I.—Observations on the origin of hair and on scales in Mammals
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 1, Date 1893
II.—List of insects collected by Miss Elizabeth Taylor in Western North America in the summer of 1892
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 11, Date 1893
III.—The morphology of the generative system in the genus Testacella
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 21, Date 1893
IV.—On the names or existence of three exotic starfishes
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 25, Date 1893
VIII.—Descriptions of two new species of butterflies from Kina Balu, North Borneo, in the collection of H. Grose Smith, captured by Mr. Everett
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 34, Date 1893
IX.—Note on the capture of a freshwater eel in a ripe condition
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 35, Date 1893
Descriptions of five new species of Australian saw-flies
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 38, Date 1893
XII.—Notes on the genus Entomogramma as represented by the noctuid moths of that group in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 43, Date 1893
XIV.—Description of a new Bornean Tupaia
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 53, Date 1893
XV.—The coxal glands of Scorpio
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 54, Date 1893
XVI.—On the nature of "Hæmapophyses," in reply to some criticisms of M. Dollo
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 60, Date 1893
XVII.—On the tadpole of Pelobates syriacus, Boettger
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 61, Date 1893
XIX.—Note on the Aphanapteryx of Mauritius and of the Chatham Islands
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 65, Date 1893
Bibliographical notice
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 67, Date 1893
On the circulatory apparatus of Mygale cæmentaria, Walck
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 72, Date 1893
On further evidences of Deuterosaurus and Rhopalodon from the Permian Rocks of Russia
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 74, Date 1893
On a terrestrial leech from Chili
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 75, Date 1893
XX.—A contribution to the study of neotropical Scorpions
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 77, Date 1893
Descriptions of twenty new species of terrestrial and fluviatile mollusca from South Africa
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 103, Date 1893
On some Ethiopian Pentatomidae of the group Halyinae
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 112, Date 1893
XXIII.—On some Coreidæ of the order Rhynchota
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 121, Date 1893
XXIV.—The origin of the organs of Salpa
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 123, Date 1893
XXV.—Descriptions of three new species of the genus Iletica (Cantharidæ) in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 138, Date 1893
Notes on some Mexican Coccidæ
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 160, Date 1893
Descriptions of new Coleoptera from New Zealand (part)
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 161, Date 1893
Descriptions of new Coleoptera from New Zealand
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 163, Date 1893
XXIX.—On an abnormal specimen of Antedon rosacea
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 195, Date 1893
List of the fishes collected by Mr. E. W. Oates in the southern Shan States, and presented by him to the British Museum
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 198, Date 1893
XXXI.—Note on Tarentola americana, Gray
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 204, Date 1893
XXXII.—Description of a second species of the carnivorous genus Nandinia, from Southern Nyassaland
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 205, Date 1893
XXXIII—Description of a new deer from Mount Dulit, Eastern Sarawak
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 206, Date 1893
XXXIV.—On a small collection of Lepidoptera from Darwin Harbour, Falkland Islands
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 207, Date 1893
XXXV.—New species of Oriental moths
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 210, Date 1893
XXXVII.—On a reptilian tooth with two roots
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 227, Date 1893
XXXIX.—On two new members of the genus Heteromys and two of neotoma
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 233, Date 1893
The Bahama Amphioxus
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 236, Date 1893
XL.—On some new or rare Crustacea from Scotland
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 237, Date 1893
XLI.—A few synonymical notes upon African Lepidoptera
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 246, Date 1893
XLII.—Description of the anatomy &c. of a new species and variety of Arion
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 252, Date 1893
XLIII.—New species of oriental Lepidoptera
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 254, Date 1893
XLIV.—Description of a new species of the butterfly genus Charaxes
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 266, Date 1893
XLV.—Descriptions of two new rodents from the Victoria Nyanza
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 267, Date 1893
XLVI.—On some of the Larger species of Geomys
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 269, Date 1893
XLVII.—Description of a new snake from the Gold Coast
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 273, Date 1893
XLVIII.—Supplemental note on a double-rooted tooth from the Purbeck beds in the British Museum
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 274, Date 1893
XLIX.—Observations on the genus Sphenia, with descriptions of new species
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 277, Date 1893
LI.—Descriptions of new Coleoptera from New Zealand
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 288, Date 1893
Notes on the classification of scorpions, followed by some observations upon synonymy, with descriptions of new genera and species
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 303, Date 1893
Bibliographical notice
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 331, Date 1893
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 332, Date 1893
On the identity of the "Cotton Spinner" (Holothuria nigra) of English authors with Holothuria Forskalii, Chiaje, and on the occurrence of Cucumaria Koellikeri, Semp., in the Atlantic Ocean
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 334, Date 1893
On the habits of Blennius sphynx, Cuv. & Val., and of Blennius Montagui, Fleming
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 335, Date 1893
A Synopsis of the European newts
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 338, Date 1893
LIII.—A month on the Trondhjem Fiord
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 341, Date 1893
LIV.—On a new genus of Heteromerous Coleoptera belonging to the family Lagriidæ, from Tasmania
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 367, Date 1893
LV.—On the nutrition of the Salpa embryo
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 369, Date 1893
LVI.—Descriptions of new Coleoptera from New Zealand
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 374, Date 1893
LVII.—Further notes on fossil fishes from the Karoo formation of South Africa
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 393, Date 1893
Holothuria nigra, Gray, and its synonymy
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 409, Date 1893
The phylogeny of the Docoglossa
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 412, Date 1893
On the occurrence of Arion lusitanicus, Mab., in the British Isles, and descriptions of four new varieties
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 414, Date 1893
On the mechanism of the production of light in Orya barbarica of Algeria
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 415, Date 1893
LX.—A contribution to the morphology of the limbs and mouth-parts of Crustaceans and Insects
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 417, Date 1893
Descriptions of new Australian Hesperiidae
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 434, Date 1893
LXIII.—A month on the Trondhjem fiord
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 441, Date 1893
LXIV.—On some new or little-known species of Coleoptera from the East
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 452, Date 1893
LXVI.—On a small collection of Lepidoptera from Chili
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 457, Date 1893
Cucumaria Montagui (Fleming) and its synonymy
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 469, Date 1893
On the salivary apparatus of birds
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 473, Date 1893
On the development of the branchial pouches and aortic arches in marine turtles, from investigations upon embryos of Chelonia viridis
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 477, Date 1893
Observations on the karyokinetic phenomena in the cells of the blastoderm of teleosteans
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 478, Date 1893
On the cerebral nuclei of Myriopods
Ser 6, Vol 12, Page 481, Date 1893