Fishes Collected in Newfoundland During the Autumn of 1922
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 1
Christmas Bird Censuses, 1925
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 7
Occurrences of Frogs on Anticosti Island and Newfoundland
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 16
Unusual Nesting of the Yellow Palm Warbler
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 17
Notes from the Notebook of C. H. Snell
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 18
Phenacomys ungava
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 18
Occurrence of the Bittern and Cuckoo in South-western Saskatchewan
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 18
Remedy for Posion Ivy
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 18
Notes on the White-winged Crossbill
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 19
Coast Jointweed (Polygonella articulata (L.) Meisn.) . in the Ottawa District
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 19
A New Trout from Ontario
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 20
Aims and Methods in the Study of Vegetation, by The British Empire Vegetation Commmittee [Review]
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 20
The Stratigraphy and Fauna of the Hackberry State of the Upper Devonian, by Carrol Lane Fenton and Mildred Adams Fenton [Review]
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 20
Recollections of My Fifty Years Hunting and Fishing, by Wm. B. Mershon [Review]
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 21
Sand Dunes and Salt Marshes, by Charles Wendell Townsend [Review]
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 22
The Faunas of the Cambrian Paridoxides Beds at Manuels, Newfoundland, by B. F. Howell [Review]
Vol 40, Iss 1, Page 22
A Striking Example of Negative Heliotropism
Vol 40, Iss 2, Page 23
Nature Lovers at Jasper
Vol 40, Iss 2, Page 26
Fishes Collected in Newfoundland During the Autumn of 1922
Vol 40, Iss 2, Page 31
The Canadian National Collection of Insects
Vol 40, Iss 2, Page 36
The Ubiquitous House Sparrow
Vol 40, Iss 2, Page 40
Notes on Flickers in Alberta
Vol 40, Iss 2, Page 41
Notes on Bluebirds in Alberta
Vol 40, Iss 2, Page 41
Unusual Behaviour of a Lewis's Woodpecker, Asyndesmus lewisi Riley
Vol 40, Iss 2, Page 42
Fox Sparrow Spending the Winter in Hamilton
Vol 40, Iss 2, Page 42
Index to Palaeontology (Geological Publications 1847-1916), by Frank Nicolas [Review]
Vol 40, Iss 2, Page 42
A New Lyrtmsea
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 47
Birds of Our Garden
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 49
The Cambrian-Ordovician Stratigraphic Column of Southeastern Newfoundland
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 52
Archaeological Evidence of the Presence of the Wapiti in Southwestern Ontario
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 58
Wilson's Warbler (Wilsonia pusilla pusilla)
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 58
The Prairie Pocket Gopher in Manitoba
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 60
Official Canadian Record of Bird-Banding Returns
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 62
Squid Pursuing Herring
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 64
Notes on the Occurrence of Some Rare Birds in Central Alberta
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 65
A Bird Sanctuary at Victoria, B.C.
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 66
Faithful Unto Death— And Beyond!
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 66
Occurrence of Epigsea repens L. in the Labrador Peninsula
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 66
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Infested with Tape Worms
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 67
Brunnich's Murre (Uria lomvia lomvia) at Toronto
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 67
Towhee at Pakenham, Ontario
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 67
Additional Notes from the Castor District, Alberta
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 68
Carolina Wren at Hamilton, Ontario
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 68
The Forest Trees of Ontario and the More Commonly Planted Foreign Trees
Vol 40, Iss 3, Page 68
New Light on Forgotten Trails in the Far Northwest
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 69
Gypsying Through the Tonquin
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 75
Mosses in British Columbia — Their Importance Under Local Conditions
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 81
A Comparison of Recent and Late Champlain Stages of McKay Lake as Diatom Habitats
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 83
Ornithology of Northern New Brunswick
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 85
Celastrus scandens L. Sixty Feet High
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 87
More Mystery Bands
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 88
Bluebird Activities
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 88
Rate of Growth of New Tail Feathers in Chickadee
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 88
Red-headed Woodpecker Wintering near Hamilton, Ontario
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 88
Early Occurrences of the European Starling in Canada
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 89
Bird Notes from Castor, Alberta
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 89
An Outdoor Calendar
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 89
Birds Drowned in Lake Huron
Vol 40, Iss 4, Page 90
Studies of Thrushes
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 91
Observations of Canadian Freshwater-Crustacea Made in 1925
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 92
New Lights on Forgotten Trails in the Far Northwest
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 96
Freshwater Cladocera from Southern Canada
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 99
Canadian Government Motion Picture Films Showing Natural History Subjects
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 100
Notes on the Edmonton Formation of Alberta
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 102
Scientific Advice for Wild Life Conservationists
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 105
Official Canadian Record of Bird-Banding Returns
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 106
Prosecutions under The Migratory Birds Convention Act
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 110
In Memoriam. Adam Brown
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 111
Rusty and Oil-corroded Wild Geese
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 111
Arctic Three-toed Woodpecker (Picoides arcticus) at Toronto
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 112
An Atlantic Liner Bird Passenger
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 112
Cypripedium candidum
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 112
Hudsonian Godwit in Ontario
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 113
Wolf! Wolf!
