Phyllonorycter platani (Staudinger, 1870) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) new to Britain
Vol 103, Page 1, Date 1991
The distribution and occurrence of the tanner beetle, Prionus coriarius L. (Col.: Prionidae) in Great Britain
Vol 103, Page 3, Date 1991
Polistichus connexus Fourc. (Col.: Carabidae) at light in suburban West Kent
Vol 103, Page 6, Date 1991
Continued notes on a north Dorset colony of the meadow brown butterfly Maniola jurtina L
Vol 103, Page 7, Date 1991
Third brood holly blue butterfly?
Vol 103, Page 16, Date 1991
Lepidoptera observed on the Isles of Scilly in 1989
Vol 103, Page 17, Date 1991
Mate competition in Noctua pronuba (Lep.: Noctuidae) large yellow underwing
Vol 103, Page 18, Date 1991
Separation of Semiothisa notata Linnaeus and S. alternaria Hubner, the peacock and sharp-angled peacock moths (Lep.: Geometridae)
Vol 103, Page 19, Date 1991
Worth a dig
Vol 103, Page 20, Date 1991
Rothamsted farmland light trap network: interesting Lepidoptera records for June, 1990
Vol 103, Page 22, Date 1991
Host records of some west Palearctic Tachinidae (Diptera)
Vol 103, Page 23, Date 1991
Delayed wing inflation in Orthosia incerta Hufnagel (Lep.: Noctuidae) clouded drab
Vol 103, Page 38, Date 1991
Brief notes on some Coleoptera from the Liverpool Bay area
Vol 103, Page 39, Date 1991
Epiphyas postvittana Walk. (Lep.: Tortricidae) and Anomoia purmunda (Harris) (Dipt. Tephritidae) in Bristol
Vol 103, Page 42, Date 1991
Schrankia taenialis Hbn. (Lep.: Noctuidae) in N.W. Kent
Vol 103, Page 43, Date 1991
Further evidence of Yponomeuta evonymella (Linn.) (Lep.: Yponomeutidae) migrating into southern England
Vol 103, Page 44, Date 1991
A dawn flight of Mompha propinquella Staint. (Lep.: Momphidae) and others
Vol 103, Page 45, Date 1991
Celastrina argiolus L. (Lep.: Lycaenidae): its foodplants and its frequency
Vol 103, Page 46, Date 1991
Lilioceris lilii Scop. (Col. Chrysomelidae) in suburban N.W. Kent
Vol 103, Page 47, Date 1991
Anaspis bohemica Schilsky (Col.: Scraptiidae) at Loch Garten, Inverness-shire
Vol 103, Page 48, Date 1991
Unusually early emergence of Lepidoptera in spring 1990 noticed as far north as Banffshire
Vol 103, Page 49, Date 1991
Towards a safe and practical pest-repellent
Vol 103, Page 50, Date 1991
Psammotis pulveralis Hbn. (Lep.: Pyralidae) and other migrant Lepidoptera in the Dungeness area, 1990
Vol 103, Page 51, Date 1991
The relative abundance and flight period of Mesapamea spp. (Lep.: Noctuidae) at three English localities
Vol 103, Page 57, Date 1991
Colydium elongatum (Fabricius) (Col.: Colydiidae) in Wiltshire, Berkshire and Surrey
Vol 103, Page 61, Date 1991
Reminiscences of an amateur lepidopterist, 1920-90
Vol 103, Page 63, Date 1991
Spodoptera cilium Guen., (Lep.: Noctuidae). A species new to Britain, and other rare migrants at the Lizard
Vol 103, Page 69, Date 1991
Ledra aurita (L. 1758) (Auch.: Cicadellidae) at light in Worcestershire (SO94)
Vol 103, Page 70, Date 1991
On the separation of Patrobus atrorufus Strom and P. assimilis Chaud. (Col.: Carabidae)
Vol 103, Page 71, Date 1991
Plodia interpunctella Hubner, the Indian meal moth (Lep.: Pyralidae) in Bedfordshire
Vol 103, Page 72, Date 1991
The genera Lamia F., Mesosa Latr. and Leiopus Serv., (Col.: Lamiidae) in the British Isles
Vol 103, Page 73, Date 1991
Butterflies in the Woolwich (S.E. London) district, 1990
Vol 103, Page 77, Date 1991
Butterflies in Lanzarote - April 1988-April 1989
Vol 103, Page 79, Date 1991
Observations on Coleoptera in the diet of two bird species in Worcestershire
Vol 103, Page 81, Date 1991
The hummingbird hawkmoth in West Cumbria
Vol 103, Page 82, Date 1991
New subspecies of Iolaus (Epamera) alienus Trimen (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) from Namibia
Vol 103, Page 83, Date 1991
The small eggar Eriogaster lanestris Linnaeus in Wiltshire in 1990
Vol 103, Page 87, Date 1991
Two noctuids probably new to Worcestershire
Vol 103, Page 88, Date 1991
The magpie moth (Abraxas grossulariata L.); a change of status?
