Observations on the Habits and Reproduction of Paludestrina Taylori
Vol 11, Iss 1, Page 9
Jaminia muscorum m. sinistrorsum
Vol 11, Iss 1, Page 11
Paludestrina anatina Drap., new to Britain
Vol 11, Iss 1, Page 11
Note on Cassis paucirugis Menke.
Vol 11, Iss 1, Page 12
Report on the Miller's Dale Ramble
Vol 11, Iss 1, Page 13
Isaac Cooke Thompson, F.L.S.
Vol 11, Iss 1, Page 14
Fish and their Relation to Paludestrina jenkinsi
Vol 11, Iss 1, Page 15
Rare or Local Irish Land and Freshwater Mollusca
Vol 11, Iss 1, Page 16
Physa acuta Drap. at Kew Gardens
Vol 11, Iss 1, Page 19
A Standard of Value for Exchanges
Vol 11, Iss 1, Page 26
Sepia burnupi n.sp. from Natal
Vol 11, Iss 1, Page 27
Some Results of a Flood in North Ireland
Vol 11, Iss 1, Page 28
The Freshwater Shells of Naples and the Neighbourhood
Vol 11, Iss 2, Page 33
Further Observations on the Molluscan Fauna of Grange-over-Sands, Lancs., and District
Vol 11, Iss 2, Page 45
Note on the Land and Freshwater Shells of Lancaster
Vol 11, Iss 2, Page 47
Imperforate Haliotis tuberculata
Vol 11, Iss 2, Page 48
Report on the Wirral Peninsula Ramble, July 11th,1903
Vol 11, Iss 2, Page 49
Notes on the genus Ampullaria
Vol 11, Iss 2, Page 50
Land Shells at High Altitudes
Vol 11, Iss 2, Page 55
Helix cantiana Montagu, at Tooting Common, Surrey
Vol 11, Iss 2, Page 55
A Contribution towards a List of the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Breconshire and Radnorshire
Vol 11, Iss 2, Page 56
The Type of Cypræa caput•anguis Philippi
Vol 11, Iss 2, Page 57
Helix nemoralis m. sinistrorsum in Switzerland
Vol 11, Iss 2, Page 57
The Seventieth Birthday of Hermann Strebel ( Jan. 1st, 1904)
Vol 11, Iss 2, Page 58
The Land Shells of Majorca
Vol 11, Iss 3, Page 65
Report on the Droylsden Ramble
Vol 11, Iss 3, Page 71
The Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Ilfracombe and District: Supplementary List
Vol 11, Iss 3, Page 72
The British Species of Vallonia
Vol 11, Iss 3, Page 82
The Zebra-Mussel (Dreissensia polymorpha Pallas)
Vol 11, Iss 3, Page 83
Fish and Paludestrina jenkinsi
Vol 11, Iss 3, Page 90
Notes on Isle of Man Mollusca
Vol 11, Iss 3, Page 90
Helix pomatia m. sinistrorsum in Surrey
Vol 11, Iss 3, Page 96
Succinea oblonga Drap. var. alba
Vol 11, Iss 3, Page 96
On some Questions of Nomenclature
Vol 11, Iss 4, Page 97
Testacella scutulum in Worcestershire
Vol 11, Iss 4, Page 103
Obituary Notice of Philip Brookes Mason
Vol 11, Iss 4, Page 104
Report on the Miller's Dale Ramble
Vol 11, Iss 4, Page 105
Re-establishment of Limax tenellus as a British Species
Vol 11, Iss 4, Page 106
The Conchological Differences between the Genera and Sections of the Pupininae
Vol 11, Iss 4, Page 110
Report on the Fleetwood Ramble
Vol 11, Iss 4, Page 115
W. D. Crick, F.G.S.
Vol 11, Iss 4, Page 116
The Cypraeidæ of the Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, and North Arabian Sea, as exhibited in Mr. F. W. Townsend's Collections, 1893-1904
Vol 11, Iss 4, Page 117
Radnorshire Slugs
Vol 11, Iss 4, Page 128
Report on the Northwich Ramble, 10th Sept., 1904
Vol 11, Iss 5, Page 137
Testacella haliotidea var. flavescens
Vol 11, Iss 5, Page 137
The Origin of the Land and Freshwater Mollusca at Present Living in the British Isles (Presidential Address)
Vol 11, Iss 5, Page 138
Limnaea stagnalis var. umbilicata
Vol 11, Iss 5, Page 144
Vivipara contecta var. atro-purpurea nov. at Wicken Fen, Cambs.
Vol 11, Iss 5, Page 144
Note on the Name Glycymeris
Vol 11, Iss 5, Page 145
New Records for West Lancashire
Vol 11, Iss 5, Page 146
Notes on a Chara and Shell-Marl Deposit at Hawes Water, Silverdale, Lancashire
Vol 11, Iss 5, Page 147
Scalariform Natica catena
Vol 11, Iss 5, Page 159
Rostellaria delicatula Nevill.
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 161
The Rev. John Haverell, MA, F.G.S.
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 164
Conchological Notes from the United States
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 165
On the Dates of Publication of D'Orbigny's "Moll. Viv. et foss." "Paleont. Univ. and Paleont. Etrangere."
