Die Gattungen der Palaearktischen Tortricidae. III. Addenda and Corrigenda. 2. Teil
Vol 108, Page 1, Date 1965
Macromia splendens (Pictet, 1843) in Europe, with notes on its habits, larva and distribution (Odonata)
Vol 108, Page 41, Date 1965
On the identity of Coelotes atropos (Walckenaer), saxatilis (Blackwall) and terrestris (Wider) (Araneida, Agelenidae)
Vol 108, Page 61, Date 1965
Notes on some injurious Lepidoptera from Java
Vol 108, Page 73, Date 1965
A revision of the Bunnese Paradoxosomatidae (Diplopoda, Polydesmida) in the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale at Genoa (Part I)
Vol 108, Page 95, Date 1965
Observations on some Indonesian Scale Insects
Vol 108, Page 145, Date 1965
On some Japanese Aphididae (Homoptera)
Vol 108, Page 189, Date 1965
Synonymical notes on New World Wasps of the subfamily Sphecinae (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae)
Vol 108, Page 205, Date 1965
External characters of sibling species Trechus obtusus Er. and T. quadristriatus Schrk. (Coleoptera)
Vol 108, Page 219, Date 1965
Catalogus der Nederlandse Macrolepidoptera (Twaalfde supplement)
Vol 108, Page 241, Date 1965
The species-group of Vestalis amoena Selys, 1853, in Sundaland (Odonata, Calopterygidae)
Vol 108, Page 325, Date 1965
Die Gattungen der Palaearktischen Tortricidae. II. Die Unterfamilie Olethreutinae. 6. Teil
Vol 108, Page 365, Date 1965
Nippodysaphis nom. nov. for Neodysaphis Hille Ris Lambers, 1965
Vol 108, Page 389, Date 1965