New Dates and Data on Early Agriculture: The Legacy of Complex Hunter- Gatherers
Vol 82, Page 3, Date 1995
Medicinal Plants as Sources of New Therapeutics
Vol 82, Page 16, Date 1995
Toward an Integration of Evolutionary Ecology and Economic Botany: Personal Perspectives on Plant/People Interactions
Vol 82, Page 25, Date 1995
Economic Botany, Conservation, and Development: What's the Connection?
Vol 82, Page 34, Date 1995
Pharmaceutical Prospecting and the Potential for Pharmaceutical Crops. Natural Product Drug Discovery and Development at the United States National Cancer Institute
Vol 82, Page 47, Date 1995
Biologia Floral y Polinizacion de Algunas Monocotiledoneas de un Bosque Nublado Venezolano
Vol 82, Page 61, Date 1995
Notes on Aristea Aiton (Iridaceae: Nivenioideae): Taxonomy, Chromosome Cytology, and Phylogeny
Vol 82, Page 139, Date 1995
Phylogenetic Inference in Saxifragaceae Sensu Stricto and Gilia (Polemoniaceae) Using matK Sequences
Vol 82, Page 149, Date 1995
Evidence for the Polyphyly of the Scrophulariaceae Based on Chloroplast rbcL and ndhF Sequences
Vol 82, Page 176, Date 1995
The Utility of atpB Gene Sequences in Resolving Phylogenetic Relationships: Comparison with rbcL and 18S Ribosomal DNA Sequences in the Lardizabalaceae
Vol 82, Page 194, Date 1995
A Comparison of Angiosperm Phylogenies from Nuclear 18S rDNA and rbcL Sequences
Vol 82, Page 208, Date 1995
Cryptic Sequence Simplicity, Nucleotide Composition Bias, and Molecular Coevolution in the Large Subunit of Ribosomal DNA in Plants: Implications for Phylogenetic Analyses
Vol 82, Page 235, Date 1995
An Evaluation of the Usefulness of the Small Heat Shock Genes for Phylogenetic Analysis in Plants
Vol 82, Page 278, Date 1995
Evolution of the Phytochrome Gene Family and Its Utility for Phylogenetic Analyses of Angiosperms
Vol 82, Page 296, Date 1995
The Comparative Pollination and Floral Biology of Baobabs (Adansonia- Bombacaceae)
Vol 82, Page 322, Date 1995
The United Stamens of Rubiaceae. Morphology, Anatomy; Their Role in Pollination Ecology
Vol 82, Page 357, Date 1995
Subfamilial and Tribal Relationships in the Rubiaceae Based on rbcL Sequence Data
Vol 82, Page 383, Date 1995
Chromosome Survey of the Rubiaceae
Vol 82, Page 398, Date 1995
Tribes and Genera of the Cinchoneae Complex (Rubiaceae)
Vol 82, Page 409, Date 1995
Phylogeny of the Rubiaceae-Rubioideae, in Particular the Tribe Rubieae: Evidence from a Non-Coding Chloroplast DNA Sequence
Vol 82, Page 428, Date 1995
A Systematic Revision of Adansonia (Bombacaceae)
Vol 82, Page 440, Date 1995
The Biology and Systematics of Fuchsia in the South Pacific
Vol 82, Page 473, Date 1995
Pollination Biology of Lapeirousia Subgenus Lapeirousia (Iridaceae) in Southern Africa; Floral Divergence and Adaptation for Long-Tongued Fly Pollination
Vol 82, Page 517, Date 1995
Review of the Genus Strephonema (Combretaceae)
Vol 82, Page 535, Date 1995
Revision Taxonomica del Genero Alexa Moq. (Fabaceae, Sophoreae)
Vol 82, Page 549, Date 1995
A Study of the Vegetation and Floristic Affinity of the Limestone Forests in Southern and Southwestern China
Vol 82, Page 570, Date 1995
Numeros Cromosomicos de Algunas Especies Mexicanas de Aristida (Poaceae: Aristideae)
Vol 82, Page 593, Date 1995
Chromosome Counts of Compositae from Ecuador and Venezuela
Vol 82, Page 596, Date 1995
Wood and Bark Anatomy of Nothotsuga (Pinaceae)
Vol 82, Page 603, Date 1995