Vol 103, Page 89, Date 1991
New records for British ants
Vol 103, Page 92, Date 1991
Hazards of butterfly collecting - Nigeria 1989
Vol 103, Page 94, Date 1991
A pale ochreous form of Herminia tarsipennalis Treischke, the fan-foot (Lep.: Noctuidae), in Dumfries
Vol 103, Page 95, Date 1991
Apion simile Kirby, W. (Col.: Apionidae) in Cumbria
Vol 103, Page 96, Date 1991
Hentomological spelling
Vol 103, Page 97, Date 1991
Recent range-extensions of some Auchenorrhyncha
Vol 103, Page 98, Date 1991
Phyllonorycter leucographella (Zeller) (Lep.: Gracillariidae) in Derbyshire
Vol 103, Page 99, Date 1991
Alevonota aurantiaca Fauv. (Col.: Staphylinidae) recaptured at Mickleham, Surrey; with short notes on two of its congeners
Vol 103, Page 100, Date 1991
Examples of late and partial second and third broods of moths in the autumn of 1990 in the Isle of Wight
Vol 103, Page 101, Date 1991
Leopoldius signatus (Wiederman) (Diptera: Conopidae) in outer London
Vol 103, Page 103, Date 1991
Larvae of Coleophora therinella Tengstrom (Lep.: Coleophoridae) in Britain
Vol 103, Page 104, Date 1991
Unusual dates for imagines of Mythimna straminea (Treit.) and M. comma (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) in 1990
Vol 103, Page 105, Date 1991
An exceptionally early date for the stag beetle Lucanus cervus L
Vol 103, Page 106, Date 1991
More on the larval foodplants of the burnished brass moth, Diachrysia chrysitis (Lep.: Noctuidae)
Vol 103, Page 107, Date 1991
Leptacinus intermedius Donis. (Col.: Staphylinidae) at Monks Wood, Cambs
Vol 103, Page 108, Date 1991
Convolvulus hawk moths in West Sussex
Vol 103, Page 109, Date 1991
Reminiscences of an amateur lepidopterist 1920-90
Vol 103, Page 119, Date 1991
Lepidoptera of Aberdeenshire and Kincardineshire. 6th appendix
Vol 103, Page 125, Date 1991
Hedychridium coriaceum (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) and other less common aculeate Hymenoptera from Mitcham Common, Surrey
Vol 103, Page 127, Date 1991
An early sighting of the small white (Pieris rapae L.) at Niton, Isle of Wight
Vol 103, Page 128, Date 1991
The distribution and occurrence of the genus Saperda F. (Col.: Lamiidae) in Great Britain
Vol 103, Page 129, Date 1991
Larva of Celastrina argiolus L., holly blue (Lep.: Lycaenidae) feeding on sallow
Vol 103, Page 134, Date 1991
A comparison of light trap catches using two types of discharge lamp
Vol 103, Page 135, Date 1991
Further observations on Aderus populneus (Creutzer) (Col.: Aderidae)
Vol 103, Page 139, Date 1991
Early hibernators in 1991
Vol 103, Page 140, Date 1991
Microlepidoptera review of the year 1989
Vol 103, Page 141, Date 1991
Blastobasis phycidella (Zeller) and other Lepidoptera in Guernsey
Vol 103, Page 155, Date 1991
Pammene suspectana (Zeller) in Huntingdonshire
Vol 103, Page 157, Date 1991
Two species new to the Isle of Wight
Vol 103, Page 158, Date 1991
The hornet Vespa crabro L. breeding in Richmond Park, S. London
Vol 103, Page 159, Date 1991
Pterostichus rhaeticus Heer (Col.: Carabidae) in Kent (London) and Radnorshire
Vol 103, Page 160, Date 1991
Argilus pannonicus (Piller and Mitterpacher) (Col.: Buprestidae) recorded from Mitcham Common, Surrey, in 1990
Vol 103, Page 161, Date 1991
Observations on a gathering of Thaumatomyia notata Mg. (Dipt.) in Cardiganshire
Vol 103, Page 162, Date 1991
Jeremiah (Jerry) Briggs. 1904-1991
Vol 103, Page 165, Date 1991
Orthoptera around Birmingham
Vol 103, Page 167, Date 1991
Second brood of Spilosoma lubricipeda L., the white ermine (Lep.: Arctiidae) in Ayrshire
Vol 103, Page 174, Date 1991
Reminiscences of an amateur lepidopterist 1920-1990
Vol 103, Page 175, Date 1991
