I.—On the anatomy of Eolis, a genus of mollusks of the order Nudibranchiata
Vol 15, Page 1, Date 1845
II.—Memoirs on geographic botany
Vol 15, Page 11, Date 1845
III.—On the occurrence of the genus Pollicipes in the Oxford clay
Vol 15, Page 30, Date 1845
IV.—Description of some new species of the genus Ancyloceras
Vol 15, Page 31, Date 1845
Descriptions of a new genus and some new species of Homopterous Insects from the East in the collection of the British Museum
Vol 15, Page 34, Date 1845
Description of two apparently new species of lamellicorn beetles
Vol 15, Page 38, Date 1845
VIII.—On the laws which regulate the geographical distribution of littoral mollusca
Vol 15, Page 42, Date 1845
Bibliographical notices
Vol 15, Page 45, Date 1845
Zoological Society
Vol 15, Page 46, Date 1845
Botanical Society of Edinburgh
Vol 15, Page 64, Date 1845
Geological Society
Vol 15, Page 67, Date 1845
Submarine explorations
Vol 15, Page 68, Date 1845
Observations on some polypes
Vol 15, Page 69, Date 1845
Mr. Schomburgk's collections in Guiana
Vol 15, Page 70, Date 1845
Meteorological observations for Nov. 1844
Vol 15, Page 71, Date 1845
IX.—Description of some animals found amongst the Gulf-weed
Vol 15, Page 73, Date 1845
X.—On the anatomy of Eolis, a genus of mollusks of the order Nudibranchiata
Vol 15, Page 77, Date 1845
XI.—Memoirs on geographic Botany
Vol 15, Page 89, Date 1845
XII.—On the preservation of objects of natural history for the microscope
Vol 15, Page 104, Date 1845
XIII.—A century of new genera and species of Orchidaceous plants
Vol 15, Page 106, Date 1845
Description of an apparently new species of longicorn beetle from Mexico in the collection of the British Museum
Vol 15, Page 108, Date 1845
XV.—Note on a British shell of the genus Circe
Vol 15, Page 112, Date 1845
XVI.—Note on the boring apparatus of the carnivorous Gasteropods, and of the stone- and wood-burrowing Bivalves
Vol 15, Page 113, Date 1845
On a new species of Platycercus
Vol 15, Page 114, Date 1845
XVIII.—On the means by which various animals walk on the vertical surfaces of highly polished bodies
Vol 15, Page 115, Date 1845
XIX.—Remarks on the synonyms of a homopterous insect described in the last number of the ‘Annals.’
Vol 15, Page 119, Date 1845
Royal Society of Edinburgh
Vol 15, Page 121, Date 1845
Zoological Society
Vol 15, Page 122, Date 1845
Geological Society
Vol 15, Page 137, Date 1845
Botanical Society of London
Vol 15, Page 139, Date 1845
Notes in Natural History
Vol 15, Page 140, Date 1845
Occurrence of the Anoplotherium in the lowest layers of the tertiary period of the Paris Basin
Vol 15, Page 141, Date 1845
Description of a new species of Australian bird
Vol 15, Page 142, Date 1845
Meteorological observations for Dec. 1844
Vol 15, Page 143, Date 1845
XXII.—On the morphology of the different organs of zoophytes
Vol 15, Page 161, Date 1845
XXV.—On the import of the inferior paleæ of the grasses
Vol 15, Page 174, Date 1845
XXVI.—Botanical notices from Spain
Vol 15, Page 178, Date 1845
Die Kieselschaligen Bacillarien oder Diatomeen. Von Dr. F. T. Kützing: Nordhausen, 1844. Tab. 30. p. 152
Vol 15, Page 185, Date 1845
The botany of the voyage of H.M.S. sulphur. Edited by R. B. Hinds, Esq. The Botanical descriptions by G. Bentham, Esq. Nos. 2, 3, 4
Vol 15, Page 188, Date 1845
Algæ Hibernicæ. By Wm. McCalla, Associate of the Edinburgh Botanical Society. Vol. I. Dublin, S. B. Oldham, 8 Suffolk Street, 1845
Vol 15, Page 189, Date 1845
Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis, editore et pro parte auctore Alph. DeCandolle. Vol. ix. Paris, 1845
Vol 15, Page 190, Date 1845
Zoological Society
Vol 15, Page 199, Date 1845
Geological Society
Vol 15, Page 212, Date 1845
Falco Islandicus
Vol 15, Page 213, Date 1845
On the origin of the corms of colchicum
Vol 15, Page 214, Date 1845
Meteorological observations for Jan. 1845
Vol 15, Page 215, Date 1845
XXVII.—On the penetration of the cuticle into the stomata
Vol 15, Page 217, Date 1845
XXVIII.—Researches into the structure, functions and œconomy of the Araneidea
Vol 15, Page 221, Date 1845
XXIX.—On the preservation of objects of natural history for the microscope
Vol 15, Page 242, Date 1845
XXX.—On the genera Eleutheria and Synhydra
