The Uredineæ Occurring upon Phragmites, Spartina, and Arundinaria in America
Vol 34, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1902
Contributions from the Rocky Mountain Herbarium. III
Vol 34, Iss 1, Page 21, Date 1902
Three New Genera of the Higher Fungi
Vol 34, Iss 1, Page 36, Date 1902
Notes on the Phylogeny of Liriodendron
Vol 34, Iss 1, Page 44, Date 1902
A Revision of the Genus Nemophila
Vol 34, Iss 3, Page 194, Date 1902
On the Development of Certain Piperaceae
Vol 34, Iss 5, Page 321, Date 1902