Some preliminary notes on Odontognophos dumetata Treitschke ssp. hibernica Forder (Lep.: Geometridae)
Vol 107, Page 1, Date 1995
Lepidoptera in Fuerteventura (Canary Isle) 1994
Vol 107, Page 3, Date 1995
Early emergence of spring moths
Vol 107, Page 4, Date 1995
Records of Microlepidoptera from south-western Scotland, July, 1994
Vol 107, Page 5, Date 1995
Synanthedon formicaeformis (Esp.), red-tipped clearwing (Lep.: Sesiidae), further evidence of a two year life-cycle
Vol 107, Page 11, Date 1995
Serious pests of Urtica divica Linn. at 5500' altitude in Kumaon Hills in India
Vol 107, Page 13, Date 1995
Devon moth records
Vol 107, Page 14, Date 1995
The brown argus butterfly in north-west Europe
Vol 107, Page 15, Date 1995
Broad-bordered bee hawks in October (Hemaris fuciformis L.; Lep.: Sphingidae)
Vol 107, Page 24, Date 1995
An apparently new species of Mordellistena (Col.: Mordellidae) in Britain
Vol 107, Page 25, Date 1995
Liptena priscilla a new liptenid butterfly from Nigeria (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Vol 107, Page 29, Date 1995
Euchmichtis lichenea lichenea (Hb.) feathered ranunculus (Lep.: Noctuidae) in north-east Hampshire
Vol 107, Page 32, Date 1995
Leg teratology in Galerucella sagittariae (Gyllenhal) (Col.: Chrysomelidae)
Vol 107, Page 33, Date 1995
Scrobipalpa artemisiella (Treitschke) (Lep.: Gelechiidae), a larval description
Vol 107, Page 38, Date 1995
The larval habitat of Leiodes rufipennis (Paykull) (=clavicornis (Rye)) (Col.: Leiodidae): some preliminary observations
Vol 107, Page 39, Date 1995
Aethes francillana (Fabricius) (Lep.: Tortricidae) bred from Conium maculatum
Vol 107, Page 40, Date 1995
Apion laevicolle Kirby (Col.: Apionidae) in the New Forest
Vol 107, Page 41, Date 1995
Sedina buettneri (Hering) (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Essex, 1994
Vol 107, Page 43, Date 1995
First Kent record of Cosmopterix lienigiella L. & Z. (Lep.: Cosmopterigidae)
Vol 107, Page 44, Date 1995
Apion sedi Germar (Col.: Apionidae) in Dorset
Vol 107, Page 46, Date 1995
Hypena obsitalis (Hb.) the Bloxworth snout (Lep.: Noctuidae) new to mainland Hampshire
Vol 107, Page 47, Date 1995
Thera juniperata Linn. (Lep.: Geometridae) in west Gloucester in Autumn 1994
Vol 107, Page 50, Date 1995
Field observations of the 'hilltopping' phenomenon in north-west Africa
Vol 107, Page 57, Date 1995
The status of Strangalia attenuata (L.) (Col.: Cerambycidae) in Britain
Vol 107, Page 69, Date 1995
Olethreutes mygindiana (D. & S.) (Lep.: Tortricidae) - new to Shropshire (V.C.40)
Vol 107, Page 73, Date 1995
Note on the authorship of the North African satyrid butterfly Berberia abdelkader ab. serrata (Lepidoptera: Satyridae) as an example of nomenclatoric confusion
Vol 107, Page 75, Date 1995
New species of Lepidoptera to the Isle of Wight
Vol 107, Page 76, Date 1995
List of Chrysomelidae and Curculionoidea (Coleoptera) from Saint Bees Head, west Cumbria
Vol 107, Page 77, Date 1995
Acontia lucida (Hufnagel) (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Kent and Dorset
Vol 107, Page 81, Date 1995
Reproductive cycle of Acerentomon nemorale Womersley (Hexapoda: Protura) from soil in deciduous woodland
Vol 107, Page 83, Date 1995
Scarce large blue butterfly Maculinea telejus Bergstr. (Lep.: Lycaenidae), in Slovenia
Vol 107, Page 88, Date 1995
Orthoptera in the London archipelago
Vol 107, Page 89, Date 1995
A second British record of Peribatodes manuelaria H.-S. (Lep.: Geometridae)
Vol 107, Page 98, Date 1995
A record of Luperina dumerilii Dup. (Lep.: Noctuidae) from Cornwall
Vol 107, Page 99, Date 1995
Two highly notable beetles in west Kent in the 1960s
Vol 107, Page 101, Date 1995
Andricus nudus (Hym.: Cynipidae) and Taxomyia taxi (Dipt.: Cecidomyiidae): insects new to Ireland
Vol 107, Page 105, Date 1995
Butterflies in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, 28.v.94 to 7.vi.94
Vol 107, Page 107, Date 1995
