Propagation and Perception of Bioluminescence: Factors Affecting Counterillumination as a Cryptic Strategy
Vol 207, Page 1, Date 2004-08-01
Effect of Zooid Spacing on Bryozoan Feeding Success: Is Competition or Facilitation More Important?
Vol 207, Page 17, Date 2004-08-01
Rapid Behavioral Responses of an Invertebrate Larva to Dissolved Settlement Cue
Vol 207, Page 28, Date 2004-08-01
Effects of Odor Flux and Pulse Rate on Chemosensory Tracking in Turbulent Odor Plumes by the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus
Vol 207, Page 44, Date 2004-08-01
Cytoskeletal Organization of Limulus Amebocytes Pre- and Post-Activation: Comparative Aspects
Vol 207, Page 56, Date 2004-08-01
Phylogenetic Placement of "Zoochlorellae" (Chlorophyta), Algal Symbiont of the Temperate Sea Anemone Anthopleura elegantissima
Vol 207, Page 87, Date 2004-10-01
Patterns in Early Embryonic Motility: Effects of Size and Environmental Temperature on Vertical Velocities of Sinking and Swimming Echinoid Blastulae
Vol 207, Page 93, Date 2004-10-01
A Waterborne Behavioral Cue for the Actinotroch Larva of Phoronis pallida (Phoronida) Produced by Upogebia pugettensis (Decapoda: Thalassinidea)
Vol 207, Page 103, Date 2004-10-01
Microscaling: Why Larger Anemones Have Longer Cnidae
Vol 207, Page 116, Date 2004-10-01
Predation Resistance and Nematocyst Scaling for Metridium senile and M. farcimen
Vol 207, Page 130, Date 2004-10-01
Evidence for a Common Pattern of Peptidergic Innervation of Cnidocytes
Vol 207, Page 141, Date 2004-10-01
The MBL Awards for 2004
Vol 207, Page 151, Date 2004-10-01
Mechanosensory Neurons With Bend- and Osmo-sensitivity in Mouthpart Setae From the Spiny Lobster Panulirus argus
Vol 207, Page 195, Date 2004-12-01
Physiological and Morphological Identification of Photosensitive Neurons in the Opisthosomal Ganglia of Limulus polyphemus
Vol 207, Page 209, Date 2004-12-01
Passive Flow Through an Unstalked Intertidal Ascidian: Orientation and Morphology Enhance Suspension Feeding in Pyura stolonifera
Vol 207, Page 217, Date 2004-12-01
Seasonal Acclimatization of Antioxidants and Photosynthesis in Chondrus crispus and Mastocarpus stellatus, Two Co-Occurring Red Algae With Differing Stress Tolerances
Vol 207, Page 225, Date 2004-12-01
Developmental Dimorphism: Consequences for Larval Behavior and Dispersal Potential in a Marine Gastropod
Vol 207, Page 233, Date 2004-12-01
Chromosomal Rearrangement in Pectinidae Revealed by rRNA Loci and Implications for Bivalve Evolution
Vol 207, Page 247, Date 2004-12-01