Biologists have a responsibility to interpret
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 1
The Nidulariaceae of Canada
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 2
Notes on Food and Feeding Habits of Some Wintering Birds
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 14
New Alberta Records for the Silvery and Brassy Minnows, Stonecat and Sauger, with a Preliminary List of Fishes of the Milk River in Alberta
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 18
Dates of First Flowers of Alpine Plants at Eagle Creek, Central Alaska
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 24
Some Aspects of Commensal Populations of Mus musculus in Southwestern Ontario
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 32
Another record of White Wing-Barring in the Common Crow
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 42
Observations on Canadian Birch (Betula) collections at the Morgan Arboretum. VI. B. papyrifera from the Rocky Mountains
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 44
Red-throated Loon Nesting in Northern Ontario
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 49
Cattle Egret in the District of Algoma
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 49
Notes on Manitoba Plants II.
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 50
A Possible Fieldfare Observation near Ottawa, Ontario
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 51
Studies of the Byron Bog in Southwestern Ontario. XXIX. The Virginia Chain Fern, an Addition to the Flora of the Bog
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 52
Eight Erythristic Plethodon cinereus cinereus (Green) from Poison Lake Area, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 53
Summer Occurrence of the Fox Sparrow in New Brunswick
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 54
The Okanagan Similkameen Parks Society Reports Progress
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 55
The Shell Bird Book, by James Fisher [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 59
The Sparrow's Fall, by Fred Bodsworth [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 59
Radar Ornithology, by Eric Eastwood [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 60
Rocky Mountain Flora, by William A. Weber [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 61
Modes of Reproduction in Fishes, by Charles M. Breder, Jr. and Donn Eric Rosen [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 1, Page 62
Editorial: Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 75
Progress of the European Frog-Bit in Canada
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 76
A Comparison of Capture Success Between Sherman and Longworth Live Traps
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 84
Sea Birds in Newfoundland and Greenland Waters, April-May 1966
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 88
The Vascular Flora of Tanquary Fiord, Northern Ellesmere Island, N.W.T.
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 103
New and Important Additions to the Flora of the Southwestern Yukon Territory, Canada
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 114
Crustacea of the Delta Marsh Region, Manitoba
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 120
Observations on Natural Mortality and Native Use of Eider Ducks along the Beaufort Sea Coast
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 140
Late Winter Oil Pollution in the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 145
First Nesting Record of the Mockingbird in British Columbia
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 146
A. Wood Frog from Northern Manitoba
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 147
Censuses of the Ipswich Sparrow on Sable Island
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 148
A Convenient Method for Mounting Herbarium Specimens
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 151
A Short-billed Marsh Wren, Cistothorus platensis in Nova Scotia
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 152
Muskox Skull from Teshekpuk Lake, Northern Alaska
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 152
Alberta: A Natural History, eds. W. G. Hardy and M. G. Hurtig [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 158
A Comparative Life-history Study of Four Species of Woodpeckers, by Louise de Kiriline Lawrence [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 160
Bionomics of the Sandhill Crane, by W. J. Douglas Stephen [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 161
Guide to Common Seaweeds of British Columbia, by Robert F. Scagel [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 161
The Lichen Genus Cladonia in North America, by John W. Thomson [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 162
On Integration in Plants, by Rudolf Dostal [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 163
Famine on the Wind, by G. L. Carefoot and E. R. Spratt [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 164
Development of Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay Region. An Atlas of Egg, Larval, and Juvenile Stages. Part 1, by Alice J. Mansueti and Jerry D. Hardy, Jr. [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 165
John James Audubon, by Alice Ford [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 2, Page 166
Population Status of Peregrine Falcons in the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 169
The Food of Three Species of Gulls in Newfoundland
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 176
Observations on the Hybrid Cord-Grass, Spartina X caespitosa in the Maritime Provinces
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 181
Observations on Canadian Birch (Betula) collections at the Morgan Arboretum. VII. B. papyrifera and B. resinifera from Northwestern Canada
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 185
Unusual Records of Summer Birds on Kent Island, New Brunswick
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 203
Island Nesting of Ducks in Northern Ontario
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 209
On the Occurrence of Polycelis (Turbellaria, Tricladida) in Western Canada
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 213
Status of Breeding Herring Gulls at Bridge Lake, British Columbia, 1933-1963
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 217
The Effect of an Underwater Explosion on the Fish of Wentzel Lake, Alberta
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 219
Two Records of the Ruddy Duck Nesting at Vancouver, British Columbia
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 220
Long Distance Dispersal of Seeds by Pant Cuffs
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 221
A Polar Bear and Porcupine Encounter
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 222
Flying Duck Transports Young on its Back
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 223
An Early Colonial Duck Decoy
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 223
A Note on Magpies and Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 224
Transplant Experiments and Toxicity Tests in Peltandra
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 225
An Additional Observation of the Leatherback Turtle off Newfoundland
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 226
Mockingbird at Vancouver, British Columbia
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 227
First Record of the Southern Flying Squirrel, Glaucomys volans volans, from Quebec
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 227
Reaction of a Semipalmated Plover to covering of its eggs with Sand and Seaweed Respectively
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 228
Swarming and Mating in the Ant, Lasius sitkaensis Pergande
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 230
The Shorebirds of North America, ed. Gardner D. Stout [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 232
Birds in Our Lives, eds. Alfred Stefferud and Arnold L. Nelson [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 232
Valuable Ontario Waterfowl Marsh saved from Drainage
Vol 82, Iss 3, Page 234
Pollution. Wildlife and Science
Vol 82, Iss 4, Page 241
The Birds of Chesterfield Inlet, District of Keewatin, N. W. T., Canada
Vol 82, Iss 4, Page 244
Additions to the Flora of Continental Northwest Territories, Canada
Vol 82, Iss 4, Page 263
Winter Observations on Beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) in Jones Sound N.W.T.
Vol 82, Iss 4, Page 276
Apparent Recovery of Translocated Arctic Fox
Vol 82, Iss 4, Page 287
Studies of the Byron Bog in Southwestern Ontario. XXXIV. Additional Observations on the Reptiles of the Bog
Vol 82, Iss 4, Page 289
Occurrence of Rhus copallina in Leeds County, Ontario
Vol 82, Iss 4, Page 291
Strangers in High Places: The Story of the Great Smoky Mountains, by Michael Frome [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 4, Page 298
Handbook of the Crayfishes of Ontario, by Denton W. Crocker and David W. Barr [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 4, Page 298
Wildflowers of Alberta, by R. G. H. Cormack [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 4, Page 300
An Introduction to the Behavior of Ants, by John H. Sudd [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 4, Page 300
Freshwater Fishes of Connecticut by Walter R. Whitworth, Peter L. Berrien, and Walter T. Keller [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 4, Page 301
Fishes of the Bahamas and Adjacent Tropical Waters, by James E. Böhlke and Charles C. G. Chaplin [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 4, Page 301
The Birds of Simcoe County, Ontario, by O. E. Devitt [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 4, Page 302
The Birds of Alberta, by W. Ray Salt and A. L. Wilk [Review]
Vol 82, Iss 4, Page 302