Artionyx, a new genus of Ancylopoda
Vol 5, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1893
Notes on some North American moths, with descriptions of new species
Vol 5, Iss 2, Page 19, Date 1893
List of mammals and birds collected in northeastern Sonora and northwestern Chihuahua, Mexico, on the Lumholtz Archaeological Expedition, 1890-92
Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 27, Date 1893
Description of a new subspecies of Oryzomys from the Gulf States
Vol 5, Iss 4, Page 43, Date 1893
Descriptions of four new species of Thomomys, with remarks on other species of the genus
Vol 5, Iss 5, Page 47, Date 1893
List of mammals collected by Mr. Charles P. Rowley in the San Juan region of Colorado, New Mexico and Utah, with descriptions of new species
Vol 5, Iss 6, Page 69, Date 1893
Aceratherium tridactylum from the Lower Miocene of Dakota
Vol 5, Iss 7, Page 85, Date 1893
Notes on transformations of some North American moths
Vol 5, Iss 8, Page 87, Date 1893
On the divisions of the White River or Lower Miocene of Dakota
Vol 5, Iss 9, Page 95, Date 1893
On a collection of birds from Chapada, Matto Grosso, Brazil, made by Mr. H.H. Smith. Part 3, Pipridae to Rheidae, Part 4, Oölogical notes
Vol 5, Iss 10, Page 107, Date 1893
Ancestors of the tapir from the Lower Miocene of Dakota
Vol 5, Iss 11, Page 159, Date 1893
On a collection of mammals from the San Pedro Martir region of Lower California : with notes on other species, particularly of the genus Sitomys
Vol 5, Iss 12, Page 181, Date 1893
On a collection of mammals from the island of Trinidad, with descriptions of new species
Vol 5, Iss 13, Page 203, Date 1893
Description of a new species of opossum from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico
Vol 5, Iss 14, Page 235, Date 1893
Further notes on Costa Rica mammals ; with, Description of a new species of Oryzomys
Vol 5, Iss 15, Page 237, Date 1893
Descriptive catalogue of the butterflies found within fifty miles of New York City, together with a brief account of their life histories and habits
Vol 5, Iss 16, Page 241, Date 1893
Fossil mammals of the Upper Cretaceous beds
Vol 5, Iss 17, Page 311, Date 1893
Description of a new mouse from southern New Mexico and Arizona
Vol 5, Iss 18, Page 331, Date 1893
Description of a new mouse from Lake County, California
Vol 5, Iss 19, Page 335, Date 1893
Description of a new species of Geomys from Costa Rica
Vol 5, Iss 20, Page 337, Date 1893
Description of two new races of mammals from Florida ; with, Remarks on Sitomys niveiventris Chapman
Vol 5, Iss 21, Page 339, Date 1893