Über Haarwechsel und Haarkleid von Mus spretus Lataste, 1883 aus Südspanien (Rodentia, Muridae)
Vol 8, Page 1, Date 1985
Zum Vorkommen des Schreiseeadlers, Haliaetus vocifer (Daudin, 1800) im alten Ägypten
Vol 8, Page 17, Date 1985
Aphid Parasitoids in the Sub-Antarctic (Hymenoptera: Aphiidae)
Vol 8, Page 25, Date 1985
Revision of the Australian Zuphiinae 3. The genus Pseudaptinus Castelnau (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae)
Vol 8, Page 33, Date 1985
Das Thoracoabdominalgelenk der Flußkrebse (Decapoda, Astacoidea)
Vol 8, Page 59, Date 1985
Eine neue Conus-Art von den Philippinen (Prosobranchia: Conidae)
Vol 8, Page 67, Date 1985
Unionicola ypsilophora (Bonz), a water mite new to the Iberian Peninsula
Vol 8, Page 73, Date 1985
Speciation dynamics in the noctuid moth Plusia chrysitis L. (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)
Vol 8, Page 75, Date 1985
Cymbium fragile n. spec., eine neue afrikanische Volute (Volutidae, Gastropoda)
Vol 8, Page 83, Date 1985
Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Temperatur-, Feuchtigkeits- und Helligkeitspräferenz bei einigen Arten der Lycosidae, Hahniidae und Linyphiidae (Araneae)
Vol 8, Page 101, Date 1985
Perithemis lais (Perty, 1833) aus der Brasilienausbeute von J. B. v. Spix und C. F. Ph. v. Martius (Odonata, Libellulidae)
Vol 8, Page 119, Date 1985
Supplements to the Perlidae (Plecoptera) of Sumatra
Vol 8, Page 123, Date 1985
On a collection of shield bugs from arid areas of central and southern Australia (Insecta, Heteroptera, Pentatomoidea)
Vol 8, Page 135, Date 1985
A Revision of Western Palaearctic Oxytorine Genera Part V Genus Aperileptus (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae)
Vol 8, Page 145, Date 1985
The Distribution and Ecology of Epigeic Invertebrates on the Subantarctic Island of South Georgia
Vol 8, Page 153, Date 1985
Conus flavus, eine neue Conus-Art vom westlichen Pazifik (Gastropoda, Conidae)
Vol 8, Page 165, Date 1985
Description de la Carapace des Ostracodes d'eau douce de France II. Familie des Cyprididae (genres Cyclocypris, Cypria, Cypricercus, Eucypris)
Vol 8, Page 171, Date 1985
A comparison of Blennius ocellaris L. 1758, B. riodourensis Metzelaar 1919, and B. normani Poll 1949 (Pisces, Blenniidae)
Vol 8, Page 197, Date 1985
Exastilithoxus hoedemani, a new species of Mailed Catfish from Rio Marauiá, Est. Amazonas, Brazil (Pisces, Siluriformes, Loricariidae)
Vol 8, Page 221, Date 1985
Archolaemus blax Korringa (Pisces, Gymnotiformes, Sternopygidae); a redescription with notes on ecology
Vol 8, Page 231, Date 1985
Description de Liolaemus huacahuasicus spec. nov. (Iguanidae, Reptilia) des Cumbres Calchaquies, Province de Tucumán, Argentine
Vol 8, Page 241, Date 1985-12-30
Ultrastrukturen der Zehenunterseiten einiger arborikoler Iguaniden (Reptilia, Sauria, Iguanidae)
Vol 8, Page 251, Date 1985
Two new genera and species of oophilous encyrtids from Argentine (Insecta, Hymenoptera)
Vol 8, Page 259, Date 1985
Die paläarktischen Arten der Gattung Trematopygus Holmgren (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae)
Vol 8, Page 265, Date 1985
The Epimyrma species of Corsica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
Vol 8, Page 277, Date 1985
Mycetophilids on islands in the Southern Ocean, with description of a new species from the Falkland Islands (Diptera, Mycetophilidae)
Vol 8, Page 281, Date 1985
Die Parasitierung von Fliegenpuparien aus toten Schnecken durch Spalangia erythromera (Hym., Pteromalidae) und Basalys semele (Hym., Diapriidae)
Vol 8, Page 285, Date 1985
Aradus (Quilnus) alonsoi, a new Aradidae (Heteroptera) from South Spain
Vol 8, Page 289, Date 1985
Revision of the Australian Zuphiinae 4. The genus Parazuphium Jeannel (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae)
Vol 8, Page 295, Date 1985
Revision der von Hartig beschriebenen Ichneumoniden-Arten (Hymenoptera)
Vol 8, Page 323, Date 1985