Additional notes on melanic specimens of the silver-washed fritillary (Argynnis paphia L.) in North Dorset
Vol 103, Page 181, Date 1991
Rothamsted farmland light trap network: interesting Lepidoptera records for August 1990
Vol 103, Page 184, Date 1991
Brachysomus hirtus (Col.: Curculionidae) rediscovered in Surrey, with a note on its ecology
Vol 103, Page 185, Date 1991
Notes on the voltinism of Hylaea fasciaria L., barred red (Lep.: Geometridae)
Vol 103, Page 187, Date 1991
The magpie moth in north-west Scotland
Vol 103, Page 188, Date 1991
The distribution and occurrence of Acanthocinus Dej. and Agapanthia Serv. (Col.: Lamiidae) in the British Isles
Vol 103, Page 189, Date 1991
The second generation of Scopula imitaria (Hubn.) (Lep.: Geometridae)
Vol 103, Page 192, Date 1991
National review of the recording and conservation of the rarer British macro-moths
Vol 103, Page 193, Date 1991
Sparganothis pilleriana D. & S. (Lep.: Tortricidae) in North Wales
Vol 103, Page 196, Date 1991
Protected British butterflies: interpretation of Section 9 and Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
Vol 103, Page 197, Date 1991
Social wasps Vespula spp. attacking Aeshna hawker dragonflies and silver Y moth Autographa gamma L. (Lep.: Noctuidae)
Vol 103, Page 199, Date 1991
The swallowtail (Papilio machaon) and large copper (Lycaena dispar batavus) at Wicken Fen
Vol 103, Page 200, Date 1991
The distribution maps of the British Microlepidoptera: a service for lepidopterists
Vol 103, Page 201, Date 1991
A migration of Lepidoptera in South Devon, autumn 1990
Vol 103, Page 203, Date 1991
Hazards of butterfly collecting - the monarchs of Mexico, December 1990
Vol 103, Page 205, Date 1991
Thera juniperata Thunberg in eastern Ireland
Vol 103, Page 206, Date 1991
Hentomological spelling
Vol 103, Page 207, Date 1991
Migrant Lepidoptera in Cornwall, September and October 1990
Vol 103, Page 208, Date 1991
Oligostigma polydectalis Walker (Lep.: Pyralidae) in Cambridgeshire
Vol 103, Page 209, Date 1991
Russell Frederick Bretherton, C.B., M.A., F.R.E.S. 1906-1991
Vol 103, Page 215, Date 1991
Photedes pygmina Haw., Callistege mi Cl., Laspeyria flexula D. & S. and Rivula sericealis Scop. (Lep.: Noctuidae) observed feeding
Vol 103, Page 210, Date 1991
Notes on some Borneo hawk moths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) including Eupanacra hollowayi sp. n. and Macroglossum amoenum Rothschild & Jordon, new to Borneo
Vol 103, Page 223, Date 1991
A remarkable assemblage of beetles under one stone
Vol 103, Page 235, Date 1991
A further record of Pelosia muscerda Hufn., the dotted footman (Lep.: Arctiidae) in Kent
Vol 103, Page 236, Date 1991
Orthoptera around Birmingham
Vol 103, Page 237, Date 1991
The magpie moth (Abraxas grossulariata L.) in north Cheshire (v.c. 58)
Vol 103, Page 241, Date 1991
Farmland ecology light trap network: interesting records for September 1990
Vol 103, Page 242, Date 1991
The genus Pogonocherus Zett. (Col.: Lamiidae) in the British Isles
Vol 103, Page 243, Date 1991
A record of Utetheisa pulchella Linn. at m.v. light at Buckland, near Reigate, Surrey
Vol 103, Page 246, Date 1991
The adaptation to a hostile environment by changing ovipositing cues by females of the silver-spotted skipper (Hesperia comma Linn. 1758)
Vol 103, Page 247, Date 1991
Amphipoea lucens Freyer, the large ear and A. fucosa Freyer, the saltern ear (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Hertfordshire
Vol 103, Page 249, Date 1991
A plea for legal protection for the sandhill rustic (Luperina nickerlii leechi) (Lep.: Noctuidae) at its site in Cornwall
Vol 103, Page 250, Date 1991
Brassolinae (Lep.: Satyridae) in Britain and Europe
Vol 103, Page 257, Date 1991
