I.—Notes on some Noctuidæ in the Joicey collection, with descriptions of new species
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 1, Date 1921
Odonata collected in New Caledonia by the late Mr. Paul D. Montague
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 33, Date 1921
The Old-World species of Eriocera in the British museum collection (Diptera, Tipulidae)
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 67, Date 1921
New and little-known Tipulidae, chiefly from Formosa. Part II
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 99, Date 1921
VII.—The "Cirripede" Plumulites in the Middle Ordovician rocks of Esthonia
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 123, Date 1921
VIII.—A new bank-vole from Esthonia
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 128, Date 1921
IX.—The Klipspringers of Rhodesia, Angola, and Northern Nigeria
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 129, Date 1921
The Geographical Races of Herpestes brachyurus, Gray
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 134, Date 1921
XII.—A new bat of the genus Promops from Peru
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 139, Date 1921
XIII.—On spiny rats of the Proechimys group from South-eastern Brazil
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 140, Date 1921
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 143, Date 1921
New or little-known Tipulidae (Diptera). V. Ethiopian species
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 161, Date 1921
Notes on the Asilinae of the South African and Oriental regions [part]
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 175, Date 1921
XVII.—On some additional species of Laius, Guérin, from the Malayan region [Coleoptera]
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 193, Date 1921
XVIII.—Two new species of Lycænidæ from Madagascar
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 208, Date 1921
On mammals from the province of San Juan, western Argentina
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 214, Date 1921
XXIII.—Two new Argentine forms of skunk
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 221, Date 1921
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 223, Date 1921
XXV.—Some dragonflies and their prey.—II. With remarks on the identity of the species of Orthetrum involved
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 240, Date 1921
XXVI.—Diagnoses of some lichens
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 246, Date 1921
New or little-known Tipulidae (Diptera). VI. Ethiopian species
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 309, Date 1921
On the genus Lasiodora, C. Koch
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 337, Date 1921
Notes on some Japanese Cephalopods. - A review of Sasakis "Albatross" Report
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 351, Date 1921
XXXII.—Further notes on various South-African species of Melyris, Fabr. [Coleoptera]
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 353, Date 1921
XXXIII.—New Cryptotis, Thomasomys, and Oryzomys from Colombia
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 354, Date 1921
Descriptions and records of Bees, &c
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 359, Date 1921
Brief descriptions of new Thysanoptera. XII
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 393, Date 1921
Brief descriptions of new Thysanoptera
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 393, Date 1921
XXXVIII.—Note on a freshwater sponge from New Zealand
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 400, Date 1921
XXXIX.—On the anatomy and affinities of Hypsobia nosophora
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 401, Date 1921
Notes on Australasian rats, with a selection of lectotypes for Australasian Muridae
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 425, Date 1921
XLII.—On specimens of Cephalodiscus densus dredged by the ‘Challenger’ in 1874 at Kerguclen Island
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 433, Date 1921
XLIII.—The Jerboa of Muscat
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 440, Date 1921
XLIV.—A new short-tailed opossum from Brazil
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 441, Date 1921
XLVI.—On a new willow-titmouse from Northern Italy
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 443, Date 1921
XLVIII.—Revision of the African species of Hedybius, Er., and its allies, with an account of their accessory ♂-characters [Coleoptera]
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 449, Date 1921
XLIX.—On the discovery of the missing type specimen of the Ascidian Oculinaria australis, Gray
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 494, Date 1921
I.—On the anatomy of some new species of Drawida
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 496, Date 1921
Notes on the species of Notomys, the Australian jerboa-rats
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 536, Date 1921
LII.—Fossil Arthropods in the British Museum.—VII
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 541, Date 1921
LIV.—On some new small mammals from East Africa
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 563, Date 1921
LVI.—On some ramins of a Theropodous dinosaur from the Lower Lias of Barrow-on-Soa
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 570, Date 1921
LVII.—On the life-history of Dasyhelea obscura, Winnertz (Diptera, Nematocera, Ceratopogonidæ), with some remarks on the parasites and hereditary Bacterian Symbiont of this midge
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 576, Date 1921
LVIII.—Some undescribed Rhopalocera from Mesopotamia and N.W. Persia; and other notes
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 590, Date 1921
LIX.—On some Dipterous larvæ infesting the branchial chambers of land-crabs
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 601, Date 1921
On three new Australian rats
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 618, Date 1921
LXV.—Preliminary account of supposed new genus and species
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 626, Date 1921
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 629, Date 1921
LXVIII.—The Cichlid fishes of Lakes Albert Edward and Kivu
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 632, Date 1921
LXIX.—On a new genus of Coccidæ from the Indian region
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 639, Date 1921
LXX.—Some new or rare British Crustacea
Ser 9, Vol 8, Page 644, Date 1921