species of S. America show th species small range — Now this agrees with Rengger «376» fact about Monkeys, but the larger range coincides with possibility of transport. /