Eupithecia valerianata Hb. and Eupithecia pygmaeata Hb. (Lep.: Geometridae) in Scotland
Vol 103, Page 258, Date 1991
Moths in Brittany and Cornwall
Vol 103, Page 259, Date 1991
Lithophane leautieri hesperica Bours. (Lep.: Noctuidae) larvae feeding on common juniper (Juniperus communis)
Vol 103, Page 261, Date 1991
The stout dart, Spaelotis ravida (D. & S.) (Lep.: Noctuidae) - a recent record from south-east Scotland
Vol 103, Page 262, Date 1991
The art of feigning death - thanatosis in Euploea (Danainae) and other aposematic butterflies
Vol 103, Page 263, Date 1991
Sedina buettneri Her., Blair's Wainscot (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Kent
Vol 103, Page 266, Date 1991
Xylena vetusta Hb., the red sword-grass (Lep.: Noctuidae) in south Essex in December 1990
Vol 103, Page 270, Date 1991
Early sightings of Macroglossum stellatarum L. in East Sussex
Vol 103, Page 271, Date 1991
Magpie moth, Abraxas grossulariata (L.), (Lep.: Geometridae) and other caterpillars on gooseberry, Ribes uva-crispa, in south Cumbria
Vol 103, Page 272, Date 1991
Utetheisa pulchella L. the crimson-speckled Footman (Lep.: Arctiidae) in the Channel Islands
Vol 103, Page 273, Date 1991
Eriogaster lanestris Linn., the small eggar (Lep.: Lasiocampidae) in south Norfolk (v.c. 27)
Vol 103, Page 274, Date 1991
Scotopteryx peribolata (Hb.), the Spanish carpet (Lep.: Geometridae) at Studland, Dorset
Vol 103, Page 275, Date 1991
Argyrotaenia ljungiana (Thunb.) - a surprising foodplant
Vol 103, Page 276, Date 1991
A description of the adult and early stages of Phyllonorycter platani (Staudinger, 1870) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae)
Vol 103, Page 279, Date 1991
A note on the life history of Blastobasis decolorella (Woll.) (Lep.: Blastobasidae)
Vol 103, Page 282, Date 1991
Observations on Dioctria cothurnata Mg. (Diptera: Asilidae) in Dorset
Vol 103, Page 283, Date 1991
Eulamprotes phaeella Heckford & Langmaid (Lep.: Gelechiidae) in Kent
Vol 103, Page 286, Date 1991
Barberry carpet moth, Pareulype berberata D. & S.: the discovery of a second breeding colony in Britain and other recent records
Vol 103, Page 287, Date 1991
Batrisodes adnexus (Hampe) (B. buqueti Auctt. Brit.) and B. delaporti (Aube) (Col. Pselaphidae) in Britain
Vol 103, Page 293, Date 1991
Cyphostethus tristriatus (F.) (Hem.: Acanthosomatidae) in S.E. London and its occurrence on Thuja orientalis L
Vol 103, Page 296, Date 1991
Interesting Lepidoptera records from north-east Fife
Vol 103, Page 297, Date 1991
Thereva plebeia (L.) (Diptera: Therevidae): a recent find in E. Kent
Vol 103, Page 300, Date 1991
Nationally uncommon ground beetles (Col.: Carabidae) from Welsh wetlands
Vol 103, Page 301, Date 1991
Aplocnemus pini (Redt.), not nigricornis (F.) (Col.: Melyridae) in Epping Forest, Essex
Vol 103, Page 306, Date 1991
On the hibernation of tissue moths Triphosia dubitata L. and the herald moth Scoliopteryx libatrix L. in an old fort
Vol 103, Page 313, Date 1991
Notes on the behaviour of Luperina nickerlii leechi (the sandhill rustic, Lep.: Noctuidae) at its site in Cornwall
Vol 103, Page 323, Date 1991
Distribution mapping with IBM-compatible personal computers
Vol 103, Page 325, Date 1991
Notes on two British Bagous spp. (Col.: Curculionidae)
Vol 103, Page 326, Date 1991
Omosita depressa (L.) (Col.: Nitidulidae) apparently new to Kent
Vol 103, Page 327, Date 1991
Cold tolerance of the immature stages of Autographa gamma L. (Lep.: Noctuidae)
Vol 103, Page 328, Date 1991
An additional pupation site of Limnaecia phragmitella Stainton (Lep.: Cosmopterigidae)
Vol 103, Page 329, Date 1991
Nycteola revayana Scopoli (Lep.: Noctuidae) during the summer
Vol 103, Page 330, Date 1991