Further observations of the Erebia ligea (Linnaeus) and other controversies
Vol 107, Page 117, Date 1995
Dasychira mendosa (Hubner, 1934) (Lep: Lymantriidae); notes on larval foodplants in India
Vol 107, Page 126, Date 1995
A new subspecies of Luperina nickerlii Freyer, 1845 from south-east England, with notes on the other subspecies found in Britain, Ireland and mainland Europe
Vol 107, Page 127, Date 1995
A unusual foodplant for Hedya pruniana Hb. (Lep.: Tortricidae)
Vol 107, Page 131, Date 1995
An example of extreme F. pan-albisignata, Kaaber & Hoegh-Guldberg, in the Durham argus butterfly, Aricia artaxerxes salmacis, Stephens, and related observations
Vol 107, Page 133, Date 1995
The genus Abantis (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae): some additional Central African records
Vol 107, Page 143, Date 1995
A second British record of Mussidia nigrivenella Ragonot (Lep.: Pyralidae)
Vol 107, Page 146, Date 1995
Pyralid moths in profile: part 1 - Sciota adelphella (Fischer von Roslerstam)
Vol 107, Page 147, Date 1995
Epirrita autumnata Borkh. (Lep.: Geometridae): a new variety
Vol 107, Page 152, Date 1995
Electrophaes corylata Thunb. (Lep.: Geometridae), ratio of forms in north-west Kent
Vol 107, Page 153, Date 1995
Eucosma metzneriana Treitsche (Lep.: Tortricidae) in north Essex
Vol 107, Page 154, Date 1995
Amphipoea fucosa paludis Tutt (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Oxfordshire
Vol 107, Page 155, Date 1995
Acherontia atropos (Lep.: Sphingidae) breeding in Oxfordshire in 1994
Vol 107, Page 156, Date 1995
Furcula bifida Brahm (Lep.: Notodontidae) in Pembrokeshire
Vol 107, Page 157, Date 1995
More observations on Eublemma ostrina (Hubner) - the purple marbled (Lep.: Noctuidae)
Vol 107, Page 161, Date 1995
Exceptional dates for British Orthoptera
Vol 107, Page 162, Date 1995
Ectoedemia amani Svensson, 1966 (Lep.: Nepticulidae) new to Britain
Vol 107, Page 163, Date 1995
A first Kent record for the Spanish carpet, Scotopteryx peribolata Hbn. (Lep.: Geometridae)
Vol 107, Page 164, Date 1995
The common blue damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum and other Odonata records in Shetland
Vol 107, Page 165, Date 1995
Late and partial third broods of butterflies and moths in the Isle of Wight during 1994
Vol 107, Page 171, Date 1995
The large cabbage white, Pieris brassicae, extends its range to South Africa
Vol 107, Page 174, Date 1995
Coboldia fuscipes (Meigen) (Nematocera: Scatopsidae) feeding on slug eggs
Vol 107, Page 175, Date 1995
On the British Mordellistena humeralis (L.) (Col.: Mordellidae) and its allies
Vol 107, Page 181, Date 1995
Notes on finding the larva of Coleophora aestuariella Bradley (Lep.: Coleophoridae)
Vol 107, Page 184, Date 1995
Cypha tarsalis Luze (Col.: Staphylinidae) new to Britain
Vol 107, Page 185, Date 1995
A second Kent record of Coleophora frischella L. (Lep.: Coleophoridae)
Vol 107, Page 187, Date 1995
Further early emergences of moths
Vol 107, Page 191, Date 1995
Phalacrus spp. (Col.: Phalacridae): a correction and remarks on certain names in the genus
Vol 107, Page 192, Date 1995
First Kent record of Cosmopterix orichalcea Staint. (Lep.: Cosmopterigidae)
Vol 107, Page 193, Date 1995
Evergestis limbatus (L.) (Lep.: Pyralidae) new to mainland Britain
Vol 107, Page 197, Date 1995
An American moth in Aberdeen
Vol 107, Page 198, Date 1995
Synchita humeralis (F.) (Colydiidae): a second record for West Kent
Vol 107, Page 201, Date 1995
Bankesia douglasii Stainton (Lep.: Psychidae) in Hampshire
Vol 107, Page 202, Date 1995
Agrilus sinuatus (Ol.) (Col.: Buprestidae) at Tunbridge Wells, Kent
Vol 107, Page 203, Date 1995
Some entomological jargon exposed
Vol 107, Page 205, Date 1995
Microlepidoptera review of 1993
Vol 107, Page 207, Date 1995
A subcortical fungus beetle basking in sunlight
Vol 107, Page 220, Date 1995
Overwintering Orthoptera and other insects in Crete
Vol 107, Page 221, Date 1995
A pitfall trap for repetitive sampling of hypogean arthropod faunas
