A List of the Breeding Birds of the Athabasca District, Alberta
Vol 47, Iss 1, Page 1
A Study of the Home Life of the Northern Yellow-Throat (Geothlypis trichas brachidactyla)
Vol 47, Iss 1, Page 6
Some New Plant Records for Canada
Vol 47, Iss 1, Page 10
A New Species of Merychippus from the Miocene of Saskatchewan
Vol 47, Iss 1, Page 11
A Rare Find
Vol 47, Iss 1, Page 12
The Genotype of Belemnites; with a Synopsis of North American Species of Belemnoidea
Vol 47, Iss 1, Page 12
The Cowbirds, by Herbert Friedman [Review]
Vol 47, Iss 1, Page 17
Biological Notes, covering parts of the Peace, Liard, Mackenzie and Great Bear River Basins
Vol 47, Iss 2, Page 23
Geographic Variation in the Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus)
Vol 47, Iss 2, Page 31
William Markwick's " Florula Canadensis"
Vol 47, Iss 2, Page 32
The " Blue Limestone" of Hastings County, Ontario
Vol 47, Iss 2, Page 33
Some Notes on the Henslow Sparrow
Vol 47, Iss 2, Page 35
Bird Notes from Cochrane, Alberta
Vol 47, Iss 2, Page 36
An Occurrence of the Clay-coloured Sparrow, Spizella pallida, in Renfrew Country, Ontario
Vol 47, Iss 2, Page 36
Pygmy Nuthatch on Vancouver Island
Vol 47, Iss 2, Page 36
Yellow-headed Blackbirdin B.C.
Vol 47, Iss 2, Page 36
Carolina Wren (Thryothoras I. ludovicianus) at Toronto
Vol 47, Iss 2, Page 36
Crested Flycatcher and Cast Snake-skins
Vol 47, Iss 2, Page 36
The Hawks and Owls of Ontario, by L. L. Snyder [Review]
Vol 47, Iss 2, Page 37
William Spreadborough— Collector, 1856-1931 [Obituary]
Vol 47, Iss 3, Page 39
Notes on the Mammals of the Interior of Western Nova Scotia
Vol 47, Iss 3, Page 41
Christmas Bird Census,1932
Vol 47, Iss 3, Page 50
The British Columbia Woodchuck Marmota monax petrensis Howell
Vol 47, Iss 3, Page 57
Further Notes on the Henslow's Sparrow at Toronto
Vol 47, Iss 3, Page 58
The Blue-winged Warbler at Strathroy, Ontario
Vol 47, Iss 3, Page 58
The Pomarine Jaeger (Stercorarius pomarinus) at Hamilton, Ontario
Vol 47, Iss 3, Page 59
White Pelicans on Vancouver Island
Vol 47, Iss 3, Page 59
Polygyra dentifera in Ottawa District
Vol 47, Iss 3, Page 59
Lilium umbellatum near Ottawa
Vol 47, Iss 3, Page 59
Investigation on European Starling
Vol 47, Iss 3, Page 60
Bird-Watching in the West by Francis Staver Twining [Review]
Vol 47, Iss 3, Page 60
In Bermuda During the Ice Age, by R.W. Sayles [Review]
Vol 47, Iss 3, Page 60
An Introduction to Bird-Study in British Columbia, by J. A. Munro [Review]
Vol 47, Iss 3, Page 61
The Canadian Snowshoe Rabbit Enquiry, 1931-32
Vol 47, Iss 4, Page 63
Notes on a Short Trip to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
Vol 47, Iss 4, Page 70
Wild Geese Killed by Lightning
Vol 47, Iss 4, Page 72
Some Field Notes on the Abundance of Small Mammals
Vol 47, Iss 4, Page 73
Some Notes on the Hibernation of Lasionycteris noctivagans
Vol 47, Iss 4, Page 74
Mourning Doves
Vol 47, Iss 4, Page 75
Do Bullfrogs Eat Fish?
