Shell structure of three littoral species of testate amoebae from the Black Sea (Rhizopodea : Protozoa)
Vol 38, Page 1, Date 1980-03-27
Notes on the hydroid, Synthecium evansi
Vol 38, Page 7, Date 1980-03-27
The life history and ecology of the aberrant bathypelagic genus Benthomisophria Sars, 1909 (Copepoda: Misophrioida)
Vol 38, Page 9, Date 1980-03-27
Abyssal benthic Amphipoda (Crustacea) from the East Iceland Basin. 1. The genus Rhachotropis
Vol 38, Page 43, Date 1980-03-27
Abyssal benthic Amphipoda (Crustacea) from the East Iceland Basin. 2. Lepechinella and an allied new genus
Vol 38, Page 69, Date 1980-03-27
A new species of Hoplophorella (Acari, Cryptostigmata) from Java
Vol 38, Page 89, Date 1980-03-27
On a new species of Rousettus Gray, 1821, from Sumatra and Borneo (Mammalia: Megachiroptera)
Vol 38, Page 95, Date 1980-03-27
Relationships between hummingbirds and flowers in the Andes of Columbia
Vol 38, Page 105, Date 1980-03-27
A new species of small Barbus (Pisces, Cyprinidae) from Tanzania, east Africa
Vol 38, Page 141, Date 1980-05-29
A new species of Barbus (Pisces, Cyprinidae) from Africa
Vol 38, Page 145, Date 1980-05-29
A new blind cyprinid fish from Iraq
Vol 38, Page 151, Date 1980-05-29
A new species of cichlid fish from the Malagarasi Swamps and River (Tanzania, east Africa)
Vol 38, Page 159, Date 1980-05-29
A new catfish from Sierra Leone
Vol 38, Page 165, Date 1980-05-29
A new genus of cheline cyprinid fishes
Vol 38, Page 171, Date 1980-05-29
A redescription of Trochammina nana (Brady (Protozoa: Foraminiferida), with observations on several other Recent Trochamminidae in the collection of the Bristish Museum (Natural History)
Vol 38, Page 175, Date 1980-09-25
Crinoidea collected by the Meteor and Discovery in the NE Atlantic
Vol 38, Page 187, Date 1980-09-25
A new abyssal genus of the family Ophiuridae (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea)
Vol 38, Page 211, Date 1980-09-25
A revision of the spider genus Macopaeus (Araneae : Salticidae)
Vol 38, Page 219, Date 1980-09-25
A revision of the spider genus Orthrus (Araneae: Salticidae)
Vol 38, Page 225, Date 1980-09-25
A note on Lonchophylla (Chiroptera: Phyllostomatidae) from Ecuador and Peru, with the description of a new species
Vol 38, Page 233, Date 1980-09-25
Mites of the subfamily Parasitinae (Mesostigmata: Parasitidae) in the British Isles
Vol 38, Page 237, Date 1980-10-30