Birds of the lower Back River Northwest Territories, Canada
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 1
Notes on movements of banded muskrats
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 9
Melanism in the varying hare, Lepus americanus Erxleben
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 11
Badgers in Kent and Elgin Counties, Ontario
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 12
The Golden Eagle nesting in the Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 13
Distribution and papulations of the European hare in southern Ontario
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 14
Mid-Atlantic migration of Long-tailed Jaegers and Terns (sp. ?)
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 24
Bird breeding census, 1953
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 25
Nutria, Myocastor coypus, in Thunder Bay District, Ontario
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 25
Cougar or Mountain Lion reported in northwestern Ontario
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 26
Ross's Goose in Ontario
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 26
White Pelicans at Crescent Beach, B.C.
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 27
First record of the Starling in the Northwest Territories
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 27
Viviparus viviparus L, in Eastern Canada
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 27
Audubon Guides. All the Birds of Eastern and Central North America, by Richard H. Pough [Review]
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 28
Our Wildlife Legacy, by Durward L. Allen [Review]
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 28
Birds of Washington State, by S. G. Jewett, W. P. Taylor, W. T. Shaw and J. W. Aldrich [Review]
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 29
The Lives of Wild Birds, by Aretas A. Saunders [Review]
Vol 69, Iss 1, Page 30
A summer colony of the Least Bat, Myotis subidatus leibii (Audubon and Bachman)
Vol 69, Iss 2, Page 31
Spiders and harvestmen from Waterton and Glacier National Parks
Vol 69, Iss 2, Page 32
Birds and mammals observed on a cruise in Amundsen Gulf, N.W.T., July 29th - August 16th, 1953
Vol 69, Iss 2, Page 41
Notes on fungi from northern Canada. II: Boletaceae
Vol 69, Iss 2, Page 44
Christmas bird census — 1954
Vol 69, Iss 2, Page 51
Feeding habits of juvenile Ring-necked Pheasants on Pelee Island, Ontario
Vol 69, Iss 2, Page 59
The Alaska Fox Sparrow Passerella iliaca zaboria Oberholser and Oregon Junco Junco oreganus oreganus (Townsend) in the Caribou Parkland, B.C
Vol 69, Iss 2, Page 65
Interesting records of birds collected in the Peace River Parkland, British Columbia
Vol 69, Iss 2, Page 65
First record of the Dakota Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia juddi Bishop for British Columbia
Vol 69, Iss 2, Page 66
Pseudomma affine G. O. Sars: an addition to the list of the Mysidacea of eastern Canada
Vol 69, Iss 2, Page 66
Purple Martins
Vol 69, Iss 2, Page 66
The Barred Owl in Alberta
Vol 69, Iss 2, Page 66
First records of the American Egret in Alberta
Vol 69, Iss 2, Page 67
Fish Game & Nature Guide to the 1,000 Islands, by Cap Thomson [Review]
Vol 69, Iss 2, Page 68
Summer Birds of western Ontario, by L. L. Snyder [Review]
Vol 69, Iss 2, Page 68
Social Behavior in Animals with Special Reference to Vertebrates, by N. Timbergen [Review]
Vol 69, Iss 2, Page 69
The Dancing Bees, an accunt of the life and senses of the honey bee, by Karl von Frisch [Review]
Vol 69, Iss 2, Page 69
The relation of man to nature through the ages
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 71
Presidents of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 74
Let us now praise famous men
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 75
Bibliographic survey of James Fletcher's Flora Ottawaensis
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 79
First records of eight species of fishes in Saskatchewan
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 82
Plants of Cunningham Island, Ottawa, Ontario
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 85
Bird observations from southern Keewatin and the interior of northern Manitoba
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 93
Botanical investigations on coastal southern Cornwallis Island, Franklin District, N.W.T
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 116
Additions to the flora of Yannouth County, Nova Scotia
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 129
Ring-necked Duck (Aythya collaris), breeding in Saguenay County, Quebec
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 130
A dark specimen of the giant slug, Limax maximus L., collected at London, Ontario
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 130
Torilis japonica in the Ottawa District
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 131
Notes on the Black Swift and Vaux Swift at their nesting sites in central British Columbia
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 131
The columnar form of the western red cedar — an environmental modification
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 132
Mark Trail's Book of NOrth American Mammals, by Ed. Dodd [Review]
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 133
Mitteilungen. Institut fiir Auslandsbeziehungen [Review]
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 133
Field Book of American Wild Flowers, by F. Schuiyler Mathews [Review]
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 134
An Introduction to Ornithology, by George J. Wallace [Review]
Vol 69, Iss 3, Page 134
On the spring flight of Blue and Snow Geese across Northern Ontario
Vol 69, Iss 4, Page 135
New outlines on comparative odontology
Vol 69, Iss 4, Page 140
Food habits of marten (Martes americana) in northern British Columbia
Vol 69, Iss 4, Page 144
Observations on a second colony of the land snail Cepaea nemoralis (L.) at London, Ontario with a consideration of the banding patterns in the two colonies
Vol 69, Iss 4, Page 148
Two red algae new to Nova Scotia
Vol 69, Iss 4, Page 150
The rearing of a grey seal in captivity
Vol 69, Iss 4, Page 151
Plant collections from Matthews and Muskox Lakes, Mackenzie District, N.W.T.
Vol 69, Iss 4, Page 153
Natural history survey of Coppermine, Northwest Territories, 1951
Vol 69, Iss 4, Page 162
Notes on the four-toed salamander in the Province of Quebec
Vol 69, Iss 4, Page 167
Observations on the habitat and food of the Queen snake, Natrix septemvittata, at London, Ontario
Vol 69, Iss 4, Page 167
Ruff and White Pelican at Fort Severn
Vol 69, Iss 4, Page 168
The Laysan Albatross off the British Columbia coast
Vol 69, Iss 4, Page 168
Animal Camouglage, by E. M. Stephenson and Charles Steward [Review]
Vol 69, Iss 4, Page 169
Check-list of Amphibians and Reptiles of Canada and Alaska, by E. B. S. Logier and G. C. Toner [Review]
Vol 69, Iss 4, Page 169
The Mammal Guide, by Ralph S. Palmer [Revew]
Vol 69, Iss 4, Page 171
A Study of Variations in the Maskinoge from Three Regions in Canada, by A. S. Hourston [Revew]
Vol 69, Iss 4, Page 171