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 113
Occurrence of the Ptarmigan near Sharbot Lake
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 113
Animal Tracking for Boy Scouts, by Rodney C. Wood [Review]
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 114
Animal Life in the Yosemite, by Joseph Grinnell and Tracy Irwin Storer [Review]
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 114
Breeding, Feeding and Other Life Habits of Meadow Mice (Microtiis)
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 115
A Distributional List of the Birds of British Columbia, by Allan Brooks and Harry S. Swarth [Review]
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 116
The Geological Formations of Manitoba, by R. C. Wallace [Review]
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 118
Openway, by Archie P. McKishnie
Vol 40, Iss 5, Page 118
Champlain as a Naturalist
Vol 40, Iss 6, Page 125
Notes on Canadian Freshwater Entomostraca
Vol 40, Iss 6, Page 133
Agricultural Development as a Factor in WIld Life Reduction
Vol 40, Iss 6, Page 135
The Graptolites of the Glenogle Formation
Vol 40, Iss 6, Page 136
Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club Recovers Valuable Papers
Vol 40, Iss 6, Page 138
Field Work of the Victoria Memorial Museum, 1926
Vol 40, Iss 6, Page 139
Asellus aquaticus Not Found in Labrador
Vol 40, Iss 6, Page 140
The Wapiti in Ontario
Vol 40, Iss 6, Page 140
The Blue-Jay as a Bird of Prey
Vol 40, Iss 6, Page 141
The Tempest in the Teapot
Vol 40, Iss 6, Page 141
Starling's Nest at Toronto
Vol 40, Iss 6, Page 141
Female Redstart Singing at Hamilton
Vol 40, Iss 6, Page 142
Wood Ducks at Quilliwack, B.C.
Vol 40, Iss 6, Page 142
European Starlings at Casselman, Ontario
Vol 40, Iss 6, Page 142
Notes on Some Saskatchewan Voles
Vol 40, Iss 6, Page 142
Canadian Willows of Sections Pentandrae, Nigrae and Albae
Vol 40, Iss 7, Page 145
Marine Mollusca Collected by Frits Johansen in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Newfoundland in 1922, 1923 and 1925
Vol 40, Iss 7, Page 153
Echinoderms from the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Newfoundland
Vol 40, Iss 7, Page 155
The Song of the Wood Peewee "Myiochanes virens"
Vol 40, Iss 7, Page 156
An Indictment of the Hungarian Partridge
Vol 40, Iss 7, Page 157
Evening Grosbeak at Hamilton in May
Vol 40, Iss 7, Page 157
Official Canadian Record of Bird-Banding Returns
Vol 40, Iss 7, Page 158
On the Woodlice (Oniscoidea) Occurring in Canada and Alaska
Vol 40, Iss 8, Page 165
A Victoria Day Bird List from London, Ontario
Vol 40, Iss 8, Page 168
Standard and Adaptive Specialization in Relation to Migration and Distributicn
Vol 40, Iss 8, Page 169
Canadian Willows of Sections Longifoliae
Vol 40, Iss 8, Page 171
Fishes Collected in Gaspe Peninsula During August, 1922
Vol 40, Iss 8, Page 175
Further Notes on the Orchids, Ferns and Butterflies of North Hatley, Quebec
Vol 40, Iss 8, Page 178
Some Observations on the Birds of the Island of Anticosti, Quebec, in 1926
Vol 40, Iss 8, Page 179
Notes on the Birds, Orchids, Ferns and Butterflies of Mount Royal, Montreal, 1925-1926
Vol 40, Iss 8, Page 181
The Annual Christmas Bird Census
Vol 40, Iss 8, Page 183
Further Observations on Squirrels Eating Amanita Muscaria
Vol 40, Iss 8, Page 184
Female Redstart Singing
Vol 40, Iss 8, Page 184
Epipactis Helleborine
Vol 40, Iss 8, Page 184
The Growth of the Giant Puffball
Vol 40, Iss 8, Page 184
Female Redstart Singing at Quebec
Vol 40, Iss 8, Page 185
Birds of Western Canada, by P. A. Taverner [Review]
Vol 40, Iss 8, Page 185
The European Starling
Vol 40, Iss 9, Page 187
The Canadian School of Prehistory in France
Vol 40, Iss 9, Page 188
Prosecutions Reported Since February 12, 1926
Vol 40, Iss 9, Page 191
The Hungarian Partridge Defended
Vol 40, Iss 9, Page 192
Snowy Owl at Goderich, Ontario
Vol 40, Iss 9, Page 192
Arctic Three-toed Woodpecker at Guelph
Vol 40, Iss 9, Page 193
The European Starling at Kamouraskae, Quebec
Vol 40, Iss 9, Page 193
Some Recent Goose Records at Cap Tourmente, Quebec
Vol 40, Iss 9, Page 193
The Relation of Birds to Woodlots in New York State, by W. L. McAtee [Review]
Vol 40, Iss 9, Page 194
Delineations of American Scenery and Character, by John James Audubon [Review]
Vol 40, Iss 9, Page 194