I.—On the Annelid genus Sphærodorum, Œrsted, and a new representative of it, S. Claparedii
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 1, Date 1867
List of Coleoptera received from Old Calabar, on the west coast of Africa
Ser 3, Vol 14, Page 176, Date 1867
IV.—Remarks on the Potton sands, in reply to Mr. Walker's paper in the ‘Annals of Natural History’ for November 1866
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 23, Date 1867
V.—Remarks on Pyrula (Fulgur) carica (Lamarck) and Pyrula (Fulgur) perversa (Lamarck)
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 28, Date 1867
VI.—On the tunnelling coleopterous genera Bledius, Heterocerus, Dyschirius, and their Danish species
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 30, Date 1867
Additions to the knowledge of Australian reptiles and fishes
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 45, Date 1867
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 67, Date 1867
IX.—On the shell-structure of Spirifer cuspidatus, and of certain allied Spiriferidæ
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 68, Date 1867
Bibliographical notice
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 73, Date 1867
Bibliographical notice
Ser 5, Vol 20, Page 74, Date 1887
On the actual state of our information relative to the ‘Leporide’, or hybrid between hare and rabbit
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 75, Date 1867
Megaceros hibernicus in the Cambridgeshire fens
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 77, Date 1867
On the species of the genera Latiaxis, Faunus, and Melanatria
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 78, Date 1867
Descriptions of new fishes
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 79, Date 1867
X.—On Waldheimia venosa, Solander, sp
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 81, Date 1867
XI.—List of Coleoptera received from Old Calabar, on the West Coast of Africa
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 83, Date 1867
Description of a new species of Apocryptes
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 117, Date 1867
XVII.—A reply to Mr. H. G. Seeley's remarks on my account of the phosphatic deposit at Potton, in Bedfordshire
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 118, Date 1867
XVIII.—Note on the species of the genus Tribonyx
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 122, Date 1867
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 127, Date 1867
Cases of monstrosities becoming the starting-point of new races in plants
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 141, Date 1867
The theory of the skeleton
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 144, Date 1867
Note on the phenomena of muscular contraction in the Vorticellæ
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 145, Date 1867
On the development of the brown Aphis of the maple
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 149, Date 1867
Cervus megaceros previously known in the fens
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 152, Date 1867
On the Recent Zoology and Palaeontology of Victoria
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 175, Date 1867
XXIII.—Notes on spiders, with descriptions of several species supposed to be new to arachnologists
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 202, Date 1867
XXV.—Descriptions of some remarkable new species and a new genus of diurnal Lepidoptera
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 216, Date 1867
XXVI.—Description of a new species of Tiger-Moth in the possession of Mr. T. W. Wood
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 218, Date 1867
XXVII.—Notes on the skulls of hares (Leporidæ) and picas (Lagomyidæ) in the British Museum
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 219, Date 1867
On the development of the Ctenophora
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 228, Date 1867
On the anatomy of Balanoglossus (Della Chiaje)
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 230, Date 1867
On the external characters of the young of the Central American Tapir. (Elasmognathus Bairdii, gill)
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 232, Date 1867
XXIX.—On the classification of the subdivisions of M'Coy's genus Athyris, as determined by the laws of zoological nomenclature
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 233, Date 1867
Fourth report on dredging among the Shetland Islands
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 247, Date 1867
XXXIII.—Revision of the group of Lepidopterous insects hitherto included in the genus Pronophila of Westwood
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 266, Date 1867
On two new birds from eastern Australia
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 269, Date 1867
XXXV.—Synopsis of the Asiatic Squirrels (Sciuridæ) in the collection of the British Museum, describing one new genus and some new species
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 270, Date 1867
On a new genus of Phalanger
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 287, Date 1867
Additions to the British Fauna
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 288, Date 1867
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 294, Date 1867
Notice of a new species of spider monkey (Ateles Bartlettii) in the British Museum
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 300, Date 1867
Megaceros hibernicus in the Cambridgeshire fens
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 301, Date 1867
On the anatomy and physiology of Amphioxus
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 302, Date 1867
XL.—Remarks upon oceanic forms of Hydrozoa observed at sea
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 309, Date 1867
List of Coleoptera received from Old Calabar, on the west coast of Africa
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 314, Date 1867
XLII.—Synopsis of the African Squirrels (Sciuridæ) in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 323, Date 1867
XLIII.—On some undescribed points in the anatomy of the Limpet (Patella vulgata)
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 334, Date 1867
XLIV.—On the structure of the Annelida, including a critical examination of the most recent works on this class of worms
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 337, Date 1867
British Conchology. Vol. IV. Marine Shells, in continuation of the Gastropoda as far as the Bulla Family. By John Gwyn Jeffreys, F.R.S., F.G.S., &. Van Voorst, 1867
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 378, Date 1867
Mind in nature; or, the origin of life and the mode of development of animals. By Henry James-Clark, A.B., B.S., Adjunct Professor of Zoology in Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., &c. Illustrated; pp. v–315. D. Appleton & Co., New York. 1865
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 381, Date 1867
On the organization of Cryptoprocta ferox
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 382, Date 1867
On the spontaneous movements of the leaves of Colocasia esculenta (Schott), and on the ejection of water from them in a continuous jet
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 384, Date 1867
On two new forms of plants parasitic on man (Aspergillus flavescens and A. nigricans)
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 385, Date 1867
The theory of the skeleton
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 388, Date 1867
XLVII.—Descriptions of new or little-known species of Asiatic Lepidoptera
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 399, Date 1867
XLIX.—The method of geology; being an account of the introductory part of a paper on "The laws which have determined the distribution of life and of rocks," read before the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Nov. 12, 1866
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 405, Date 1867
L.—Synopsis of the species of American Squirrels in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 415, Date 1867
LI.—Synopsis of the species of burrowing squirrels (Tamias) in the British Museum
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 434, Date 1867
LII.—Descriptions of two new fossil cowries characteristic of tertiary beds near Melbourne
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 436, Date 1867
LIV.—On a new species of Victorian honey-eater
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 442, Date 1867
Mermis nigrescens
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 445, Date 1867
Experiments on the axolotl
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 446, Date 1867
On the development of Sepiola
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 449, Date 1867
M. LeVaillant, the African Traveller
Ser 3, Vol 20, Page 453, Date 1867