Vol 107, Page 225, Date 1995
The larger moths of Dawlish Warren, Devon
Vol 107, Page 229, Date 1995
A record of Hermeuptychia cucullina (Weymer) from Brazil including some remarks on other hermeuptychian taxa (Lep.: Satyridae)
Vol 107, Page 237, Date 1995
Cydia lunulana (D. & S.) (Lep.: Tortricidae) new to Shropshire (VC40)
Vol 107, Page 240, Date 1995
Pyralid moths in profile: part 2 - Acrobasis tumidana (Dennis & Schiffermuller)
Vol 107, Page 241, Date 1995
Scythris picaepennis (Haw.) (Lep.: Scythrididae): extended emergence or possible bivoltinism in South Wiltshire
Vol 107, Page 243, Date 1995
Observations on the behaviour of the panoptes blue butterfly, Pseudophilotes panoptes (Hubner) (Lep.: Lycaenidae)
Vol 107, Page 245, Date 1995
An autumnal broad-bordered bee hawk, Hemaris fuciformis L. (Lep.: Sphingidae), in an Essex garden
Vol 107, Page 247, Date 1995
An update on the southern chestnut moth Agrochola haematidea Dup. (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Britain
Vol 107, Page 248, Date 1995
Early emergence of butterflies and moths in the Isle of Wight during 1995
Vol 107, Page 251, Date 1995
Stigmella continuella (Stt.) (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae) in Scotland
Vol 107, Page 253, Date 1995
An outbreak of the lackey moth, Malacosoma neustria L. 1758 (Lep. Lasiocampidae) in Beckton, east London, May 1995
Vol 107, Page 254, Date 1995
Large tortoiseshell butterfly, Nymphalis polychloros L. in Kent
Vol 107, Page 255, Date 1995
A note on the flying times of Laothoe populi L. (Lep. Sphingidae)
Vol 107, Page 256, Date 1995
Scarcity of vanessid butterflies
Vol 107, Page 257, Date 1995
Strangalia maculata (Poda) var. gibberdi nov., (Col.: Cerambycidae)
Vol 107, Page 262, Date 1995
A large-scale migration of the African skipper Andronymus gander Evans, 1946 near Calabar, Nigeria (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae)
Vol 107, Page 263, Date 1995
Evidence of white admiral butterfly (Limenitis camilla L.) larvae feeding on aspen (Populus tremula)
Vol 107, Page 266, Date 1995
Butterflies in north-east Greece (28th July - 4th August 1994)
Vol 107, Page 267, Date 1995
Acontia lucida Hufn. (Lep.: Noctuidae), the pale shoulder new to the Isles of Scilly and third record for British Isles
Vol 107, Page 271, Date 1995
Nothris congressariella (Braund, 1858) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) reared from Lundy
Vol 107, Page 273, Date 1995
Two new foodplants for Euproctis chrysorrhoea L. (Lep.: Lymantridae
Vol 107, Page 276, Date 1995
One and a half years of Kenyan Orthoptera. 1. Introduction and Tettigoniidae
Vol 107, Page 277, Date 1995
Unusual variation in the light emerald, Campaea margaritata L. (Lep.: Geometridae)
Vol 107, Page 282, Date 1995
Records from Dawlish Warren based upon confirmed sightings in the period from 1982-1995 continued
Vol 107, Page 283, Date 1995
A third British record of Etiella zinckenella Treitschke (1832) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and other migrants from VC11
Vol 107, Page 291, Date 1995
An unusual form of Aglias [Aglais] urticae L. (Lep.: Nymphalidae) from Devon
Vol 107, Page 292, Date 1995
It was migration - the exceptional abundance of the large white butterfly Pieris brassicae (L.) in 1992
Vol 107, Page 293, Date 1995
Two species of Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) new to Fiji
Vol 107, Page 295, Date 1995
Rhinoncus albicinctus Gyll. (Col.: Curculionidae) in south-east London, a third British locality
Vol 107, Page 297, Date 1995
A list of beetles recorded from Kimbers, Maidenhead, Berkshire 1964-1994
Vol 107, Page 299, Date 1995
Malacosoma castrensis L. (Lep.: Lasiocampidae) recorded from Devon
Vol 107, Page 306, Date 1995
Further records of Malacosoma castrensis L. (Lep.: Lasiocampidae) from Devon
Vol 107, Page 307, Date 1995
Camberwell beauty, Nymphalis antiopa Linn. (Lep.: Nymphalidae) in Hertfordshire and beyond
Vol 107, Page 309, Date 1995