A new Species of Enteropneusta, Ptychodera pelsarti*, from the Abrolhos Islands
Vol 33, Iss 222, Page 85, Date 1916
Larval and Post-Larval Stages of Jasus lalandii (Milne Edw.), Ortmann
Vol 33, Iss 223, Page 101, Date 1916
A Study of the Rectal Breathing-Apparatus in the Larvae of Anisopterid Dragonflies
Vol 33, Iss 223, Page 127, Date 1916
Description of a new Species of Idotea (Isopoda) from the Sea of Marmora and the Black Sea
Vol 33, Iss 223, Page 197, Date 1916
Experiments and Observations bearing on the Explanation of Form and Colouring, 1908-1913
Vol 33, Iss 224, Page 203, Date 1919
Notes on the Bionomics, Embryology, and Anatomy of Certain Hymenoptera Parasitica, especially of Microgaster connexus (Nees)
Vol 33, Iss 224, Page 387, Date 1919
Life-histories and descriptions of Australian Aeschninae; with a description of a new form of Telephlebia by Herbert Campion
Vol 33, Page 1, Date 1916
Vol 33, Iss 224, Page 417, Date 1919