I.—Spolia Atlantica : Contributions to the knowledge of the changes of form in fishes during their growth and development, especially in the pelagic fishes of the Atlantic
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 1, Date 1881
II.—On some new or imperfectly-known species of corals from the Devonian rocks of France
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 14, Date 1881
III.—Description of a new species of Mus from Southern India
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 24, Date 1881
V.—Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 31, Date 1881
VII.—On a small collection of Crustacea and Pycnogonida from Franz-Josef Land, collected by B. Leigh Smith, Esq
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 45, Date 1881
Description of new species of Heteropterous Hemiptera collected in the Hawaiian Islands by the Rev. T. Blackburn - No. 3
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 52, Date 1881
A treatise on comparative embryology. By Francis M. Balfour, M.A., F.R.S. Vol. I. 8vo. London: Macmillan, 1880
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 59, Date 1881
Memoirs of the Science Department, University of Tokio, Japan. Vol. I. Part 1. Shell-Mounds of Omori. By Edward S. Morse, &c. 4to. 36 pp., with 18 plates. Published by the University, Tokio, Japan. Nisshuska Printing-office. 2539 (1879)
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 61, Date 1881
An Introduction to the Study of Fishes. By Albert C. L. G. Günther. 8vo. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black, 1880
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 63, Date 1881
On a new species of Papilio from South India, with remarks on the species allied thereto
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 64, Date 1881
On a highly organized reptile from the Permian formation
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 69, Date 1881
A new genus of rodents from Algeria
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 71, Date 1881
Habits of a fish of the family Siluridæ (Callichthys fasciatus, Cuv.)
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 73, Date 1881
On a new form of vesicular worm with exogenous budding
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 75, Date 1881
IX.—History and classification of the known species of Spongilla
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 77, Date 1881
X.—Spolia Atlantica: Contributions to the knowledge of the changes of form in fishes during their growth and development, especially in the pelagic fishes of the Atlantic
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 107, Date 1881
XI.—Notices of British fungi
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 123, Date 1881
XII.—On a collection of butterflies from Nikko, Central Japan
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 132, Date 1881
Recent dredging by the United-States Fish Commission off the South Coast of New England, with some notice of the Crustacea obtained
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 143, Date 1881
XV.—Contributions towards a general history of the marine Polyzoa
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 147, Date 1881
XVI.—Note on a Central-Asiatic field-mouse (Mus arianus)
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 162, Date 1881
Bibliographical notice
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 205, Date 1881
On some arctic Holothurida
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 206, Date 1881
XIX.—On Synaxes, a new genus of Crustacea
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 220, Date 1881
XX.—On the first part of a memoir by Mons. Charles Oberthür on the Lepidoptera of the Isle of Askold
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 228, Date 1881
XXI.—Contribution to the knowledge of the family Tintinnodea
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 237, Date 1881
XXII.—On Viquesnelia atlantica, Morelet & Drouet
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 250, Date 1881
XXIII.—Relation of Devonian insects to later and existing types
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 255, Date 1881
Fossil Sponge-Spicules from the Upper Chalk, found in the Interior of a Single Flintstone from Horstead Norfolk. By George Jennings Hinde, F.G.S. With five Plates. 8vo. Munich, 1880
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 268, Date 1881
Aid to the Identification of Insects. Edited by Charles Owen Waterhouse. Lithographs by Edwin Wilson. London: E. W. Janson
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 272, Date 1881
On the Guliga of Borneo
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 274, Date 1881
On the histology of the pedicellariæ and of the muscles of Echinus sphæra, Forbes
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 275, Date 1881
On the formation of the blastoderm in the Araneida
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 277, Date 1881
Acineta dibdalteria, a new species of marine infusorian from the gulf of Genoa
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 279, Date 1881
XXVII.—Contributions to the study of the British Palæozoic Crinoids.—No. I. On Allagecrinus, the representative of a new family from the carboniferous limestone series of Scotland
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 281, Date 1881
Description of a new Longicorn Beetle from Java
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 298, Date 1881
XXX.—On the kunker formation of the alluvium in India compared with the flint formation in the chalk of England
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 308, Date 1881
XXXI.—General considerations upon the Carcinological fauna of great depths in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 312, Date 1881
XXXII.—On a collection of nocturnal Lepidoptera from the Hawaiian Islands
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 317, Date 1881
XXXIII.—Description of Parantirrhœa Marshalli, the type of a new genus and species of Rhopalocerous Lepidoptera from South India
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 333, Date 1881
Geological Society
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 336, Date 1881
Dublin Microscopical Club
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 338, Date 1881
A History of the Birds of Ceylon By Captain W. Vincent Legge, R.A. London, 1880. 4to
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 344, Date 1881
Notes upon the food of predaceous beetles
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 348, Date 1881
Giant squid (Architeuthis) abundant in 1875 at the Grand Banks
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 351, Date 1881
On the histolysis of the muscles of the larva during the postembryonic development of the diptera
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 352, Date 1881
On a new form of segmental organ in the Trematodes
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 354, Date 1881
On the circulation and respiration of the Ophiuridæ
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 355, Date 1881
Seventh Contribution to the Knowledge of the Fauna of Madagascar
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 357, Date 1881
Description of a new species of frog from Madagascar
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 360, Date 1881
Supplementary report on specimens dredged up from the Gulf of Manaar, together with others from the sea in the vicinity of the Basse Rocks and from Bass's Straits respectively, presented to the Liverpool Free Museum by Capt. H. Cawne Warren
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 361, Date 1881
XXXVIII.—The male eels compared with the females
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 386, Date 1881
On the collection of Nocturnal Lepidoptera from the Hawaiian Islands. Part 2
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 392, Date 1881
Descriptions of two new Longicorn Coleoptera and a new Genus of Dynastidæ
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 408, Date 1881
XLI.—Description of a new species of the Coleopterous genus Dryops from Pekin (Family Parnidæ)
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 410, Date 1881
XLII.—Description of a new cornuted species of Cetoniidæ from North-eastern India
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 411, Date 1881
Bibliographical notice
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 412, Date 1881
Investigation of certain points in the anatomy of Sternaspis scutata
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 426, Date 1881
The bears of the cavern of Lherm
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 428, Date 1881
XLIV.—On the originally bilateral character of the renal organ of Prosobranchia, and on the homologies of the yelk-sac of Cephalopoda
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 432, Date 1881
XLV.—The structure and affinities of Euphoberia, meek and Worthen, a genus of Carboniferous Myriopoda
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 437, Date 1881
XLVI.—Polyzoa, Cœlenterata, and sponges of Franz-Joseph Land
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 442, Date 1881
On some Indian Coleoptera, chiefly from Travancore
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 457, Date 1881
On some Buprestidae from Australia
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 462, Date 1881
XLIX.—Mr. Butler on butterflies from Japan
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 464, Date 1881
L.—Description of a new species of mole from China
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 469, Date 1881
LI.—Remarks on a pathogenic Schizophyte
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 471, Date 1881
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 481, Date 1881
Bibliographical notice
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 485, Date 1881
Discovery of a fossil bird in the Jurassic of Wyoming
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 488, Date 1881
Regeneration of lost parts in the squid (Loligo Pealei)
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 489, Date 1881
Note on Wardichthys cyclosoma, Traq
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 490, Date 1881
On the anatomy of Pyrosoma
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 492, Date 1881
Investigation of certain points in the anatomy of Sternaspis scutata.—Second note
Ser 5, Vol 7, Page 493, Date 1881