Diagnoses of new species of fishes found in Bering Sea
Vol 11, Page 231, Date 1897-09-17
Two new isopods of the genus Idothea from the coast of California
Vol 12, Page 53, Date 1898
Description of a new parasitic Isopod of the genus Aega from the southern coast of the United States
Vol 12, Page 39, Date 1898
Description of a new genus and species of Sphaeromidae from Alaskan waters
Vol 11, Page 181, Date 1897
Revision of the American voles of the genus Evotomys
Vol 11, Page 113, Date 1897
A new species of Evotomys from British Columbia
Vol 12, Page 21, Date 1898
Notes on the lynxes of eastern North America, with descriptions of two new species
Vol 11, Page 47, Date 1897
Descriptions of eleven new species and subspecies of voles
Vol 12, Page 85, Date 1898
On a small collection of mammals from Hamilton Inlet, Labrador
Vol 11, Page 235, Date 1897
Description of a new red fox from Nova Scotia
Vol 11, Page 53, Date 1897
A new race of pine squirrel from the coast region of northern California
Vol 11, Page 281, Date 1897
Descriptions of two new skunks of the genus Mephitis
Vol 12, Page 31, Date 1898
Descriptions of the Newfoundland otter and red fox
Vol 12, Page 35, Date 1898
The eastern races of the American varying hare, with descripton of a new subspecies from Nova Scotia
Vol 12, Page 77, Date 1898
Description of a new white-footed mouse from the Mount Baker Range, British Columbia
Vol 12, Page 83, Date 1898
A new raccoon from Nassau Island, Bahamas
Vol 12, Page 91, Date 1898
Description of a new fox from Santa Marta, Colombia
Vol 12, Page 93, Date 1898
A new murine opossum from Margarita Island
Vol 12, Page 95, Date 1898
On some birds from Santa Marta, Colombia
Vol 12, Page 131, Date 1898
On some birds from Pueblo Viejo, Colombia
Vol 12, Page 157, Date 1898
Descriptions of some new mammals from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
Vol 12, Page 161, Date 1898
A new race of the little harvest mouse from West Virginia
Vol 12, Page 167, Date 1898
On some birds from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
Vol 12, Page 171, Date 1898
On Sciurus variabilis from the Santa Marta Region of Colombia
Vol 12, Page 183, Date 1898
A new rock vole from Labrador
Vol 12, Page 187, Date 1898
A new Sigmodon from the Santa Marta Region of Colombia
Vol 12, Page 189, Date 1898
The Arcturidae in the U. S. National Museum
Vol 12, Page 41, Date 1898
Collomia mazama, a new plant from the vicinity of Crater Lake, Oregon
Vol 11, Page 35, Date 1897
The itinerary of John Jeffrey, an early botanical explorer of western North America
Vol 11, Page 57, Date 1897
The technical name of the camas plant
Vol 11, Page 61, Date 1897
Two new plants from Mount Mazama, Oregon
Vol 11, Page 169, Date 1897
A species of shearwater (Pufftnus assimilis Gould), new to the North American fauna
Vol 11, Page 69, Date 1897
Delphinium viridescens and Sambucus leiosperma, two new plants from the northwest coast
Vol 11, Page 39, Date 1897
Description of a new deer (Dorcelaphus texanus) from Texas and northern Mexico
Vol 12, Page 23, Date 1898
Revision of the coyotes or prairie wolves, with descriptions of new forms
Vol 11, Page 19, Date 1897
Descriptions of two murine opossums from Mexico
Vol 11, Page 43, Date 1897
Descriptions of two new red backed mice (Evotomys) from Oregon
Vol 11, Page 71, Date 1897
The voles of the subgenus Chilotus, with descriptions of new species
Vol 11, Page 73, Date 1897
Two new moles from California and Oregon
Vol 11, Page 101, Date 1897
Three new jumping mice (Zapus) from the northwest
Vol 11, Page 103, Date 1897
Lepus baileyi, a new cottontail rabbit from Wyoming
Vol 11, Page 147, Date 1897
A new fur-seal or sea-bear (Arctocephalus townsendi) from Guadalupe Island, off Lower California
Vol 11, Page 175, Date 1897
A new bat of the genus Antrozous from California
Vol 11, Page 179, Date 1897
Description of a new Bassariscus from Lower California, with remarks on 'Bassaris raptor' Baird
Vol 11, Page 185, Date 1897
Descriptions of five new shrews from Mexico, Guatemala, and Colombia
Vol 11, Page 227, Date 1897
Descriptions of five new rodents from the coast region of Alaska
Vol 11, Page 221, Date 1897
Cenms roosevelti, a new elk from the Olympics
Vol 11, Page 271, Date 1897
Nelsonia neotomodon, a new genus and species of murine rodent from Mexico
Vol 11, Page 277, Date 1897
Mammals of Tres Marias Islands, off western Mexico
Vol 12, Page 13, Date 1898
The earliest generic name for the North American deer, vidth descriptions of five new species and subspecies
Vol 12, Page 99, Date 1898
Descriptions of six new ground squirrels from the western United States
Vol 12, Page 69, Date 1898
Descriptions of two new subgenera and three new species of Microtus from Mexico and Guatemala
Vol 12, Page 105, Date 1898
A new genus (Neotomodon) and three new species of murine rodents from the mountains of southern Mexico
Vol 12, Page 127, Date 1898
Description of a new vole from Oregon
Vol 11, Page 67, Date 1897
Synopsis of voles of the genus Phenacomys
Vol 11, Page 77, Date 1897
Description of a new rodent of the genus Idiurus
Vol 12, Page 73, Date 1898
A new rabbit from Margarita Island, Venezuela
Vol 12, Page 97, Date 1898
Descriptions of new birds from Mexico, with a revision of the genus Dactylortyx
Vol 12, Page 57, Date 1898
Descriptions of new squirrels from Mexico and Central America
Vol 12, Page 145, Date 1898
Notes on the nomenclature of four genera of tropical American mammals
Vol 11, Page 173, Date 1897
A list of the generic and family names of rodents
Vol 11, Page 241, Date 1897-12-17
Description of a new weasel from the Queen Charlotte Islands, B. C
Vol 12, Page 169, Date 1898
Synopsis of the American Sesarmae, with description of a new species
Vol 11, Page 89, Date 1897
Synopsis of the American species of Palicus Philippi (=Cymopolia Roux), with descriptions of six new species
Vol 11, Page 93, Date 1897
Synopsis of the American species olEthusa, with description of a new species
Vol 11, Page 109, Date 1897
Description of a new species of Cancer from Lower California, and additional note on Sesarma
Vol 11, Page 111, Date 1897
The African swimming crabs of the genus Callinectes
Vol 11, Page 149, Date 1897
Description of a new species oi Sphaeroma
Vol 11, Page 105, Date 1897
Descriptions of a new eagle from Alaska and a new squirrel from Lower California
Vol 11, Page 145, Date 1897
Descriptions of the species of Cycadeoidea, or fossil cycadean trunks, thus far discovered in the iron ore belt, Potomac Formation, of Maryland
Vol 11, Page 1, Date 1897
Descriptions of Three new species of Fresh-Water Crabs of the Genus Potamon
Vol 12, Page 27, Date 1898