The fossil pit-vipers (Reptilia: Crotalidae) of North America
Vol 12, Page 31, Date 1954
Analysis of the herpetofauna of Baja California, Mexico
Vol 12, Page 47, Date 1954
Snakes of the islands in the Gulf of California, Mexico
Vol 12, Page 67, Date 1954
A new race of Dipodomys and a new race of Thomomys from Arizona
Vol 12, Page 99, Date 1955
A new race of wood rat (Neotoma) from the gulf side of Central Baja California, Mexico
Vol 12, Page 287, Date 1957
The marine molluscan fauna of Guadalupe Island, Mexico
Vol 12, Page 319, Date 1958
A new mollusk from San Felipe, Baja California
Vol 12, Page 333, Date 1958
A new race of pocket gopher (Thomomys) from San Fernando Mission, Baja California, Mexico
Vol 12, Page 407, Date 1960
Differentiation of the Southwestern tortoises (genus Gopherus), with notes on their habits
Vol 12, Page 441, Date 1960