I.—Note on the structure and terminology of the reproductive system in the Corynidæ and Sertulariadæ
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 1, Date 1860
II.—On the tribe Collectieæ, with some observations on the structure of the seed in the family of the Rhamnaceæ
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 5, Date 1860
III.—On certain musical Curculionidæ; with descriptions of two new Plinthi
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 14, Date 1860
V.—On the occurrence of spiders and their webs in coal-pits
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 22, Date 1860
VI.—Description of a new pentacrinite from the Kimmeridge Clay of Weymouth, Dorsetshire
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 25, Date 1860
VII.—On a new species of Solarium from the Upper Greensand, near Dorchester
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 28, Date 1860
VIII.—On the nomenclature of the Foraminifera
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 29, Date 1860
IX.—Note on Carduella cyathiformis
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 40, Date 1860
Description of a new Helix; and notice of the occurrence of Planorbis glaber, Jeffr., in Madeira
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 42, Date 1860
On a new species of black-fish found on the coast of Cornwall
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 46, Date 1860
XII.—On additions to the Madeiran Coleoptera
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 48, Date 1860
Bibliographical notice
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 56, Date 1860
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 65, Date 1860
On a new snake from the Galapagos islands
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 78, Date 1860
Observations on the corymbose Madrepores
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 79, Date 1860
On a new species of bird (Chloronerpes sanguinolentus)
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 80, Date 1860
XIV.—On recurrent animal form, and its significance in systematic Zoology
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 81, Date 1860
XV.—Observations on two new species of Chiton from the Upper Silurian ‘Wenlock Limestone’ of Dudley
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 91, Date 1860
XVI.—Notes on the subgenus Corilla, H. & A. Adams; and on the group Plectopylis, Benson; also on Pollicaria, Gould, and Hybocystis, Benson
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 98, Date 1860
XVII.—On additions to the Madeiran Coleoptera
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 100, Date 1860
XVIII.—Notes on the animals of certain genera of Mollusca
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 109, Date 1860
XIX.—Description of a new species of Cassowary living in the menagerie of the Babu Rajendra Mullick at Calcutta
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 113, Date 1860
The Cyclostomas of Madeira belonging to the genus Craspedopoma of Pfeiffer: with descriptions of four new Madeiran and one new Canarian species
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 114, Date 1860
XXI.—Mollusca Japonica: New species of Aclis, Ebala, Dunkeria, &c
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 118, Date 1860
XXII.—A synoptical list of the British species of Teredo, with a notice of the exotic species
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 121, Date 1860
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 127, Date 1860
Description of a new genus of Boidae discovered by Mr. Bates on the Upper Amazon
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 131, Date 1860
Description of a new species of Emys lately living the gardens of the Zoological Society
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 148, Date 1860
On Alepidosaurus, a Marine Siluroid fish
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 150, Date 1860
On the habit of Notopteris Macdonaldii, Gray
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 152, Date 1860
XXIII.—Some account of the "Chaparro" of Fuerteventura, a new species of Convolvulus
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 153, Date 1860
XXIV.—On a new species of Agelacrinites, and on the structural relations of that genus
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 157, Date 1860
XXV.—On the genera Peltogaster and Liriope of Rathke
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 162, Date 1860
XXVIII.—On the bitentaculate Slug from Aneiteum
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 195, Date 1860
XXIX.—On the Nudibranchiate Mollusca inhabiting the estuary of the Dee
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 196, Date 1860
XXX.—On two new species of shells from Cambojia
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 203, Date 1860
Bibliographical notice
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 205, Date 1860
Royal Society
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 208, Date 1860
On some new species of mammalia and tortoises from Cambojia
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 217, Date 1860
Prof. Agassiz on the origin of species
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 219, Date 1860
Note on the Fox of Japan
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 232, Date 1860
XXXI.—On the different animals known as wild Asses
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 233, Date 1860
