Notes on an Interesting Collection of Fossil Fruits from Vermont, in the Museum of the Geological Survey of Canada
Vol 20, Iss 1, Page 15
On the Structure of Roots
Vol 20, Iss 1, Page 18
A May Morning with the Birds in New Brunswick
Vol 20, Iss 1, Page 22
Spergula arvensis L.
Vol 20, Iss 1, Page 24
Nature Study No. 33 - Definite Problems in Nature Study
Vol 20, Iss 1, Page 25
Bird Notes
Vol 20, Iss 2, Page 40
The Ottawa Species of Eriophorum
Vol 20, Iss 2, Page 41
Mosses with a Hand-Lens: A New Nature Study Book, by A. J. Grout [Review]
Vol 20, Iss 2, Page 44
Nature Study No. 34 - A Cement Sidewalk
Vol 20, Iss 2, Page 45
A Sagatious Crow
Vol 20, Iss 3, Page 49
The Chambord Meteroite
Vol 20, Iss 3, Page 51
Notes on the Eggs of the Solitary Sandpiper
Vol 20, Iss 3, Page 52
Nesting of Wilson's Snipe
Vol 20, Iss 3, Page 53
Chrysanthemum leucanthremium L.
Vol 20, Iss 3, Page 55
Zoological Report 1906
Vol 20, Iss 3, Page 56
Eriophorum russeolum, Fr. vs. E. chamissonis, C. A. Mey
Vol 20, Iss 3, Page 62
The Identity of Eriophorum chamissonis and E. Russeolum
Vol 20, Iss 3, Page 62
Nature Study No. 35 - The Galt Park Wild-Flower Garden
Vol 20, Iss 3, Page 67
Some Canadian Antennarias III
Vol 20, Iss 4, Page 71
The Caribou of Queen Charlotte Islands
Vol 20, Iss 4, Page 73
Ivy Poisoning and its Treatment
Vol 20, Iss 4, Page 77
The Great Gray Owl
Vol 20, Iss 4, Page 79
Curious Natural Freak
Vol 20, Iss 4, Page 81
Report of the Entomological Branch, 1907
Vol 20, Iss 4, Page 82
Records of rare birds in the Maritime Provinces, 1905
Vol 20, Iss 4, Page 88
Nature Study No. 36 - Chemical Union
Vol 20, Iss 4, Page 89
The Species of Botryocrinus
Vol 20, Iss 5, Page 93
Some New Plants from the Canadian Rockies and Selkirks
Vol 20, Iss 5, Page 105
Richardson's Merlin
Vol 20, Iss 5, Page 111
The Golden Winged Warbler in Manitoba
Vol 20, Iss 5, Page 112
Vol 20, Iss 5, Page 113
Mountain Wild Flowers of Canada, by Julia Henshaw [Review]
Vol 20, Iss 5, Page 114
Notes on some Land and Fresh Water Shells from British Columbia
Vol 20, Iss 6, Page 115
Extracts from the Diary of the late Robt. Elliott (Continued from Vol. XIX p. 178)
Vol 20, Iss 6, Page 120
Bird Migration, 1905
Vol 20, Iss 6, Page 127
Vol 20, Iss 6, Page 131
Mosses with a Hand-Lens: A New Nature Study Book, by A. J. Grout [Review]
Vol 20, Iss 6, Page 132
Notes on Cyrtoceras cuneatum
Vol 20, Iss 7, Page 133
Contributions to Canadian Botany XVII
Vol 20, Iss 7, Page 135
The Spring Migration of Birds at Ottawa of the year 1906, compared with that of other seasons
Vol 20, Iss 7, Page 144
Nature Study No. 37 - The Cecropia Emporor Moth
Vol 20, Iss 7, Page 149
Animal Coloration
Vol 20, Iss 8, Page 153
Contributions to Canadian Botany XVIII
Vol 20, Iss 8, Page 162
Limnaea megasoma
Vol 20, Iss 8, Page 172
Nature Study No. 38 - School Exhibits of Pressed Plants
Vol 20, Iss 8, Page 173
The Cryptogamic Flora of Ottawa
Vol 20, Iss 9, Page 177
An addition to our Manitoba Warblers
Vol 20, Iss 9, Page 189
Cecropia Emperor Moth
Vol 20, Iss 9, Page 189
Note on the "Teal-Weed " of St. Clair Flats
Vol 20, Iss 9, Page 190
Studies of Plant Life in Canada, by Catherine Parr Trail [Review]
Vol 20, Iss 9, Page 191
Nature Study No. 39 - Agencies for the Promotion of Nature-Study in Canada
Vol 20, Iss 9, Page 193
Description of Eupithecia fletcherata, a Geometric Moth from Ottawa, New to Science
Vol 20, Iss 10, Page 200
Infusorial Earth near Lake Windemere, B. C
Vol 20, Iss 10, Page 205
Nature Study No. 40 - Manual Training - the Mechanical Hobby
Vol 20, Iss 10, Page 207
A Swarm of Butterflies
Vol 20, Iss 11, Page 211
The Fulvous Tree-Duck in British Columbia
Vol 20, Iss 11, Page 213
Notes on the Skeleton of a White Whale or Beluga, Recently Discovered in Pleistocene Deposits at Pakenham, Ontario
Vol 20, Iss 11, Page 214
Some Notes on Winter Birds
Vol 20, Iss 11, Page 217
Nature Study No. 41 - Manual Training II, The Machinist's Art
Vol 20, Iss 11, Page 225
Some Curious Facts about Fishes
Vol 20, Iss 12, Page 229
The Disappearance of the Passenger Pigeon
Vol 20, Iss 12, Page 236
Vol 20, Iss 12, Page 238
Notes on some Fresh- Water Shells from Manitoba
Vol 20, Iss 12, Page 239
Meteorological Observations at Ottawa
Vol 20, Iss 12, Page 241
Nature Study No. 42 - The Relation of Sparrows to Agriculture
Vol 20, Iss 12, Page 247