Vol 47, Iss 4, Page 75
Varied Thrush (Ixoreus naevim) in Central Alberta
Vol 47, Iss 4, Page 76
Glaucous-winged Gull on Vancouver Island
Vol 47, Iss 4, Page 76
Chipmunk vs. Snake
Vol 47, Iss 4, Page 76
A Faunal Investigation of Long Point and Vicinity, Norfolk County, Ontario, by L. L. Snyder [Review]
Vol 47, Iss 4, Page 77
The Biology of the Amphibia, by Kingsley Noble [Review]
Vol 47, Iss 4, Page 77
The Canadian Snowshoe Rabbit Enquiry, 1931-32
Vol 47, Iss 5, Page 84
A new Ornithomimus with complete abdominal cuirass
Vol 47, Iss 5, Page 79
An Ancient Lava Field in the Canadian Shield
Vol 47, Iss 5, Page 87
A Study of Kumlien's Gull (Larus kumlieni Brewster)
Vol 47, Iss 5, Page 88
Observations on a Nest of Sprague's Pipit (Anthus spraguei)
Vol 47, Iss 5, Page 91
Rocky Mountain Goat on Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Vol 47, Iss 5, Page 95
Strange Behaviour of Lewis' Woodpecker
Vol 47, Iss 5, Page 96
A Shell New to the Canadian List
Vol 47, Iss 5, Page 96
The Birds of Minnesota, by T. S. Roberts [Review]
Vol 47, Iss 5, Page 96
The Wapiti of the Riding Mountain, Manitoba. An Ecological Study and Commentary
Vol 47, Iss 6, Page 105
Identifications in the Comox Bird Census
Vol 47, Iss 6, Page 112
Contribution to the Knowledge of the Flora of Northern Manitoba and the North-western Territories, Dominion of Canada, (Lat: 58° - 62°; Long. 95° - 100°. Hudson Bay)
Vol 47, Iss 6, Page 116
Supposed Blue Grosbeak Seen at Chatham, Ontario, in 1923
Vol 47, Iss 7, Page 121
The Wapiti of the Riding Mountain, Manitoba. An Ecological Study and Commentary
Vol 47, Iss 7, Page 122
Rotifera of Ottawa and District
Vol 47, Iss 7, Page 132
Notes on Helisoma latchfordi Pils. and Physa latehfordi F. G. Baker
Vol 47, Iss 7, Page 134
Observations on the Nesting of the Killdeer Plover in the Prince Albert District in Central Saskatchewan
Vol 47, Iss 7, Page 135
The Behaviour of a Land Bird at Sea
Vol 47, Iss 7, Page 139
The Exploration of Southampton Island, Hudson Bay, by George Miksch Sutton [Review]
Vol 47, Iss 7, Page 140
Tapeworm in Rabbits
Vol 47, Iss 7, Page 142
Brünnichs Murre (Uria lomvia lomvia) in North Frontenac County, Ontario
Vol 47, Iss 7, Page 142
Barn Owls Nesting at Strathroy, Ontario
Vol 47, Iss 7, Page 143
Do Bullfrogs Eat Fish?
Vol 47, Iss 7, Page 143
Birds and Their Winter Food
Vol 47, Iss 7, Page 143
Norman Criddle 1875-1933 [Obituary]
Vol 47, Iss 8, Page 145
The Age of the Devonian Limestone at McMurray, Alberta
Vol 47, Iss 8, Page 148
The Wapiti of the Riding Mountain, Manitoba. An Ecological Study and Commentary
Vol 47, Iss 8, Page 150
Bull-Frog Appetites
Vol 47, Iss 8, Page 157
Bird Notes from Unity, Saskatchewan
Vol 47, Iss 8, Page 158
White-Crowned Sparrows in Nova Scotia
Vol 47, Iss 8, Page 158
Migration of Swans
Vol 47, Iss 8, Page 158
Western Mocking Bird (Mimus polygottis leucopterus) on Vancouver Island
Vol 47, Iss 8, Page 159
Birds of the Battle River Region of Central Alberta, by Frank L. Farley [Review]
Vol 47, Iss 8, Page 159
Game Management, by Aldo Leopold [Review]
Vol 47, Iss 8, Page 159
William T. Macoun — January 27, 1869-August 13, 1933. An Appreciation [Obituary]
Vol 47, Iss 9, Page 161
Some Canadian Auduboniana
Vol 47, Iss 9, Page 162
The Wapiti of the Riding Mountain, Manitoba. An Ecological Study and Commentary
Vol 47, Iss 9, Page 172
The Oldest Mountains in Canada
Vol 47, Iss 9, Page 174
Two New Mammals for the Toronto Region List
Vol 47, Iss 9, Page 176
Reporting Sub-Species in the Christmas Census
Vol 47, Iss 9, Page 176