XXXII.—Descriptions of new genera and species of Tenthredinidæ in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 254, Date 1860
XXXIII.—Descriptions of Freshwater shells collected in Southern India by Lieut. Charles Annesley Benson, 45th M.N.I
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 257, Date 1860
XXXIV.—On the genera Peltogaster and Liriope of Rathke
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 260, Date 1860
XXXV.—On the arrangement of the land Pulmoniferous Mollusca into families
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 267, Date 1860
On some new genera and species of fishes collected by Drs. Keferstein and Heckel at Messina
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 270, Date 1860
XXXIX.—On the animal of Umbonium vestiarium
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 288, Date 1860
XL.—Notice of an undescribed peculiarity in Teredo
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 289, Date 1860
Bibliographical notice
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 291, Date 1860
Royal Society
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 293, Date 1860
Geological Society
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 297, Date 1860
Zoological Society
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 301, Date 1860
Description of the larva of a Brachiopod
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 310, Date 1860
Notice of some new corals from Madeira discovered by J. Y. Johnson, Esq
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 311, Date 1860
Mollusca found in the neighbourhood of Jerusalem
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 312, Date 1860
XLI.—Remarks on the so-called woody and vascular fasciculi of Ferns
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 313, Date 1860
XLII.—On some new genera and species of Mollusca from Japan
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 331, Date 1860
XLIII.—On the nomenclature of the Foraminifera
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 337, Date 1860
XLIV.—On the Mollusca of the upper Harz
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 348, Date 1860
Characters of some apparently undescribed Ceylon insects
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 357, Date 1860
XLVII.—Descriptions of two Coleopterous insects from Cambogia
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 360, Date 1860
XLVIII.—Note on Hypericum Anglicum
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 362, Date 1860
Gatherings of a naturalist in Australia: being observations principally on the animal and vegetable productions of New South Wales, New Zealand, and some of the Austral Islands. By George Bennett, M.D., F.L.S., F.Z.S. &c. 8vo, London, Van Voorst, 1860
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 366, Date 1860
The Honey-Bee; its natural history, habits, anatomy, and microscopical beauties. By James Samuelson, assisted by J. Braxton Hicks, M.D., F.L.S. With tinted Illustrations. 12mo. London, Van Voorst, 1860
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 370, Date 1860
Actinologia Britannica: a history of the British Sea-Anemones and Madrepores. By P. H. Gosse, F.R.S. London, Van Voorst, 1858–60
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 372, Date 1860
Darwin on the origin of species
Ser 3, Vol 6, Date 1869
The cutting ant of Texas (Å’codoma Mexicana, Sm.)
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 386, Date 1860
Note on Mr. Blyth's paper on the Animals known as wild Asses
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 389, Date 1860
On a supposed new fish
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 391, Date 1860
XLIX.—On the ocurrence of the fingered Naïs (Proto digitata) in England
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 393, Date 1860
LI.—Notes on Ianthina, Bolten; and indication of a new species of the allied oceanic genus Recluzia, Petit
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 405, Date 1860
LII.—On a new genus and some new species of Mollusca from Japan
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 414, Date 1860
LIII.—Observations on the development of the Cirripedia
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 423, Date 1860
LIV.—Note on Psammophis Perroteti, D. & B
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 428, Date 1860
LV.—On an undescribed Crustacean of the genus Mysis
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 429, Date 1860
LVI.—On Philomedusa Vogtii, a parasite on Medusæ
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 432, Date 1860
Handbook to the geology of Weymouth and the Isle of Portland; with notes on the natural history of the coast and neighbourhood. By Robert Damon. 12mo. E. Stanford, London, 1860
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 436, Date 1860
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 438, Date 1860
On the African Trionyces with hidden feet (Emyda)
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 440, Date 1860
Note on the Tetrapedos Smithii of Jan
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 454, Date 1860
On the morphology of the compound eyes in the Arthropoda
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 455, Date 1860
Results of soundings in the North Atlantic
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 457, Date 1860
Dr. Hilgard's "Organotaxis"
Ser 3, Vol 6, Page 458, Date 1860