Natural history notes from H.M. royal Indian marine survey ship Investigator, Commander T.H. Heming, R.N., commanding. Ser. III, No. 2. An account of the deep-sea Crustacea dredged during the surveying-season of 1897-1898
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 1, Date 1899
III.—On some small mammals from the District of Cuzco, Peru
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 40, Date 1899
V.—Description of a new scale-insect of the genus Walkeriana
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 45, Date 1899
VI.—Note on the genus Grammatodon, Meek and Hayden
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 47, Date 1899
VIII.—The Land Isopoda of Madeira
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 66, Date 1899
X.—A second recent shell of Helix Lowei, Férussac
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 79, Date 1899
XI.—On two undescribed Cicadas from the Transvaal
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 81, Date 1899
The genus Poecilotheria: its habits, history and species
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 82, Date 1899
XIII.—Notes on the family Hetrodidæ, with a list of the described species
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 97, Date 1899
New species of Oriental Lepidoptera
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 102, Date 1899
XV.—On the localization of the regenerative surfaces in the Phasmidæ
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 117, Date 1899
Note on Papilio glycerion, Gray
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 119, Date 1899
XVII.—A re-examination of Hutton's types of New Zealand earthworms
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 136, Date 1899
XVIII.—Notes on the family Hetrodidæ, with a list of the described species
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 141, Date 1899
XIX.—Hippolyte fascigera, Gosse, and H. gracilis (Heller)
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 147, Date 1899
XX.—On Siriella armata (M.-Edw.) and the reputed occurrence of S. frontalis (M.-Edw.) in British seas
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 151, Date 1899
XXI.—On new small mammals from South America
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 152, Date 1899
XXII.—Descriptions of some new species of Napeogenes
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 155, Date 1899
XXIII.—On the probable mode of formation of the fusion between the femur and trochanter in Arthropods
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 158, Date 1899
XXVI.—Notes on the tentacles of Nautilus pompilius
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 170, Date 1899
XXIX.—On a specimen of Lepidopus atlanticus, Goode & Bean, from Madeira
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 180, Date 1899
XXX.—On the preliminary stages and mode of escape of the imago in the dipterous genus Xylomyia, Rond. (Subula, Mg. et auct.), with especial reference to Xylomyia maculata, F.; and on the systematic position of the genus
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 181, Date 1899
The Study of Man. By Alfred C. Haddon. 8vo. Pages xxxi and 512. With 49 Woodcuts and 8 Plates. Bliss and Co., London; Putnam and Sons, New York. 1898
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 190, Date 1899
Trouessart's Catalogue of Mammals
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 193, Date 1899
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 195, Date 1899
XXXI.—Note on the sexual characters of Ligia oceanica
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 197, Date 1899
XXXII.—A revision of the Pierine genus Huphina, with notes on the seasonal phases and descriptions of new species
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 201, Date 1899
XXXIII.—List of fishes collected during the Peary Auxiliary Expedition, 1894
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 214, Date 1899
XXXV.—Note on the Sicilian dormice of the genera Eliomys and Glis
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 226, Date 1899
XXXVI.—Descriptions of some new species of Heterocera from Tropical America, Africa, and the Eastern Islands
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 228, Date 1899
On the true Podocerus and some new genera of amphipods
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 237, Date 1899
Description of a new osphromenoid fish from the Congo
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 242, Date 1899
XXXIX.—Description of two new butterflies collected by Major E. M. Woodward in Nandi, Equatorial Africa
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 243, Date 1899
XL.—On some Tertiary Foraminifera from Borneo collected by Professor Molengraaff and the late Mr. A. H. Everett, and their comparison with similar forms from Sumatra
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 245, Date 1899
XLI.—The outcome of a South-Sea voyage
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 264, Date 1899
Bibliographical notice
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 268, Date 1899
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 270, Date 1899
XLIV.—Descriptions of some new species of Heterocera from Tropical America
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 293, Date 1899
XLVII.—Note on the harvest-mice of the Palæarctic region
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 341, Date 1899
XLVIII.—On the South-Pacific fishes of the genus Callanthias
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 346, Date 1899
XLIX.—A new stridulating Theraphosid spider from South America
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 347, Date 1899
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 349, Date 1899
Revision of Amphipoda
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 350, Date 1899
L.—On the Cretaceous fish Plethodus
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 353, Date 1899
On a collection of Odonata (Dragonflies) from Panama
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 362, Date 1899
LII.—Descriptions of two new moths collected by Dr. Christy on the Upper Niger
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 371, Date 1899
LIII.—A revision of the Dismorphina of the New World, with descriptions of new species
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 373, Date 1899
Notes on the faculty of changing colour in reptiles
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 396, Date 1899
The poisonous snakes of British Guiana
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 402, Date 1899
LVII.—Diagnoses of new species of Land-Shells from the Islands of Flores, Sumbawa, and Sumba
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 409, Date 1899
Descriptions of some new species of scorpions
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 411, Date 1899
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 425, Date 1899
LX.—Note on the occurrence of Cytheridea castanea, G. S. Brady, in a surface-deposit in the vicinity of Buenos Ayres, South America
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 454, Date 1899
LXI.—Embryology of Ophiocoma echinata, Agassiz. (Preliminary note.)
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 456, Date 1899
LXII.—Some apparently undescribed insects from the Transvaal
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 461, Date 1899
LXIII.—Descriptions of some new species of Heterocera from Tropical America, Africa, India, and the Eastern Islands
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 465, Date 1899
LXIV.—Notes on a collection of Gryllidæ, Stenopelmatidæ, Gryllacridæ, and Hetrodidæ formed by Mr. W. L. Distant in the Transvaal and other South- and East-African localities
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 475, Date 1899
LXV.—On one little-known and one hitherto unknown species of Saurocephalus
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 480, Date 1899
LXVI.—Note on Scapanorhynchus, a Cretaceous shark apparently surviving in Japanese Seas
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 487, Date 1899
LXVIII.—Four new bees of the genus Perdita collected by Dr. L. O. Howard in Mexico
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 492, Date 1899
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 7, Vol 3, Page 495, Date 1899