The reproductive cycle and age composition of a population of Pterostichus oblongopunctatus (Fabricius) in the Netherlands (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
Vol 119, Page 1, Date 1976
Anthecological relations between reputedly anemophilous flowers and syrphid flies. I. The possible role of syrphid flies as pollinators of Plantago
Vol 119, Page 15, Date 1976
A preliminary key to the subfamilies of the Braconidae (Hymenoptera)
Vol 119, Page 33, Date 1976
New species and records of Indo-Australian Psenini (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae, Pemphredoninae)
Vol 119, Page 79, Date 1976
Orthopteroidea of Crete
Vol 119, Page 123, Date 1976
Affinities between the West Palaearctic and Ethiopian butterfly faunas
Vol 119, Page 165, Date 1976
The enigma of Celerio hybr. Pauli Mory
Vol 119, Page 217, Date 1976
Autumn fauna of Collembola from Central Crete
Vol 119, Page 221, Date 1976
The feather mite genera Zumptia Gaud & Mouchet and Parazumptia gen. nov. (Acarina, Analgoidea)
Vol 119, Page 327, Date 1976