Contribution to the Knowledge of the Avifauna of North-Eastern Labrador
Vol 42, Iss 1, Page 2
Collecting at Cachalot Whaling Station
Vol 42, Iss 1, Page 9
Big Horn Sheep
Vol 42, Iss 1, Page 12
Official Canadian Record of Bird-Banding Returns
Vol 42, Iss 1, Page 18
Notes on the Birds, Orchids, Ferns and Butterflies of the Province of Quebec, 1927
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 25
Lacustrine Littoral Forms Referable to Ice Pressure
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 29
Contribution to the Knowledge of the Avifauna of North-Eastern Labrador
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 33
The Queen Snake (Natrix septemvittata) in Ontario
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 42
Notes on Silphidae in Haliburton Co., Ontario
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 43
Chickadees at Kingsville
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 44
On the Bronzed Grackle
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 44
Additional Note on the Bronzed Grackle
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 44
Screech Owls in Martin Houses
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 45
Wood Ducks Increasing
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 45
Holboell's Grebe Recorded
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 45
Short-billed Marsh Wren in Alberta
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 46
Growth of Shell in Limnadia americana
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 46
The Woodlice or Oniscoidea of Canada — Additions and Corrections
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 46
Note on Kindleia and Stytomyleodon (Fossil Fish) from Cretaceous Deposits of Alberta
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 47
Frog Calling in Winter
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 47
Marsh Hawk Hatches Prairie Chicken
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 47
Needle-Fish (Scomberesox saurus) from the Gulf of St. Lawrence
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 47
A Snowy Owl in Ottawa
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 48
Recent Records of the European Starling
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 48
Canada North of Fifty-Six Degrees: The Land of Long Summer Days
Vol 42, Iss 3, Page 53
Contribution to the Knowledge of the Avifauna of North-Eastern Labrador
Vol 42, Iss 4, Page 87
The Food of the Red Fox (Vulpes fulva fulva)
Vol 42, Iss 4, Page 94
The Present Range of the European Hare in Ontario
Vol 42, Iss 4, Page 95
A Preliminary Report of the Fishes of the Hudson Bay Drainage System
Vol 42, Iss 4, Page 96
Notes on Marine Algae Collected at Departure Bay, B.C.
Vol 42, Iss 4, Page 99
Canadian Christmas Bird Census, 1927
Vol 42, Iss 4, Page 101
Making Two Worms Grow Where Only One Grew Before
Vol 42, Iss 4, Page 106
A Geological Stroke of Lightning
Vol 42, Iss 4, Page 106
Woodlice (Oniscoidea) from British Columbia
Vol 42, Iss 4, Page 106
Natural History Notes from Baker Lake, N.W.T.
Vol 42, Iss 4, Page 106
Marine Expedition to West Indies
Vol 42, Iss 4, Page 106
Russian Geological Survey
Vol 42, Iss 4, Page 106
Quartenary Glaciation in Banks Island
Vol 42, Iss 4, Page 107
What Are Fossils Good For?
Vol 42, Iss 4, Page 107
Eubranchipus vernalis Not Recorded from Ontario
Vol 42, Iss 4, Page 107
Official Canadian Record of Bird-Banding Returns
Vol 42, Iss 4, Page 107
Wild Life of Jasper Park
Vol 42, Iss 5, Page 111
Suggestions as to the Study of Marine Sediments
Vol 42, Iss 5, Page 119
Contribution to the Knowledge of the Avifauna of North-Eastern Labrador
Vol 42, Iss 5, Page 123
The Herpetology of Hamilton, Ontario, and District
Vol 42, Iss 5, Page 125
Townsend's Warbler: A Correction
Vol 42, Iss 5, Page 127
Official Canadian Record of Bird-Banding Returns
Vol 42, Iss 5, Page 128
The Early Indian Wildfowler of Vancouver Island
Vol 42, Iss 6, Page 139
Notes on the Introduction of the Pheasant in some of the Provinces of Canada
Vol 42, Iss 6, Page 143
Contribution to the Knowledge of the Avifauna of North-Eastern Labrador
Vol 42, Iss 6, Page 146
Persevering Robins
Vol 42, Iss 6, Page 148
Cliff Swallow Nests and Rain
Vol 42, Iss 6, Page 148
Observations on the Rufous Humming-bird (Selasphorus rufus), 1927
Vol 42, Iss 6, Page 149
Rufous Hummingbird
Vol 42, Iss 6, Page 150
Official Canadian Record of Bird-Banding Returns
Vol 42, Iss 6, Page 151
Notes on the Distribution of Some Decapod Crustacea Collected near Sidney, B.C
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 163
Concerning Some Shrews of the Mainland of Southwestern British Columbia
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 165
A Report Concerning Destruction of Bird Life at Lighthouses on the Atlantic Coast
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 167
Contribution to the Knowledge of the Avifauna of North-Eastern Labrador
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 172
Further Note on the Bronzed Crackle as a Fisherman
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 177
Further Notes on the Starling in Ontario
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 177
The Spread of the European Starling
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 178
Bird Banding in Japan
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 178
Trans-Atlantic Banded Pigeon Recovery
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 178
European Hare at Collingwood
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 179
An Early Date for the Grasshopper Sparrow at Toronto, Ontario
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 179
Fur-Farming for Profit, by Frank G. Ashbrook [Review]
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 179
Mammals and Birds of Mount Rainier National Park, by Walter P. Taylor [Review]
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 180
General Ornithology Laboratory Notebook, by A. A. Allen, L. A. Fuertes, and M. D. Pirnie [Review]
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 182
A List of New Brunswick Birds, by Wm. H. Moore [Review]
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 183
Prairie Birds, by B. J. Hales [Review]
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 184
Life Histories of North American Shore Birds, by Arthur Cleveland Bent [Review]
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 186
A New Cephalopod from the Trenton Limestone of Montreal
Vol 42, Iss 8, Page 187
The Fluctuation in the Population of Wild Mammals, and the Relationship of this Fluctuation to Conservation
Vol 42, Iss 8, Page 189
Notes on Birds of the Labrador Peninsula in 1928
Vol 42, Iss 8, Page 191
The Moss Flora of North Grey County and Part of the Bruce Peninsula, Ontario
Vol 42, Iss 8, Page 194
Contribution to the Knowledge of the Avifauna of North-Eastern Labrador
Vol 42, Iss 8, Page 201
A Method of Cleaning Large Bird Skins
Vol 42, Iss 8, Page 207
William Couper — A Pioneer Canadian Entomologist
Vol 42, Iss 8, Page 208
How Do Golden-eye Ducks Sleep in Winter?
Vol 42, Iss 8, Page 208
A Richardson's Owl at Toronto
Vol 42, Iss 8, Page 209
Two Records of Warblers at Toronto in Winter
Vol 42, Iss 8, Page 209
Success on a Sanctuary
Vol 42, Iss 8, Page 210
Notes on Ruddy Duck
Vol 42, Iss 8, Page 210
The American Egret (?) in Welland County
Vol 42, Iss 8, Page 210
Re Official Canadian Record of Bird Banding Returns [Correction]
Vol 42, Iss 8, Page 210
A Crustacean New to the Pleistocene Fauna of Canada
Vol 42, Iss 9, Page 211
Landslides in Canada
Vol 42, Iss 9, Page 212
Contribution to the Knowledge of the Avifauna of North-Eastern Labrador
Vol 42, Iss 9, Page 221