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 169
Pisidium nitidum var. splendens in West Lancashire
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 170
Helicella caperata m. sinistrorsum
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 170
Vertigo moulinsiana Dupuy in Berkshire
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 170
Carl Eduard von Martens: An Obituary Notice
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 171
Vallonia excentrica Sterki in Ireland
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 173
Notes on Tapes
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 174
A Plover with Anodonta cygnea attached to its foot
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 175
The subgenus Casmaria H. and A. Adams of Cassis Lamarck
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 176
Opercula of Bithynia tentaculata
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 178
International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 179
Freshwater Shells in Masses in Shell-marl.
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 191
Do Swans and Ducks eat Anodonta cygnea
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 192
Four Colour Varieties of Cypraea
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 192
Professor Lang's Breeding Experiments with Helix hortensis and H. nemoralis: An Abstract and Review
Vol 11, Iss 7, Page 193
Hydrobia jenkinsi in Rivers
Vol 11, Iss 7, Page 200
Additions to the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Northamptonshire
Vol 11, Iss 7, Page 200
Vertigo substriata (Jeff.) m. sinistrorsum
Vol 11, Iss 7, Page 200
International Rules for Zoological Nomenclature Continued from page 185
Vol 11, Iss 7, Page 201
Paludestrina jenkinsi in the New River
Vol 11, Iss 7, Page 211
An Account of the Mussel Fishery and Pearl Button Industry of the Mississippi River
Vol 11, Iss 7, Page 212
The Marine Mollusca of Tenby and Neighbourhood: A Further Contribution
Vol 11, Iss 7, Page 216
London Branch, Proceedings
Vol 11, Iss 7, Page 222
Mollusca collected at Cette, S. France, in February, 1905
Vol 11, Iss 7, Page 222
Notes on the West Cornwall District
Vol 11, Iss 7, Page 223
Vivipara contecta (Millet) m. sinistrorsum
Vol 11, Iss 7, Page 224
Frederick Price Marrat
Vol 11, Iss 8, Page 225
Note on Crepidula fornicata L.
Vol 11, Iss 8, Page 227
Reversed Shells in the Manchester Museum
Vol 11, Iss 8, Page 228
Nudibranchs from the Indo-Pacific: I. Notes on a Collection dredged near Karachi and Maskat
Vol 11, Iss 8, Page 237
Faunistic Notes
Vol 11, Iss 8, Page 256
Tapes aureus and its Allies
Vol 11, Iss 9, Page 275
Hygromia rufescens (Penn.) m. sinistrorsum
Vol 11, Iss 9, Page 281
On Variation in the Radulae of certain Buccinidæ
Vol 11, Iss 9, Page 282
Destruction of Potatoes by Slugs
Vol 11, Iss 9, Page 286
Early History of the Generic Name Fusus
Vol 11, Iss 10, Page 289
The Shell Beach at Mochras Island
Vol 11, Iss 10, Page 297
Nudibranchs from the Indo-Pacific: II. Notes on Lophocercus, Lobiger, Haminoea, and Newnesia
Vol 11, Iss 10, Page 298
Do Swans Eat Anodonta cygnea?'
Vol 11, Iss 10, Page 318
Limax tenellus in Buckinghamshire
Vol 11, Iss 10, Page 318
Jaminia triplicata Studer, a new British Terrestrial Mollusc
Vol 11, Iss 10, Page 319
Observations on the Terrestrial Mollusca of the District around Silverdale, Lancashire
Vol 11, Iss 11, Page 325
Do Swans and Ducks eat Anodonta cygnea?
Vol 11, Iss 11, Page 330
Sinistral Helicigona arbustorum
Vol 11, Iss 11, Page 330
Christian Hee Hwass: 1731-1803
Vol 11, Iss 11, Page 331
Helicella virgata var. hypozona in the Isle of Wight
Vol 11, Iss 11, Page 332
Contributions towards a List of West-Suffolk Non-Marine Mollusca
Vol 11, Iss 11, Page 333
British Species of Vallonia
Vol 11, Iss 11, Page 340
An Attempt to Breed from a Sinistral Helix pomatia
Vol 11, Iss 11, Page 341
The Occurrence of the White Form of Helicigona lapicida
Vol 11, Iss 11, Page 345
West Lancashire Non-Marine Mollusca: Morecambe and District
Vol 11, Iss 11, Page 346
Conchological Notes from Japan
Vol 11, Iss 11, Page 355
Obituary Notice of the late William Nelson
Vol 11, Iss 12, Page 357
Further Notes on French Shell Names
Vol 11, Iss 12, Page 359
Vertigo alpestris in Westmorland
Vol 11, Iss 12, Page 359
The Prevention of Corrosion in Shells
Vol 11, Iss 12, Page 360
Acanthinula lamellata (Jeff.) at Grange-over-Sands, Lancs., and Notes on various other Species
Vol 11, Iss 12, Page 361
Note on Odostomia lutea Garrett
Vol 11, Iss 12, Page 362
Vallonia costata + excentrica
Vol 11, Iss 12, Page 364
Testacella haliotidea at Godalming
Vol 11, Iss 12, Page 365
On the Danger of Using Mercuric Chloride in the Sterilization of Highly-Polished Shells
Vol 11, Iss 12, Page 365
Numerous Species in a Restricted Area
Vol 11, Iss 12, Page 365
The genus Doriopsilla Bergh
Vol 11, Iss 12, Page 366
Bulimus fasciatus Turton L = Helicella barbara (L.) in Lancashire
Vol 11, Iss 12, Page 367
Notes on the British Land and Freshwater Shells collected by the late Mr. Thomas Glover
Vol 11, Iss 12, Page 368