I.—Natural history notes from H.M. Indian marine survey steamer ‘Investigator,’ Lieut. Gordon S. Gunn, R.N., commanding.—Series II., No. 4. Some observations on the embryonic history of Pteroplatæa micrura
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 1, Date 1892
On some new or little-known fishes obtained by Dr. J. W. Evans and Mr. Spencer Moore during their recent expedition to the Province of Matto Grosso, Brazil
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 9, Date 1892
III.—On some teeth of new Chimæroid fishes from the Oxford and Kimmeridge Clays of England
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 13, Date 1892
IV.—On the genus Hypocala, a group of Noctuid moths
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 17, Date 1892
V.—Description of a new species of Acomys
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 22, Date 1892
VI.—General observations on fission and gemmation in the Animal Kingdom
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 23, Date 1892
On some undescribed Cicadidae, with synonymical notes
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 54, Date 1892
On a new genus of Oligochoeta, comprising five new species provisionally belonging to the Family Ocnerodrilidae
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 74, Date 1892
X.—Notes from the St. Andrews Marine Laboratory (under the Fishery Board for Scotland).—No. XIII
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 97, Date 1892
XI.—Descriptions of seven new species of birds from the Sandwich Islands
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 108, Date 1892
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 112, Date 1892
On some new Coccidiidæ parasitic in fishes
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 115, Date 1892
On the dissemination of Hirudinea by the Palmipeds
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 117, Date 1892
On the shells of the Victoria Nyanza or Lake Oukéréwé
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 121, Date 1892
XIII.—Further additions to the known marine Molluscan fauna of St. Helena
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 129, Date 1892
XIV.—Further notes on the oviparity of the larger Victorian Peripatus, generally known as P. Leuckartii
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 136, Date 1892
XVI.—Notes on the genus Coturnix
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 166, Date 1892
XVII.—Descriptions of three new species of Saturniidæ in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 173, Date 1892
Supplementary note on the Neuroptera of the Hawaiian Islands
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 176, Date 1892
XIX.—Descriptions of three new African Muridæ
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 179, Date 1892
XXI.—Description of a new species of Ornithoptera, of the Priamus Group, in the collection of the Hon. L. Walter Rothschild
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 193, Date 1892
Diagnosis of a new Mexican Geomys
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 196, Date 1892
XXII.—On some new or rare Crustacea from the firth of forth
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 201, Date 1892
XXIV.—Descriptions of two new Bornean squirrels
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 214, Date 1892
Spiders from Madeira
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 216, Date 1892
XXVI.—On the preservation of Teleostean ova
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 228, Date 1892
XXVIII.—Descriptions of thirteen new species of terrestrial and freshwater Mollusca from South Africa
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 237, Date 1892
XXX.—Note on the Steatomys of Angola
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 264, Date 1892
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 265, Date 1892
A contribution to the knowledge of the male sexual organs of the Diptera
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 268, Date 1892
A contribution to the embryogeny of the Chalcididæ
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 271, Date 1892
XXXII.—Descriptions of some new species of African Lepidoptera
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 284, Date 1892
XXXIII.—Description of a new genus and species of African moths
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 295, Date 1892
XXXIV.—On the noctuid genera allied to Hypætra of Guenée
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 297, Date 1892
XXXV.—Description of a new species of Helix of the subgenus Plectopylis
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 300, Date 1892
Description of new reptiles and batrachians from the Loo Choo Islands
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 302, Date 1892
XXXVIII.—Liphistius and its bearing upon the classification of spiders
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 306, Date 1892
XXXIX.—Revision of the noctuid genus Melipotis, Hübn., with descriptions of two new species
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 315, Date 1892
The Study of Animal Life. By J. Arthur Thomson, M.A. &c., Lecturer on Zoology, School of Medicine, Edinburgh. London: John Murray, 1892
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 328, Date 1892
On the stridulating-apparatus of the red Ocypode crab
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 336, Date 1892
The coxul gland of the scorpion and its morphological relations with the excretory organs of the Crustacea
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 338, Date 1892
On the freshwater fauna of Iceland
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 340, Date 1892
On a sporozoon parasitic in the muscles of decapod Crustacea
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 342, Date 1892
Natural history notes from H.M. Indian marine survey steamer `Investigator,' Lieut. G.S. Gunn, R.N., commanding.-- Series II, No. 5. On the bathybial fishes collected during the season of 1891-92
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 345, Date 1892
XLI.—On the origin and development of the mammalian phylum
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 365, Date 1892
Additions to the shell-fauna of the Victoria Nyanza or Lake Oukéréwé
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 380, Date 1892
New and obscure British spiders
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 384, Date 1892
XLIV.—Description of a new moth of the genus Anaphe from Madagascar, with a note on the natural position of the genus
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 398, Date 1892
XLV.—The interpretation of the sponge organism, and some recent works on sponges
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 399, Date 1892
Descriptions of a new species of the homopterous family Cicadidae
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 406, Date 1892
XLVII.—Contributions to a knowledge of the entomology of the Transvaal
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 407, Date 1892
XLVIII.—Description of a new bat of the genus Artibeus from Trinidad
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 408, Date 1892
Two new Buprestidae from Damma Island
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 410, Date 1892
Doubly-armoured herrings
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 412, Date 1892
The development of the gemmules of Ephydatia fluviatilis, Auct
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 413, Date 1892
On the habits of Gelasimus annulipes, Edw
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 415, Date 1892
On a new spider from Calcutta
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 417, Date 1892
LII.—On the development of the pedipalpi
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 419, Date 1892
LIV.—Descriptions of three new species of butterflies captured by Mr. D. Cator in British North Borneo, in the collection of Mr. Grose Smith
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 426, Date 1892
LV.—On the morphology and phylogeny of insects
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 429, Date 1892
LVI.—Preliminary descriptions of new species of Madrepora in the collection of the British Museum.—Part II
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 451, Date 1892
LVII.—Description of new species of slug from South Africa
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 465, Date 1892
LVIII.—A criticism of a modern hypothesis of the transmission of hereditary characters
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 467, Date 1892
Description of a new Mexican bat
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 477, Date 1892
Fur-bearing animals in nature and in commerce. By Henry Poland. Gurney and Jackson
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 478, Date 1892
Horn measurements and weights of the great game of the world: Being a record for the use of sportsmen and naturalists. By Rowland Ward. Published by the Author, 166 Piccadilly
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 480, Date 1892
The embryonic development of Comatula (Antedon rosacea)
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 481, Date 1892
On deglutition in the Synascidiæ
Ser 6, Vol 10, Page 482, Date 1892