I.—Notes on the Recent Literature of Japanese Land-Snails
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 1, Date 1901
Descriptions of three new siluroid fishes of the genus Synodontis discovered by Mr. W. L. S. Loat in the White Nile
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 10, Date 1901
Diagnoses of four new fishes discovered by Mr. J. E. S. Moore in Lakes Albert and Albert Edward
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 12, Date 1901
V.—Description of a new Lizard from the Gaboon
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 15, Date 1901
VI.—New Genera and Species of Eaštern and Australian Moths
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 16, Date 1901
VII.—Some new African Bats (including one from the Azores) and a new Galago
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 27, Date 1901
VIII.—The Rutelid Genus Adorodocin and a new Allied Form
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 35, Date 1901
X.—The New Mexico Coccidæ of the Genus Ripersia
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 51, Date 1901
XI.—On a Collection of Butterflies made by George Migeod, Esq., in Northern Nigeria between September 1899 and January 1900
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 57, Date 1901
Descriptions of Brazilian Coccidae
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 62, Date 1901
Bibliographical Notices
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 72, Date 1901
XVI.—On a small Collection of Butterflies from the Kileuyu Country and Mombasa made by the Rev. K. St. Aubyn Rogers
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 111, Date 1901
XVII.—On a new Bat from Borneo
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 113, Date 1901
Description of a new fish of the family Cichlidae from the French Congo
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 114, Date 1901
Descriptions of three new genera and seven new species of Hymenoptera from Eastern Asia and Australia
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 116, Date 1901
XX.—New and little-known Moths from India and Australia
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 123, Date 1901
XXI.—On a Collection of Mammals from the Kanuku Mountains, British Guiana
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 139, Date 1901
XXII.—List of small Mammals obtained by Mr. A. E. Pease, M.P., during his recent Expedition to Abyssinia, with Descriptions of Three new Forms of Macroscelides
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 154, Date 1901
XXIII.—Description of a new Species of Chloritis from the Loo-Choo Islands
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 157, Date 1901
Bibliographical Notice
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 158, Date 1901
Proceedings of Learned Societies. Geological Society
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 159, Date 1901
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 160, Date 1901
Dates of publication of the zoological and botanical portions of some French voyages, Part 2
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 161, Date 1901
New species of Syntomidae and Arctiadae
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 165, Date 1901
On the presence of a superbranchial organ in the cyprinoid fish Hypophthalmichthys
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 186, Date 1901
XXVI.—On a new Form of Puma from Patagonia
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 188, Date 1901
XXVII.—On a Collection of Bats from Para
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 189, Date 1901
XXVIII.— The Rutelid Genus Adorodocia
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 193, Date 1901
A revision of the butterflies of the genus Precis, with notes on the seasonal phases of the species
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 196, Date 1901
Descriptions of some supposed new species of Diplommatina, Opisthostoma, and a new variety of Alycaeus from N. Borneo, Banguey Island and Darjeeling
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 242, Date 1901
XXXIII.—New Neotropical Mammals, with a Note on the Species of Reithrodon
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 246, Date 1901
XXXIV.—New Species of Macroscelides and Glauconycteris
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 255, Date 1901
XXXV.—On a new Genus and Two new Species of African Cetoniidæ
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 257, Date 1901
Bibliographical Notice
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 259, Date 1901
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 260, Date 1901
Notes on the classification of teleostean fishes.--I. On the Trachinidae and their allies
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 261, Date 1901
XXXVII.— New Insular Forms of Nasua and Dasyprocta
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 1271, Date 1901
XXXVIII.—On a Collection of Small Mammals from the Upper Nile obtained by Mr. R. M. Hawker
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 273, Date 1901
XXXIX.—A List of Lepidoptera collected by Mr. Ewart S. Grogan in Central Africa
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 278, Date 1901
XL.—Further notes on the Pangoninae of the family Tabanidae in the British Museum collection
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 286, Date 1901
Descriptions of fourteen new species of terrestrial Mollusca from South Africa
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 315, Date 1901
XLIII.—The Nomenclature of European Helices
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 325, Date 1901
XLIV.—Some Questions of Myriopod Nomenclature
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 329, Date 1901
Bibliographical Notice
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 332, Date 1901
Dates of publication of the zoological and botanical portions of some French voyages - Part II
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 333, Date 1901
XLV.—On some Entomostraca collected in the Arctic Seas in 1898 by William S. Bruce, F.R.S.G.S
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 337, Date 1901
A preliminary report on some new Brazilian Hemiptera
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 383, Date 1901
Notes on the synonymy of the Genus Ogyris
Ser 8, Vol 8, Page 386, Date 1916
LI.—A Revision of the Genera of the ARANEÆ or Spiders with reference to their Type Species
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 403, Date 1901
LIII.—On Stauronella, a new Genus of Diatoms
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 424, Date 1901
LIV.—On a Collection of Bats from Paraguay
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 435, Date 1901
Diagnoses of new fishes discovered by Mr. W. L. S. Loat in the Nile
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 444, Date 1901
Description of a new silurid fish of the genus Anoplopterus, from Cameroon
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 447, Date 1901
Some new genera and species of lithobiomorphous Chilopoda
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 448, Date 1901
The Chilopoda or centipedes of the Australian continent
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 451, Date 1901
Rhynchotal notes. XI. Heteroptera: Fam. Lygaeidae
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 464, Date 1901
LX.—List of the Fishes of the Churacin'd Genus Alestes, Müll & Trusch with a key to their identification
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 486, Date 1901
Bibliographical Notice
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 490, Date 1901
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 491, Date 1901
LXII.—List of the Fishes of the Characinid Genus Distichodus, Müll. & Trosch., with a Key to their Identification
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 510, Date 1901
LXIV.—Description of a new Frog from British East Africa
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 515, Date 1901
On two new snakes from Borneo
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 516, Date 1901
Natural history notes from the Royal Indian Marine survey ship ‘Investigator’, Commander T. H. Heming, R. N., commanding.---Series III, No. 5. An account of the trawling operations during the surveying-season of 1900-1901
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 517, Date 1901
LXVII.—On Mammals obtained by Mr. Alphonse Robert on the Rio Jordäo, S. W. Minas Geraes
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 526, Date 1901
LXVIII.—New Species of Oryzomys, Proechimys, Cavia, and Sylvilagus from South America
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 536, Date 1901
Some new and old genera of South American Avicularidae
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 540, Date 1901
Description of two new species of Bracon from Bengal
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 555, Date 1901
LXXII.—On Three Blind Victorian Freshwater Crustacea found in Surface-water
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 558, Date 1901
Bibliographical Notice
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 564, Date 1901
Ser 7, Vol 8, Page 565, Date 1901