I.—On some characters of Lingula anatina, illustrating the study of fossil Palliobranchs
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 1, Date 1873
On two new species of Gummineae, with special and general observations
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 17, Date 1873
A catalogue of the neuropterous insects of New Zealand; with notes, and descriptions of new forms
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 30, Date 1873
IV.—Description of two new species of bush-buck (Cephalophus) from Western Africa
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 42, Date 1873
VI.—Descriptions of new species of fossorial hymenoptera in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 49, Date 1873
On Nephropsis stewarti a new genus and species of Macrurous Crustaceans dredged in deep water off the eastern coast of the Andaman Islands
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 59, Date 1873
VIII.—Notes on some Mammalia from Fantee, including a new species of Macroxus
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 65, Date 1873
First, Second, Third, and Fourth Annual Reports on the Geological Survey of Indiana, made during the years 1869–72. By E. T. Cox, State Geologist, assisted by Messrs. Bradley, Haymond, Levette, Collett, Hobbs, and Warder. In three vols., with two Atlases
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 70, Date 1873
Illustrated Guide to the Fish, Amphibian, Reptilian, and supposed Mammalian Remains of the Northumberland Carboniferous strata. By T. P. Barkas, F.G.S. 8vo, pp. 117; and Atlas of Carboniferous Fossils from the Northumberland Carboniferous Strata, folio, 1
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 73, Date 1873
Geological Stories. By J. E. Taylor, F.G.S. Small 8vo, pp. 301, with many Woodcuts. Hardwicke: London, 1873
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 74, Date 1873
On the occurrence of Ligidium agile in Belgium
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 75, Date 1873
A sponge on Hyalonema
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 76, Date 1873
Damonia unicolor, a new species of water-tortoise from China, sent by Mr. Swinhoe
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 77, Date 1873
A new and ingenious American move in the game of priority
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 78, Date 1873
On hylodes matrinicensis and its metamorphoses
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 79, Date 1873
Mode of walking of the armadilloes
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 80, Date 1873
X.—On the invertebrate animals of the Baltic
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 81, Date 1873
A sphaeromid from Australia, and Arcturidae from South Africa
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 95, Date 1873
XIV.—Descriptions of new species of fossorial hymenoptera in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 99, Date 1873
XV.—Notes on the tortoises of the ‘Zoology of Mexico’ of MM. A. Duméril and Bocourt
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 109, Date 1873
XVII.—A monographic revision of the genus Phrynus, with descriptions of four remarkable new species
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 117, Date 1873
Contributions to the study of the Entomostraca. No.VIII. On marine copepoda taken in the West of Ireland
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 126, Date 1873
XIX.—New fishes from Angola
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 142, Date 1873
Notes on and descriptions of some lizards with rudimentary limbs, in the British Museum
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 145, Date 1873
On the Longicorn Coleoptera of Japan
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 148, Date 1873
Notes on Chinese mud-tortoises (Trionychidae), with the description of a new species sent to the British Museum by Mr. Swinhoe, and observations on the male organ of this family
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 156, Date 1873
XXIII.—On the deer of the west coast of South America, with the description of a new species from Peru (Cervus Whitelyi)
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 161, Date 1873
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 164, Date 1873
Further additions to the ichthyological fauna of Zanzibar
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 182, Date 1873
On the habits of unequal bivalve shells
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 184, Date 1873
A partial comparison of the conchology of portions of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of North America
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 185, Date 1873
The megalops stage of Ocypoda
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 186, Date 1873
On a salamander (Sieboldia) from Shanghai
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 188, Date 1873
XXIV.—On a new species of Synocladia from the Carboniferous Limestone series of Midlothian
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 189, Date 1873
On the Longicorn Coleoptera of Japan
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 193, Date 1873
XXVI.—On the primary divisions of the Brachiopods
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 201, Date 1873
XXVII.—Notes on the siliceous spicules of sponges, and on their division into types
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 203, Date 1873
XXIX.—List of lepidoptera in a small collection sent from Peru by Mr. Whitely, with descriptions of the new species
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 218, Date 1873
XXX.—Additions to the Australian Curculionidæ. Part V
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 230, Date 1873
XXXI.—Report on a collection of fishes from China
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 239, Date 1873
XXXII.—Remarks on certain species of mollusca described and figured in the ‘Microdoride Mediterranea’ of Prof. O. G. Costa. (Communicated by J. Gwyn Jeffreys, F.R.S.)
