Polyzoa from West Africa, notes on the genera Hippoporina Neviani, Hippoporella Canu, Cleidochasnia Harmer and Hippoporidra Canu & Bassler (Cheilostomata, Ascophora)
Vol 12, Page 1, Date 1964
Freshwater gastropod Mollusca from Ethiopia
Vol 12, Page 37, Date 1965
The British Museum (Natural History) expedition to East Nepal 1961-62. Introduction and lists of localities
Vol 12, Page 95, Date 1965-04-15
A preliminary revision of the Indo-Pacific Alosinae (Piscespaeidae)
Vol 12, Page 115, Date 1965-04-21
A critical review of the marine nematode genus Euchromadora deMan, 1886
Vol 12, Page 159, Date 1965
The feeding mechanisms and the preferred foods of three species of Pycnogonida
Vol 12, Page 195, Date 1965
The feeding mechanisms and preferred foods of three species of Pycnogonida
Vol 12, Page 197, Date 1965
A review of the elopoid and clupeoid fishes of the Red sea and adjacent regions
Vol 12, Page 225, Date 1965
Acanthodrilidae and Eudrilidae (Oligochaeta) from Ghana
Vol 12, Page 283, Date 1965
Acanthodrilidae and Eudrilidae (Oligochaeta) from Ghana
Vol 12, Page 285, Date 1965
The Cichlid fishes of Lake Nabugabo, Uganda
Vol 12, Page 313, Date 1965-08-06