Vol 15, Page 244, Date 1845
XXXI.—Description of a new species of Pecten
Vol 15, Page 250, Date 1845
XXXIII.—A century of new genera and species of Orchidaceous plants
Vol 15, Page 256, Date 1845
XXXIV.—On the animal of Spirula
Vol 15, Page 257, Date 1845
XXXV.—On Cyanocitta, a proposed new genus of Garrulinæ, and on C. superciliosa, a new species of blue Jay, hitherto confounded with C. ultramarina, Bonap
Vol 15, Page 260, Date 1845
XXXVII.—Note on Euplocamus, Triopa and Idalia
Vol 15, Page 262, Date 1845
XXXVIII.—On the occurrence of phytozoa in phanerogamous plants
Vol 15, Page 264, Date 1845
XXXIX.—On the rats, mice, and shrews of the central region of Nepal
Vol 15, Page 266, Date 1845
XL.—Contributions to the fauna of Ireland
Vol 15, Page 270, Date 1845
Salictum Britannicum exsiccatum. Fasc. II. By the Rev. J. E. Leefe
Vol 15, Page 275, Date 1845
Royal Society
Vol 15, Page 277, Date 1845
Zoological Society
Vol 15, Page 286, Date 1845
On the metamorphoses of the Strepsiptera
Vol 15, Page 293, Date 1845
Destruction of the orange-trees in the Azores
Vol 15, Page 294, Date 1845
Meteorological observations for Feb. 1845
Vol 15, Page 295, Date 1845
Description of a new genus of Calcareous Sponge
Vol 15, Page 297, Date 1845
XLII.—On the structure of the cocoon of a Leech
Vol 15, Page 301, Date 1845
XLIII.—Description of three new species of Rubus
Vol 15, Page 305, Date 1845
XLIV.—Additions to the Fauna of Ireland, including descriptions of some apparently new species of Invertebrata
Vol 15, Page 308, Date 1845
XLV.—On the correct nomenclature of the Lastræa spinosa and L. multiflora of Newman
Vol 15, Page 322, Date 1845
XLVI.—Characters of six new species of Nepalese Birds
Vol 15, Page 326, Date 1845
XLVII.—Notice of some rarities found on the West Coast of Scotland
Vol 15, Page 327, Date 1845
XLVIII.—Notes on the synonymy of the genus Apion, with descriptions of six new species, &c
Vol 15, Page 331, Date 1845
XLIX.—Further notice respecting Cyanocitta superciliosa, a supposed new species of Blue Jay
Vol 15, Page 342, Date 1845
L.—Note on Mr. H. E. Strickland's Paper on the genus Cardinia (Agassiz)
Vol 15, Page 343, Date 1845
LI.—Further notice respecting the ova of the large spotted dogfish (Scyllium Catulus)
Vol 15, Page 345, Date 1845
Bibliographical notices
Ser 5, Vol 15, Page 346, Date 1885
Mycologia Britannica, or specimens of British Fungi By Ph. B. Ayres, M.D. W. Pamplin, 1844
Vol 15, Page 349, Date 1845
Botanical Society of Edinburgh
Vol 15, Page 350, Date 1845
Zoological Society
Vol 15, Page 355, Date 1845
Description of a new species of Solarium
Vol 15, Page 374, Date 1845
LIII.—Descriptions of some gigantic forms of invertebrate animals from the coast of Scotland
Vol 15, Page 377, Date 1845
LIV.—A century of new genera and species of Orchidaceous plants
Vol 15, Page 383, Date 1845
LV.—On a monstrosity of Gentiana campestris
Vol 15, Page 387, Date 1845
LVI.—Notes on the synonymy of the genus Apion, with descriptions of six new species, &c
Vol 15, Page 392, Date 1845
LVIII.—Note on Mr. Bowerbank's Paper on the genus Dunstervillia (Bowerbank), with remarks on the Ischadites Königii, the Tentaculites and the Conularia
Vol 15, Page 406, Date 1845
LX.—Anatomical and organogenical researches on Lathræa clandestina
Vol 15, Page 410, Date 1845
LXI.—On the growth of the stem of palms, and on the decurrence of the leaves
Vol 15, Page 415, Date 1845
Contributions towards a fauna and flora of the county of Cork. London, 1845. 8vo
Vol 15, Page 419, Date 1845
Classification der Säugethiere und Vögel. Von J. J. Kaup. Pp. 144. 8vo. Darmstadt, 1844
Vol 15, Page 422, Date 1845
Zoological Society
Vol 15, Page 426, Date 1845
Entomological Society
Vol 15, Page 437, Date 1845
On the fossil Cycadeæ in general, and especially on those which are found in Silesia
Vol 15, Page 442, Date 1845
Extract of a note from J. E. Gray, Esq., relative to his paper on the animal of Spirula, p. 257
Vol 15, Page 444, Date 1845
On the development of Doris
Vol 15, Page 445, Date 1845
On the nidi of Buccinum reticulatum
Vol 15, Page 446, Date 1845
Vol 15, Page 447, Date 1845
Zoological Society
Vol 15, Page 475, Date 1845
On the production of the sexes
Ser 3, Vol 15, Page 501, Date 1865