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 251, Date 1873
XXXIII.—On the black and ashy-grey double-horned asiatic rhinoceroses (Ceratorhinus sumatrensis, C. niger, and C. lasiotis)
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 252, Date 1873
XXXIV.—Descriptions of new species of fossorial hymenoptera in the collection of the British Museum, and of a species of the rare genus Iswara belonging to the family Dorylidæ
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 253, Date 1873
Researches in Zoology. Illustrative of the Structure, Habits, and Economy of Animals. By John Blackwall, F.L.S. London: Van Voorst, 1873
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 260, Date 1873
On some Remarkable Forms of Animal Life from the Great Deep off the Norwegian Coasts.—I. Partly from the Posthumous Manuscripts of the late Prof. Dr. Michael Sars. By George Ossian Sars. Christiania, 1872. 4to, pp. 82, with six copper plates
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 261, Date 1873
On Noctiluca miliaris, Sur
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 262, Date 1873
Habit of Pandora
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 265, Date 1873
Sponges from Ceylon
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 266, Date 1873
On Ursus euryrhinus, Nilsson
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 267, Date 1873
Necessity of a common language in natural science
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 268, Date 1873
On a remarkable fish of the family of sturgeons discovered by M. A. P. Fedschenko in the river Suirdar
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 269, Date 1873
XXXVI.—Note on Scaphirhynchus Fedtschenkoi
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 277, Date 1873
Additions to the Australian Curculionidae. Part V
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 278, Date 1873
Descriptions of new species of fossorial Hymenoptera in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 291, Date 1873
XL.—On the amount of substance-waste undergone by insects in the pupal state; with remarks on Papilio Ajax
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 301, Date 1873
On the Longicorn Coleoptera of Japan
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 308, Date 1873
Additional notes on the form of the bones in the sternum of very young tortoises, and their development
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 319, Date 1873
XLIII.—On spontaneous division in the echinodermata and other radiata
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 323, Date 1873
On a new species of Bubaline (Alcelaphus tora) from Abyssinia
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 341, Date 1873
On Rhopalorhynchus Kröyeri, a new genus and species of Pycnogonida
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 342, Date 1873
On the development of Distomum nodulosum
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 345, Date 1873
Note on certain species of Phasmidæ hitherto referred to the genus Bacillus
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 347, Date 1873
On the Hexactinellidae and Lithistidae generally,and particularly on the Aphrocallistidae, Aulodictyon, and Farreae, together with Facts elicited from their Deciduous Structures and Descriptions respectively of Three New Species
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 349, Date 1873
XLV.—On three new species of birds from Chefoo (North China)
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 373, Date 1873
On the Longicorn Coleoptera of Japan
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 380, Date 1873
XLVIII.—On spontaneous division in the Echinodermata and other Radiata
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 391, Date 1873
XLIX.—Notes on some New-Zealand Fishes
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 400, Date 1873
L.—Description of a new species of freshwater crayfish from New Zealand
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 402, Date 1873
LII.—Notes on the rats; with the description of some new species from Panama and the Aru Islands
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 416, Date 1873
The sea and its living wonders; a popular account of the marvels of the deep, and of the progress of maritime discovery from the earliest ages to the present time. By Dr. G. Hartwig. 4th edition. 8vo. Longmans: London, 1873
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 419, Date 1873
Outlines of natural history for beginners, being descriptions of a progressive series of zoological types. By H. Alleyne Nicholson, M.D. &c. 1280. Blackwood: Edinburgh and London, 1873
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 420, Date 1873
Endomycict Recitati. A catalogue of the Endomycici, &c., with descriptions of new species and notes. With a plate by E. W. Robinson. By Henry Stephen Gorham, Vicar of Shipley, Sussex. Williams and Norgate
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 421, Date 1873
On the respiratory organs of the Araneida
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 422, Date 1873
Migrations of Danais Archippus
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 425, Date 1873
On the wood-deer of Brazil (Blastocerus sylvestris)
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 426, Date 1873
Dolphins from the Cape of Good Hope
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 427, Date 1873
Experiments on the scolex of Tænia mediocanellata
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 428, Date 1873
On a new genus and species of the family Trochilidæ
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 429, Date 1873
LIII.—On the protection of pollen from premature dislodgment or moisture
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 431, Date 1873
LIV.—On the Hexacutinellidæ and Lithistidæ generally, and particularly on the Aphorcallistidæ, Aulodictyon, and Farreæ, together with facts elicited from their deciduous structures, and descriptions respectively of three new species
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 437, Date 1873
LV.—Descriptions of new genera and species of Heteromera, chiefly from New Zealand and New Caledonia, together with a revision of the genus Hypaulax and a description of an allied new genus from Colombia
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 472, Date 1873
LVI.—On the Great Northern Falcons
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 485, Date 1873
LVII.—Descriptions of three new species of asiatic birds
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 487, Date 1873
LVIII.—Reply to Dr. J. E. Gray's observations on certain species of sponges described in the ‘Proceedings of the Zoological Society’ for 1873
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 488, Date 1873
The Recent and Fossil Foraminifera of Belgium. By MM. H. J. Miller and E. Vanden Broeck. (Les Foraminifères, &c.) 8vo. pp. 34 and Tables. Brussels, 1873
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 494, Date 1873
Mr. Albany Hancock
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 495, Date 1873
On a variety of Chersina angulata
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 496, Date 1873
Fertilization of Pedicularis canadensis
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 497, Date 1873
Bos brachyceros, the West-African buffalo, and the Dwarf buffalo of Pennant
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 499, Date 1873
On the vascular system of the ascidia
Ser 4, Vol 12, Page 501, Date 1873