A new genus of chalcid wasp belonging to the family Eulophidae
Vol 21, Page 2
Descriptions of three parasites of Agrilus angelicus (Hym.)
Vol 21, Page 4
Contributions to our knowledge of the weevils of the super-family Curculionoidea
Vol 21, Page 21
A new genus and species of Cerambycidae from Colorado. (Coleo.)
Vol 21, Page 38
Two Microlepidoptera injurious to strawberry
Vol 21, Page 52
Avocado seed weevils
Vol 21, Page 53
A report on collection of Coccidae from Argentina with descriptions of apparently new species (Hom.)
Vol 21, Page 63
Description of a new genus and new species of Buprestidae from Arizona
Vol 21, Page 91
An undescribed species of Dryopea injurious to Phyllostachys (Aphididae-Hom.)
Vol 21, Page 104
Two new genera of Anthomyidae
Vol 21, Page 106
A new species of Bucculatrix injurious to hollyhock
Vol 21, Page 109
Notes on the insect fauna of bank swallow's nests in Virginia
Vol 21, Page 110
New genera and species of Ichneumon flies (Hym.)
Vol 21, Page 112
A new species of the serphidoid genus Dendrocerus
Vol 21, Page 121
A new genus in Scatophagidae (Diptera)
Vol 21, Page 126
The genitalia and terminal abdominal structures of males, and the terminal structures of the larvae of ‘chalastogastrous’ Hymenoptera
Vol 21, Page 129
Description of a new cynipoid from Trinidad
Vol 21, Page 156
A new species of Matsucoccus from pines in California
Vol 21, Page 157
Descriptions of seven new species of Opius (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
Vol 21, Page 161
Scaphinotus (Pseudonomaretus) mannii n. sp. (Coleoptera Carabidae)
Vol 21, Page 170
Notes on some japanese Aphididae
Vol 21, Page 173
Descriptions of new North American Ptinidae, with notes on an introduced japanese species
Vol 21, Page 181
The generic status of Zodion palpalis Robertson (Diptera Conopidae), with generic key to the family
Vol 21, Page 204
Biology of some Coleoptera of the families Colydiidae and Bothrideridae
Vol 22, Page 1
Descriptions of new genera and species of Scatophagidae (Diptera)
Vol 22, Page 34
Two new termites from Arizona
Vol 22, Page 38
A new genus and species of occophorid moths from Japan
Vol 22, Page 43
New American Cleridae with note on the synonymy of Micropterus Chevr
Vol 22, Page 50
Descriptions of six new wasps
Vol 22, Page 54
A proctotrypid inquiline with Formica exsectoides Forel
Vol 22, Page 59
Some new parasites, with remarks on the genus Platygaster
Vol 22, Page 61
Viereck's family Labenidae with the description of a new species of Apechoneura (Hym., Ichneumonidae)
Vol 22, Page 76
A new species of Aleyrodidae found on Azalea (Hom.)
Vol 22, Page 81
Zoraptera not an aptorous Order
Vol 22, Page 84
Direct sunlight as a factor in forest insect control
Vol 22, Page 106
A new tropical weevil from Florida and Cuba
Vol 22, Page 150
A new genus and several new species of Cerambycidae. (Col.)
Vol 22, Page 153
New species of neotropical Pyraustinae
Vol 22, Page 172
A new trigonalid from India
Vol 22, Page 191
A new scolytid beetle from tropical Florida
Vol 22, Page 222
New species of Perthalycra and Osmoderma
Vol 22, Page 232
On the identity of several species of Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera)
Vol 22, Page 235