Another small Contribution to African Ornithology
Vol 7, Page 25, Date 1900
The Lepidoptera of Buru. Part I. Rhopalocera
Vol 7, Page 54, Date 1900
Descriptions of new species of butterflies captured by Mr. A.S. Meek, at Milne Bay, British New Guinea, in the museum of the Hon. Walter Rothschild, at Tring
Vol 7, Page 86, Date 1900
A monograph of the Charaxes and the allied prionopterous genera
Vol 7, Page 281, Date 1900
New genera and species of American Drepanulidae, Thyrididae, Epiplemidae, and Geometridae
Vol 7, Page 117, Date 1900-08
New genera and species of Thyrididae and Geometridae from Africa
Vol 7, Page 90, Date 1900
The Lepidoptera of Buru. Part II.—Heterocera
Vol 7, Page 555, Date 1900