A catalogue of British spiders including remarks on their structure, function, economy and systematic arrangement
Ser 2, Vol 9, Page 15, Date 1852
Notes on Chalcidites, and descriptions of various new species
Ser 2, Vol 9, Page 39, Date 1852
Descriptions of new species of hymenopterous insects captured in India, with notes on their economy, by Ezra T. Downes Esq., who presented them to the Honourable the East India Company
Ser 2, Vol 9, Page 44, Date 1852
Bibliographical Notices
Ser 2, Vol 9, Page 50, Date 1842
Ser 2, Vol 9, Page 73, Date 1842
Brief diagnostic notices of new Maderan land shells
Ser 2, Vol 9, Page 112, Date 1852
Notices of British Fungi (615-639)
Ser 2, Vol 9, Page 317, Date 1852
Sketch of a classification of recent Brachiopoda, based upon Internal Organization
Ser 2, Vol 9, Page 361, Date 1852